Meet the Blogger: Jenny from The Swede Records

April 26, 2010

Tell us why you started The Swede Records.

With Jonas’s family in Sweden and phone calls few and far in between, we wanted to find a fun & easy way for our families to see what we were up to.  I already had a Tumblr & really enjoyed blogging so when I came across a few “couples” blogs, I thought it would be a really fun thing to do.
You are getting married in a little over a month! What are you most looking forward to about marriage?
Oh gosh, everything!  First off, I’m excited to say my vows…to make my promise in front of God and all of my family & friends to love Jonas in every sense of the word, until the day I die.  I’m also looking forward to calling him my husband, buying a home, having babies, & really building a life together.  My parents have been married for 30 years & they have had such an amazing life together, I hope to follow in their footsteps and be a good example to my children.

You have an incredible voice, and almost went into singing, what made you decide to do screenplays?
That’s so sweet, thank you! I was strongly considering pursuing a music career and wanted to for as long as I can remember but after getting my “dream job” at Universal Music, I was a little bit turned off by the industry and its “Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll” mentality (just not my scene).
My brother Jon is a Screenwriter/Director & is so passionate about movie making which I found very intriguing.  One day, I told him several ideas I had for different movies & he said to me, “Well, why don’t you write them?” I didn’t even ponder that possibility before. I couldn’t stop thinking about what he said & just decided to research & learn more about screenwriting.  I’m so happy that I listened because it’s become my passion & I really feel like I this is what I was meant to do.
Where do you go to for inspiration?
I tend to surround myself with goal-oriented individuals.  People who work hard towards their goals & who push me to do more, be more, volunteer, work harder, etc.  I believe that we are the product of our environments so I enjoy being with positive people who push themselves in all areas of their life and inspire me to do the same. 

Do you have a closet obsession? (aka secret guilty pleasure)
I’m pretty good about moderation when it comes to shopping although Jonas always tells me that I have way too many clothes 😉  The one thing though that I have drawers full of is lip gloss.  I buy like 15 tubes at a time at Sephora & can’t leave a store without buying one.  I don’t know what it is about it but I literally freak out if I go out & I forget to bring some…

Find more Jenny May Here:

* Thank you Jenny May for the interview! Jenny and I met our Freshmen Year of college! She was  the friend that got me through my first semester with her amazingly sweet personality and friendship. We had an 8 am political science class together! ha! I was so sad when she transferred to California, but obviously God had big plans for her:)*

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