Inspiration: Crystal of Plush Palate

May 24, 2010

In five words describe Crystal: passionate, poised, philosophical, strong, and grateful.  

When did you decide to start blogging and what directed the theme?: 
I started blogging in November 2008 (tough it didn’t become a daily habit until May 2009) after reading an article written by a popular food blogger and fellow Tufts University graduate, The Wednesday Chef, in my alumni magazine. After visiting her blog, I thought, I want to try this! I instantly fell in love with that feeling of being ‘published’ and putting my inspirations and thoughts out into the universe. The funny thing is, I started as a fashion blogger because that’s what I was interested at the time, but through time my interest evolved into interior design. So in many ways, blogging helped me unearth my true passion at a time when I was searching for my career calling. It’s catapulted me into a career I absolutely love…and for that I’m endlessly grateful. 

Where do you go for design inspiration?: 
For inspiration I turn to my favorite design blogs. There are so many amazingly talented bloggers out there and I am constantly impressed by their intelligence, hard work, and creativity. They push me to challenge my own writing skills and to continue to hone my eye for design. For me it’s important not to become complacent and to always be evolving. The design blog community helps inspire me to do that, while offering me support, camaraderie, and friendship. I can’t even begin to tell you how many deep and meaningful friendships I’ve made through blogging!

What do you find catches your eye when it comes to interior space? 
A sense of harmony and serenity. Sometimes you can’t explain it, but a room just feels right. Of course it has everything to do with the perfect composition of symmetry, scale, contrast, balance and more….but that’s the behind the scenes stuff of what makes me feel wonderful in a space. I’m also drawn to neutral color palettes, a mix of rustic and modern, and attention grabbing decor at the moment. 

Just for fun, what would you say are your designer must haves? 
In fashion? Jimmy Choo heels (so comfy) and a Bottega Veneta purse (still dreaming of owning one someday…). In interiors? A Saarinen marble top tulip table and Sferra bedding. 

Find more of Crystal and Plush Palate Here:

* Thank you so much Crystal for sharing some inspiration with us. Be sure and check out this lovely lady’s blog! You will find so many things to love about it:)

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