Real Chat: When busy takes over.

September 24, 2013

Printed Boots | IHOD
Printed Fall Boots | IHOD
easy layers | IHOD
Aztec Boots | IHOD

THE boots – Sofft Shoes  c/o
Denim – Henry and Belle c/o
Piko Top : Kiki LaRue c/o (re-mixed here)
Shades: Ray Ban c/o
Watch: ALDO

We did end up making it up to the Georgia Mountains over the weekend to go apple picking. We were lucky to have a beautiful day to accompany the trip. (More pics here.) It was the very first day of fall, and I didn’t wait a day later to whip out THE boots I have been dying to wear. It made me so happy to see my little ones have such a fun time. Veronica was even brave enough to ride a pony. Made me so proud:)

I had a lot of time to think during our drive up. When you are surrounded by nature and its perfect goodness, its easy to have some deep reflections (especially we melancholics;)). I have a loved one going through some physical sufferings right now as a result of a good deal of stress. Its crazy how connected our bodies, minds, and souls are. Through her healing we are all learning new things. I started to think about how this world can glorify the BUSY life. My friend Kelli also wrote about this and admire how she is handling it.

Go go go, work and play, and do it all with a smile. I think in truth we were not meant to be so busy. Our bodies are not designed to handle loads of activity and stress. Sure, we may adapt and adjust and do just fine, but at the end of the day, the majority of us suffer as a result of putting all the BUSY in front of our own needs and our families real needs.

After you have a baby, your life naturally shifts and adjusts. You need to reassess every few months to see if every one is doing okay and if anything needs to change. After Max came along, I tried to juggle everything I was doing before he came and still give the best of me to each of my children and my husband. I am sure you can guess how that went. It resulted in a lot tears….from both my kids and I….and a breaking point which forced me to evaluate my full plate and what had to go.

I was working the same hours in my graphic design job which I loved, and was pulling in that extra income we needed. I was starting a new business, running the blog, and attempting to have the house clean and dinner made by 5:30. Every minute of every day was occupied. I didn’t take the time to rest that you should be doing after you have a new baby. Reality called.

Gabe reminded me that if I was losing my sanity in the process of “balancing it all”, than something was out of order. Our children just need love. They need the best of us….not our leftovers after serving everything else on our plate. Even if everything else on that plate are all good things, it can still consume you, and over take those things that are most important.

I since have parted ways with my graphic design jobs…even though I loved the work and the additional income was a security for us, I have to trust it will be for the benefit of my family. I have gotten back into a time of mediation and prayer in the morning, and exercise at night. These simple changes have freed my spirit and mind in drastic ways, and as a result, I am a more patient mama and a more present wife. Not perfect….far from it, but hopefully improving each day.

We all need maintenance every once in a while. A time to take a look at our lives and see what is front and center. I know if my God and my family are not the main part of my day, than something is off kilter. I am fighting. Each day I am fighting the temptation to be busy and overfill my day. I am learning to say no, learning that its okay to ignore my inbox sometimes, and learning to say yes to needing help more often. I am especially learning to just be. Hold my baby and stare at him as much as possible, have art project time with Veronica uninterrupted (she eats up the attention), ask Gabriel about his train station masterpieces he builds, sitting and listening about my Gabe’s day, etc. etc. Being PRESENT in our loved ones life is the greatest gift we can give them.

One day at at time, with as much heart as I can muster.

A lot can run through your mind when you are in the glorious mountains of the south, huh? 


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  • beautiful, anna. I am trying to prepare myself for our new little boy coming soon-ish…knowing full well that I too will have to just let some things go (which is so hard for me- I love to keep busy, to create and accomplish every day), breathe, be VERY patient (even more so than I have to be with one now). It’ll be quite the adjustment, but I hope…so very much…that I will be able to face it with love and even joy. 🙂

    thank you for this reminder of things to come for me!


  • OMGGGG those look like Freebird boots.I’m in love – they look so great on you also!!!!

  • Oh Anna, I so needed this today. Trying to keep the balance, even with what seems like far less than what you balance, is hard. So hard. I’ve been really trying to focus on finding peace with certain things while letting go of others and trusting that it was the right thing. It takes a breaking point and a lot of prayer to figure out, doesn’t it always?

  • Anna, those boots! And I love this post. I find I’m happier when I’m busy but when I push the limits too far it’s a total backfire! Balance is definitely needed but so is freeing up time! Hang in there! And I still think you are Super Woman 🙂

  • Your blog has quickly become one of my favorites – you so beautifully balance the lovely parts of life with the realities of life with small children and trying to carve out a career while staying home. I love every word you write.

    And I especially love how quick you are to share other people’s blog posts – I’ve discovered so many wonderful blogs because of you. Thank you!

  • Oh Anna, this is beautiful. It hits so close to home and was something I really needed to hear today. Sometimes even if you know exactly what is wrong, it helps when you hear it from others. I’m fighting with you!

  • Thank you so much for this beautiful post. It brought me to tears right at my desk because it help me realize that I’m struggling with the same balancing act, I’m just in a different place in my life. I graduated in May, got married in June, and started my full time job immediately after the honeymoon. I’m finding it hard to prioritize the things that are really important, like prayer and learning how to be a good wife, while at the same time helping my husband to build up our savings in preparation for a family. Thank you for the little bit of inspiration to step back at look at the big picture, and to re-evaluate things a little. I’ll keep you in my prayers, and please keep me in yours!

  • Awesome post, Anna! And so true. And we have those seasons in our family regardless of the ages of our children. I also do some freelance work from home, but have cut back as well for now, even though we could really use the income. Jim is working his “regular” job, has a very challenging role with the Army Reserves right now that takes up almost as much time as a full time job, AND he’s finishing his 2nd year of a Masters program with the Army. I needed to step back and be able to pick up the slack – both for him and for the good of our family – even though our kids are all older. Our oldest son is a senior this year as well, so the looming date of departure makes me want to spend as much time as possible with him. Hearing God’s call for our family and what is best at any time helps us to adjust course when we really need to do so. Love the boots!

  • I am obsessed with those boots. SO CUTE!

  • Thank you for this post Anna – it is a great reminder to evaluate and accept the reality that things have to change from time to time. I appreciate your honesty and your fight 🙂 Keep up the good work!

  • Such a fantastic post, Anna! Something that I’m struggling with at this very moment! Since I started my blog, I feel like I’ve been ‘go go go’ all the time, especially since I have a full-time graphics job as well! I can’t imagine how it was for you along with having a family to care for! I don’t mind it as much, I like to stay busy, but I most certainly need to figure out how to get some exercise and even time for my boyfriend into my day!! This post really means a lot and I’m so happy to see that it can be done – SO inspirational!

  • Not a mama on my end Anna but I can relate to running yourself ragged. Sometimes I feel like if I’m not working, what am I doing? Recently I’ve started *chillin’* more. Part of me calls it “slacking” but the other part loves it. I find catching up on my favorite Netflix show or sitting outside playing a game on my phone is so relaxing. Such small things but when you have a business you can do from home its easy for your home to become the place you house your business. Its hard to let go of things that bring us security sometimes (especially financial) or to just take a breather from it all but when you finally do, the payoff is so worth it.

  • cute boots 😀
    xx Stephanie (

  • Beautifully written and you look gorgeous! xo Heidi

  • I recently posted something similar on my blog with a tidbit I found stating to “Rest before you get tired”. I agree that we have glorified the Busy in life and not the stillness. Trying to bring more stillness and quiet back into my life. It is a slow journey 😉 But one I will continue to travel.

    Wishes for a great week Anna!

  • You might like this article I recently read in First Things magazine…not exactly to your points, but on careers and motherhood and how they make for a “conflict in the soul.” So glad to hear you’ve been finding a better balance and that you’re making the most time for God and family! 🙂

  • You look amazing as always!!

    Take your time, it will all fall into place. God gives us seasons for a reason(no rhyme intended). I think you are doing a wonderful job and just need to listen to God, your Hubby and your body. Rest, rest when you can and don’t worry.

    I am a busy mom of 3 ages, 13, 11 and 7!! I have been there and still learning that there is a season for everything! Ecclesiastes 3:1

  • “Our children just need love.” Couldn’t be any more perfectly true. Happy to hear you unburdened yourself a bit.

  • So inspiring, Ana! It’s very easy to put the things we feel we need to do first before time with family. Thank you for this 🙂

  • Loved what you wrote. I feel the same way. My blog has been such a beautiful gift in my life and it does seem to take over because I love writing and posting things that inspire me, but it takes a great deal of time out of my day and I work full time as a teacher. Now lately my blog has grown a great deal and I’m starting to feel some pressure (that I put on myself) to continue to share good content on a daily basis. I have to tell myself to just share what I love and not share what I think my readers would love. I need to offer it up more to God and just say I will blog for as long as He wants me to. I do love that my blog has been a very positive experience for me and my readers have all been sweet! I don’t want to push myself to the limit everyday either because it does take a toll on your mind, body and spirit. Someone recently asked me to take over a big job as a volunteer and I was honest in saying if I did that I would have a nervous breakdown. It would be too much for this girl to handle. Ahhhh… Now I’m going to pray, put my feet up and relax! God bless you my sweet blog friend! You are a gem! XOXO

  • beautiful thoughts. thanks for sharing that – i need to remember, often, that those around me just need my love, not leftovers
    kw ladies in navy

  • […] get done what I should have. Apparently I haven’t been the only one evaluating this, as Anna and Jen have written. I’m trying to make the time to write (and do it even when I don’t […]

  • those boots are cute!

    – Janine

  • this is SO true. i don’t know how you handle three kiddos let alone all the other things too!

  • You speak the truth Anna. It’s an unfortunate obsession in our culture. I just keep going back to this image I pinned a year ago or so that says “It’s ok to be happy with a calm life.” I keep reminding myself of that. Busy does not necessarily equate with success or efficiency. And oof when you throw being a mama into the mix of usual busy it just takes it up a whole notch. Can’t even image how you juggle three! Glad to hear you’re slowing down and it’s a good reminder for all of us. Also, I think I need those boots :). xoxo

  • Totally agree with you Anna. I know how you feel. It is always good to let go of some thing and give time to spend with family and relax.Good luck dear.

  • You’re such a gorgeous lady, inside out. And I so missed your words. I had a looong break, a forced one, where I just couldn’t balance the every day. I am back – and this post makes me cry. On realizing that we are all a bit the same, dreaming of peace and joy with the loved ones. ready to catch up with you, love

  • It sounds like you have had lots of time to think and reflect. Gabe really does sound like a stand-up guy, the last line of the post really does ring true.

  • I loved this beautiful & transparent post. Priorities are critical for us mamas — you are doing a great job choosing your family over the other things. These little years are so very precious and you are sowing such important seeds of love and care. xo

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  • This is incredible; and so in line with what has been happening in my own heart and life since having my second child. Thanks for sharing; it’s good to see that everyone has to adjust and find a new beautiful balance frequently–especially with small children. Scary sometimes, but always beautiful and good. Blessings on you Anna! (And my foodblog has been what has taken a back seat for the time being–but I know it will be there when it makes sense to re-prioritize):) Loving following what you and your family are up to these days.

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