Tips 2 Take With You: Branding Your Business

February 24, 2011

Whether you are a major corporation or a small indie business, you realize how important it is to have strong visuals to represent your company. When I first started IHOD, I knew I needed a logo, business card, and etsy banner that were consistent to my brand. I have since then branded and re-branded until I finally came to a look and feel that I felt best represented my business. I want to show you TWO examples that I feel are excellent guides for an overall consistent, clean, and attractive business branding schemes that have been largely successful in their fields! I will be going more into depth in the coming weeks on logos, business cards, fan pages, etc.! So stay tuned.
If you know Danni, you love her and her work! She runs the very successful inspiration blog: Hello, Friend. You can see that each part of her business has a beautiful and consistent aesthetic which gives you a taste of what her business is about. Her blog, shop, and business cards are just a few examples of this.  
What she says about her blog: welcome to oh, hello friend: an inspiration blog. i love to create and design. i originally started this blog for myself to have a creative outlet to post about design, crafts, etc. my hope for you is to be encouraged, inspired, motivated to create for yourself.
(You can see through her work, Danni successfully carries this out in everything she does!)
A question to ask yourself: If someone saw my work on a website or in real life, would they be able to recognize it as mine?

Lonny Mission Statement: OUR MISSION Is to open the doors to accessible design and connect our readers to their favorite products and resources at the click of a mouse. Our freedom from page limits means that we can share more content in each issue, delivering an intimate look into the way people really live.

If you haven’t yet read Lonny Magazine, you might as well admit you have been living under a rock. (Its okay I live under one voluntarily sometimes:D) What I was instantly drawn to about Lonny Magazine was the professional branding. Each and every aspect of their business has a fluid design concept. (Props to their graphic designers!) Go ahead and take a look at their site, blog, or fan page, and you will know what I am talking about.
A Question to Ask Yourself: What do I want a customer or viewer to experience when on your site or holding your materials? Inspiration? Connection to the Product? 
You may not know the answer to that question yet, but I guarantee that once you decide and incorporate this into your branding scheme, it will most likely translate to the viewer. So, whether you are starting your branding from scratch or have been with your business for many years, take these incredible companies as an example of how to take your business to the next level!
In Summary:
1) Take a good look at your motto or mission statement for your company and see if your branding visuals match up! It just takes one visit to your shop or site for an impression to be made!
2) Brand or Re-brand! Have consistent color schemes, branding elements, and materials to utilize in each aspect of your business. Whether its facebook, twitter, your blog, website, or business cards,  EVERY ASPECT of your business should have a consistent and recognizeable brand identity!

I hope this can be of some help to you, because like I said before, I would have loved some tips when I first started my business. My own is a work in progress and I am learning along with you! If you have any specific subjects you would love to hear more about in this series, shoot me an email or leave a comment! Happy Almost Weekend!!

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  • Anna, this is a really important topic and Oh, Hello Friend and Lonny are both GREAT examples of beautiful branding!! I find that although I completely understand the importance of branding, I have such a hard time really nailing it down for my business and keep feeling the need to define it so much more than I have so far. I need a much bigger kick in the pants to figure it out!! 🙂 I feel like…I have the look in my head and need to figure out HOW to really transfer it into all the visuals… ohhh dear! 🙂

  • this is such a great post. it is really going to help while i brainstorm my branding. thank you 🙂

  • Great post! I’m looking to revamp my beauty blog but want to stay within the same theme as sometimes readers resist change.

  • Great examples. I love Oh, Hello Friend!

  • I have a hard time figuring it out for myself as well, but I think it’s because we are our own worst critics. I’ve been searching around for designers who can assist me just so it frees me up to work on my own craft!

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  • this is such a great post anna! i LOVE danni’s branding and all that she does!!

  • this is brilliant. love the post. and for the record, i think you are a great representation of good branding. xx

  • Great post, Anna! I love both of these examples. I have had such a hard time with my overall branding (website, etsy, cards, etc). I try and then second guess immediately. Sometimes I think it would be easier to just have someone tell me what it should look like. It is definitely something I need to work on more. This gives me some push. *Carrie

  • Thanks for this post! And what great timing. We are currently building our brand (site launch in T-1 week, fingers crossed). We are always very conscious of branding our little company — from business cards and flyers down to the colors we wear when we’re out at fairs and events! Sometimes it feels like we’re going overboard, but our signature really seems to resonate with people. And it’s always good to see that successful blog/business owners like your lovely self agree with the strategy!

    Cheers! 🙂


  • Thank you for showing two of my favs!! Beautiful brands and branding!

  • Great advice and much needed! I desperately need to revamp my blog, but I’m still undecided about what to do )c: I guess I need to have a good “sit down” with myself…(c:

  • excellent post anna! i agree ~ branding is so important even though it is a lot of work. you have definitely branded yourself, business, and blog beautifully!

  • great post and excellent examples! your business is a great example too 🙂

  • Anna, I am so honored that you would choose to use my brand as an example for successful branding – Thank you so much for this! It is really an important and interesting topic, I am always trying to find ways to integrate my brand together and it’s so fun to get creative! Love your brand too, thanks again friend! xo. danni

  • What a visually compelling post, thank you for sharing! xo

  • Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing with us.

  • This was a really great post. I actually read through it twice and bookmarked it…can’t wait to see what else you post about on this topic. I’m right at the early beginnings of starting my own business and incorporating my photography and etsy and all of it….it’s JUST SO overwhelming. Especially with all of the inspiration out there. And i have a fear that whatever I choose I’ll get tired of in two months. So many decisions:) But I’m glad I have to make them, it’s an amazing feeling to be able to do exactly what I want to be doing!! Hopefully someday I’ll be even half as successful as you! Your branding is another great example for sure 🙂

  • This is such a great post! Since I had my son I have been seriously thinking about going into business for myself….It’s a scary thought, but I would love more home time with my little one.

  • this is awesome. i’d never considered that before.

  • very great examples! this is something that I have been thinking about for a while now, but have yet to come up with the look I want. It’s so very important though, you’re absolutely bang on!

  • What a wonderfully informative post! I look forward to the rest in the series!

  • Anna, this post is wonderful, and gives me so much to think about! I have some projects in the works for the rest of the year and I’ll need this advice. Thank you!

  • Bookmarking this! JUST what I needed to hear, meant for me, k thanks! Lol I JUST was thinking how amazing and cute hello friend’s blog was just a second ago. I am going to keep revamping and changing mine until I like it too, great advice thank you!!!

  • Thank you for the advice and this informative post. Your questions are helping me think about what direction I want to take my blog in the coming year!

  • This is such a cute site. I love it. I am for sure adding it to my blogs on my blog!

  • love this. keep the tips coming… i’m looking forward to them! : ) i’m trying to think of something unique to start making and selling (still waiting for my creativity to arrive! haha)… i dream of having an etsy. i’m filing this info away for a special day when my dreams come true! btw, i must say that you have done a beautiful job with branding.

  • Nice! Really cool stuff and very inspiring. Thanks for sharing!

  • you do a great job branding!

    i am a branding girl {by trade}, and love what you are saying. preach it sister!

    consistency is key… and you have to remember who you audience is! {…or who you “aspire” for it to be!} 🙂

  • This is such a great post! Thank you so much. It really helped me to think through my business ideas.

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