Motherhood favorite: Obstacle courses and Codeapillars

August 23, 2016

quality time


We have had the
Fisher-Price Think & Learn Code-a-pillar for a few months now, and while most toys are forgotten and cast aside after a few days of play, this one remains a favorite for my kids. It makes me laugh so hard seeing Max and Rocco’s reaction EVERY time the eyes light up and it starts moving. Rocco starts chasing it like a puppy, and Max and Veronica always leap or dance.I am learning what each of my children gravitate towards, and music is always a win with them. It’s so refreshing to have a toy that is education based that they love to play with! 


Since Veronica and Gabriel have gone back to school, Max has been so happy to have more time with just him and I. He knows I keep a box of learning games and a drawer of art materials set aside for us to do together in the mornings for a short time, and the code-a-pillar is included in the mix. I love the time with him since it wasn’t often we could get one on one time in the summer.

educational games
learning games


I have started to set up more challenges for Max when he plays with it to help him problem solve. If you remember from the first post about this toy, you can rearrange the sections of the code-a-pillar to take different paths every time. There are forward, right, and left arrows that show your child which direction it will move when that particular section’s light is blinking. Since Max LOVES dinosaurs and trucks, this is what I will use to set up little obstacle courses for him to try to get the code-a-pillar to the finish line without knocking over (“or getting eaten by”) any dinos! This makes his face light up and quirky eyebrows raise as he concentrates his hardest to make it happen. It usually ends up becoming a strategy of how he can get the code-a-pillar to run over the tower of blocks.

If you have any questions about the code-a-pillar feel free to ask me in the comments. You can pick one up online at Fisher-Price or Amazon. You can head to the Fisher-Price facebook page for more info on the Code-a-pillar in the coming weeks. Any other educational games you have found successful for your little ones? I’d love to hear!

This post is sponsored by Fisher-Price. Thank you for supporting the brands that make this blog possible!

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