
February 21, 2015

Some of the highlights getting me through the bitter cold over the last few weeks! …

Grey heels

I have a renewed love for thrifting, thanks to a few recent trips that landed me some vintage pumas, brand new grey suede pumps (here are some similar ones if you are looking for some!), and a vintage floor length camel coat that I have only been hunting down for at least 6 months;) And speaking of thrifting, here is a recent article on Verily Mag where I shared my thrifting tips alongside some other gals (who are actually more pro than me!).

Dessert TierPleat Street InteriorsTextile palates

My friends Emily and Viviana made their debut as Atlanta Interior Design specialists for Pleat Street Interiors! They had a brilliant Art + Interiors show which paired textile layouts to Fine Art paintings! They have such a knack for what they do, and I can’t wait to see the homes they put their spin on!

The Merchant ATL

Got lost in The Merchant ATL, where charm drips over every table top, wall, and corner. I spent two hours deciding everything was a must buy and walking out with a coffee mug?! I am so good at making decisions…(roll eyes).

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Taking a lot of short field trips with the kids in the mornings while Gabriel is at school. It helps to get our daily dose of fresh air. This picture makes me chuckle. We have no idea where Veronica got her sass….

We barely escaped the nationwide snow front somehow. Kind of wish it would have swept through. Better than rain! My little ones were wishing upon wishes for there to be snowflakes falling. Wishing you all a warm weekend!
x, Anna

P.S. I’ll be sharing a peak into my Saturday adventures tomorrow on West Elm Atlanta’s instagram handle if you want to see what’s in store:)

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