What I pack in my hospital bag.

July 31, 2015

What to pack in a hospital bag | IHODhospital bag spill

It’s safe to say I didn’t use half the things I packed in my hospital bag with my first baby boy (yeah you probably won’t have time to read that book…), and wish I had known about half the things I actually needed. Thanks to the experience of a few babies, but also talking with friends, and reading up on recs, I finally got it figured out. You don’t need much, but it sure helps to have a few lifesavers stowed away for the hospital! I’d love to hear your favorites as well.

Hospital bag breakdown:
Socks – they keep rooms pretty cold, and bringing your own blanket probably wouldn’t hurt either..
Phone & charger
Camera Bag – My personal favorite due to all the pockets and padding. (c/0)
Camera & Charger
You really want to get out of the itchy hospital gown as soon as you are able, so I usually bring a few comfortable pieces to change into when I get back to the recovery room. This robe was so soft and is convenient for nursing. 
Blanqi Support tanks and leggings
 Fantastic for post partum support. I wear these for weeks after. 
Nursing bras

Diffuser & Oils – my friend Christina made me a few mixes that helped with labor contractions, post uterus contractions, milk supply, etc. and I was able to use them in roller bottles and in a diffuser. It filled the room with an incredibly calm aroma and also made a big difference in labor and post delivery. (You can message her to get a hold of some!)
Larabars – I always crave hearty healthy food and those fill you up and give you much needed energy. I also find myself dreaming of ways to take home the hospital ice machine. THE perfect ice pellets.
A bag to fit everything in. – Mine pictured is old, but here is a similar one.
Your own pillow. – Because you guys, hospital pillows…
In addition to your standard toiletries, these are a few things that really come in handy:
Lip balms – you tend to have really dry lips during pregnancy and post birth, so pack your faves!
Lansinoh Gel pads & Lanolin – because holy smokes it’s painful to breastfeed the first few days.
Bottom spray – oh the wonders…and things they don’t tell you about post delivery;)
Disposable nursing pads

For baby:
Swaddle blankets – (The few I brought from here and here. Personalized name blanket from Swell Forever)
Pacifiers  – (The hospital provides these! Although my favorites are Natursutton)
Sleepers – I love sleepers and baby caps for those first few days. The white gender neutral outfit is from Flora & Henri.
The hospital takes care of everything else, unless you have preferred products. They really only need diapers, onesies, and a whole lot of skin to skin time with mama!

What were your hospital must haves? 🙂

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  • I agree about the books and laptops – there is not time for leisure when you are in pain! but basically you got it girl!

    Happy Medley

  • Meredith

    Definitely those gel pads. I have HORROR stories to tell about chapped and cracked nipples from those first few days. A nursing pillow is another thing to bring if you are planning on using one, because you can get the lactation consultants to show you how to work it!

  • OMG I actually miss the ice pellets!

  • Slippers and my own night gown. I had to have my second c-section a month ago and slippers are key for geting up and walking around as soon as possible. I also used my tablet a lot for Netflix. Half hour shows were key and there is nothing good on daytime tv:) also my own shower stuff, the hospital stuff just didn’t cut it for me. Smelling like myself helped me feel more like a normal person.

  • Oops, left this comment in the wrong post!

    My must-have in the delivery room and in the days that followed was my iPod and some small speakers. Having music on while I laboured was a nice distraction, and also helped me ignore all those annoying hospital ward sounds when it was just bubs and me in the room having some quiet time. I set up a few different playlists (fast music, slow music, sleepy time music) in the weeks before so I could switch around depending on my mood.

  • Do you remember what scents you used for the essential oils in your diffuser?

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