DIY: No-Sew Scallop Edge Lace Skirt

February 23, 2012

My lovely sister Jana gave me some lace fabric, and I immediately thought of converting it into a lace skirt. This is one you can layer on top of any color skirt…
Lace fabric – approx. 1 yard
Zipper (found a set here)
Hem Tape
Skirt you will wear underneath.

1) Fold your fabric in half evenly and lay underneath the skirt you will wear over. Line the tops together.
Cut along the sides leaving a 1/4-1/2 inch on either side. (I did not cut along the left side since it was a fold, and only cut along the top of that side.
2) Using an iron, fold edges over and place hem tape between. Seal edges.
3) Using hem tape, seal the zipper to the edges on the top section of both sides using the iron.
4. Over lap the rest of the sides slightly and seal with hem tape. Also seal the last top section of the right side to fit your waist line accordingly.
5. Depending on your fabric, you should be able to cut along the pattern to create a scallop edge.
(To make it long lasting and durable cut the same way but stitch/sew along the edges!)

{Neon Cardi & Skinny Belt: F21, Striped Tee: HM, Dress Skirt: Banana Republic Necklace: c/o BMB, Rosary Bracelet: Gift from Dad}
I will be pulling this out all spring/summer. Hope this inspires you to make the most of that fabric you have laying around and get creative with it! 
And thank you all for continuing to be amazing readers. Love hearing from you. I don’t have very much time to read and visit all my favorite blogs these days due to the babies, and ever growing to-do list, but when I do get the time, I will be visiting! 

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