Outtake Reel: Fourth of July

July 7, 2014

backyard evenings4thProcessed with VSCOcam with f1 presetSteam engine paradeProcessed with VSCOcam with f1 preset

4th of July is a huge celebration in my extended family, but since we are traveling next week, we stayed put and enjoyed the long weekend with some friends. Fireworks, steam engine parade, pool time, s’more making…..you get the idea. I am taking some much needed time off in July for the most part. No big events, workshops, or even big blog projects (I have some content already done that I will be sharing:))!  For the first time in a looooong time, I had no big deadline looming over my head and was able to spend a solid four days with my sweet family with no interruptions. I even baked a pie friends. It was grand.

I think as a blogger there is a pressure we can put on ourselves to only post perfect photos. I value good photography and keeping strong visuals, but when it comes to my family, some of the best photos that capture the moment are in my outtake real. so I thought it would be appropriate to show you a bunch of outtake (and a few that made the instagram cut;)) snaps from my iphone that are actually some of my very favorite. Happy Monday. I know it might be a groggy one, so enjoy this.

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