Veronica Rose – 3 years old

April 11, 2014

Birthday girl Veronica Rose

v and gabe


Veronica Rose,

It’s like you knew you were turning 3 because you have an extra dose of sass these days. You have the cutest cheeks I ever have seen and hope they never leave you! Here are some other favorite things about you right now…

You love to stuff random things in a purse to bring with her on errands with me.
You always has her shirt inside out and her pants backwards.
You take much pride in getting yourself dressed, so I let you have at it.
You like to tell “baby Max” everything you are excited about.
You think all of Gabriel’s friends are your friends too.
You like to have mama “paint da mails” (paint your nails).
You could throw a ball for hours and have quite a mean pitch.
You always have a song to sing and dance to, and are our own live jukebox.
You have a love for adventure and ask pop to swing you on your feet every day.
You and Gabriel squabble often, but have a strong bond. He loves to look out for you, and you love to get into whatever he is doing.
You might be as strong willed as your mother, which hopefully will be a good thing one day. In the meantime you will probably continue to see a lot of time out time…

I know God has a beautiful plan for your life, because you have already impacted ours very deeply! Happy birthday my wild flower! We love you even more than you love treats!

Mama and Pop…and Gaber and Moose

P.S. A look back at her birth storyfirst birthday, and 2nd birthday


V’s Dress from Flor de Luz, Headband from Jen Ann Style

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  • happy birthday to your little girl! she is so cute 🙂 xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  • Happy birthday to little V! The photo of her and her dad is heart meltingly sweet.

    My 3yo is also very strong-willed… so much timeout time, but hopefully it means she’ll never let anyone railroad her when she grows up! 😉

  • Pat schwab

    I had to laugh out loud when you told her you love her very much and she said “okay”. Miss my kids being so little.

  • I seriously love reading about your kiddos! Veronica is so adorable and everything you write about her makes me sigh or laugh! Glad you were all able to celebrate such a special day 🙂

    P.S. I know I’ve said it before but you have one of the most beautiful voices ever.

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