Home Depot Patio Makeover Reveal

April 30, 2014

Patio Makeover | Chelsey Heidorn Photography


Recently we were asked to participate in a patio makeover challenge with Home Depot. I knew the only way I could make this happen is by roping in my talented other half, Gabe. I had so much fun working with him to create and conquer our backyard plan. We have a very small fenced in backyard in a house we rent, so this should hopefully give you some ideas on how to best utilize a smaller space! We have a simple flat patio so I wanted to create a space that was fun for our family to hang out in while we grill outside or drink our coffee in the summer mornings. Atlanta has beautiful weather almost year round so I knew we could put this space to use.


Font Fix x 3

April 29, 2014

Font Fix- Naive InlineFont Fix- Paris Serif - IHODFont Fix- Bookeyed Sadie - IHOD

I could spend HOURS pouring through type and playing around with kearning and ampersands. I miss the opportunity to do so since I haven’t been able to take on many design projects as of late.

Rounded up 3 current favorites that are great options for logos and headers!

Naive Inline
Paris Serif
Bookeyed Sadie Ampersands

All three are under $5.00 or FREE at MyFonts.com

MyFonts is teaming up with The Brand Market as a sponsor for our workshops! I wanted to work with this company since I use them so frequently and love their selection and what they have to offer! (My logo font is from here:))

Wedding Wear.

April 28, 2014

IHOD In Honor of Design via IHOD via In Honor of Design

Dress: Dolce Vita (similar version here) // Sandals: Old Navy // Sunglasses: Free People // Earrings: Kate Spade // Clutch: Wink & Winn c/o

How was your weekend? Mine was a bit of a whirlwind with The Brand Market workshop in Raleigh (more on that soon!) and Gabriel’s birthday yesterday. We were given the most beautiful weather and for the first time in over a year I got uninterrupted sleep….which means Monday morning came way easier than most;)

Wore this dress to a wedding a few weeks ago. I fell in love when I saw it and since I had shopbop credit this is what I used it on. The sunglasses I picked up at Free People (they always have fun affordable options), and the shoes were a shocking find at Old Navy! So comfortable. The first time I haven’t ended up with blisters after a night of dancing at a wedding.

Hope you all get a good dose of spring weather this week!
x, Anna

P.S. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for those of you who bought the Print Packs I created for Mission Santa Maria. Half way to the goal so I greatly appreciate the support:)


Running our way.

April 25, 2014


Cherry Blossom Tree Quinny Buzz XtraIHOD



In case you missed, I raved and raved about this stroller here.

A few weeks in and I could still talk your ear off about the Quinny Buzz Xtra. I knew when I heard it was cross terrain that it would become Max and I’s jogging buddy.
I don’t get the chance to work out much, so when I do I run my heart out. Max LOVES to be outside and as you can see in the video, he likes to peek his sweet chubby face over the side. 

I thought it might be confusing just to look at the picture and understand how you can collapse it so I demonstrated for you and slipped in a little Imagine Dragons in there because you know…fleet of black limousines;) I couldn’t help myself.

Since the wheels are larger and easily mobile it goes over sidewalks so smoothly and there is little effort to push. The handle bar is adjustable which I especially love since it makes such a big difference when you are running. 

We have taken this everywhere this week…the lake, the park, jogging trails, sidewalks, and grocery stores. So thankful to have such a hot new ride for Mr. Moose!

Gabe is still loving it too since he can easily maneuver with one hand and hold a child in the other:) 

This post is sponsored by Quinny and is 100% my own opinion. Thank you for supporting the companies that make blogging possible for me and my family!

American Blogger

April 24, 2014

Screen shot 2014-04-24 at 8.12.37 AMScreen shot 2014-04-23 at 4.07.34 PM
American BloggerScreen shot 2014-04-23 at 4.03.18 PM

A few nights ago we got an email from Chris Wiegand that The American Blogger movie would be released on Wednesday. We got a sneak preview, and Gabe and I stayed up late watching the the documentary together. It is a 2 hour film and as I watched I would cheer when I saw women I have admired for so long come on screen:) I cried and laughed my way through it…and I watched my parts through my fingers;) The movie has been on my mind since. I take a while to process films….:D

Chris Wiegand showed up last summer a few days before Max was born. With my swollen feet and unfurnished living room I sat and shared a small piece of my life. What hit me today was that through my pretty standard ordinary life, I have been given a voice through this crazy thing called blogging. I often reject it and would rather live a private life, but it’s through this aspect of my life that I have discovered the stories of so many of these women. The beautiful, relatable, entertaining, and sometimes heartbreaking stories that are intertwined in the common thread that we have chosen….to let it be known. That is what makes it all so extraordinary. Through the differences there is a common thread that we all have a story to be told and we do so through the written word or a photograph. I know this is just the start. There are so many stories that can be told! Every person has value on this earth. Thankful and so humbled to be a part of this project along many women I admire. 

There will be so many opinions about the film ….more of this, less of that, should have included…etc. However, ultimately, this is a man who put blood, sweat, and tears into a project he felt passionate about and this is his work of art. I have never met more genuine people than The Wiegand family. I call Casey a close friend, and Chris was incredibly warm hearted when we met him. I can say I am a better person for knowing Casey’s family and admire all they have been through to get here. So with that, I invite you to watch and experience this movie…..a story of stories. Lives that are just as real as you and me and our neighbor next door:)

x, Anna

Taking it back a notch.

April 23, 2014

Gabe and Anna
iphone dock

I lived in a family where roller skating to the sound of vinyl in the basement was a normal part of my childhood week day, making up dance routines to our current favorite tapes were a standard part of my middle school summers, and dance parties to the latest and greatest CD release were a regular part of our kitchen clean up routine in high school. Music integrated seamlessly in and out of my life and it takes but one song to bring me right back to those moments. My sisters all live in different states across the country right now, but whenever we are together we still like to break it down to the songs we grew up with. Jackson 5, Chicago (both my dad’s influence in our taste in music), Mariah Carey, and Gloria Estefan.

Music integrated seamlessly in and out of my life and into college. When I met Gabe he started to make CD re-mixes for me. He always discovered unknown bands and was great about introducing me to up and coming artists. When I discovered some of our favorite soundtracks were the same, it sparked a little somethin’ somethin’.

Ben Folds 5 was one of our mutual favorites (before he became mainstream), and when we started dating we played Rockin’ the Suburbs every time we went on a date. The Luckiest would always hit me to my core because I knew Gabe was that guy I wanted to live to the end of my days with him. That song ended up being our first dance at our wedding a few years later. Every time I hear it, it still gives me goosebumps as it takes me right back to that moment when I knew I was his forever. 

It is crazy how a song can seal a moment in time to be stored in your memory for years to come. Maybe that is why I value music so much. It takes but a few notes to bring it all back.

Have a song that brings a moment back to life? I would love to hear it:)

Photos by Chelsey Heidorn

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Spotify via Glam Media. All opinions are completely my own. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Spotify.

IHOD x Social Print Studio Print Packs for Charity

April 22, 2014

For those of you who follow along on instagram, you have seen sneak previews of the IHOD x Social Print Studio collaboration. Today is the day I finally get to share the full result along with reveal the purpose behind these print packs!

IHOD} Black and White Print Packs

One of Gabe’s best friends, Jim Campbell went out for a mission trip to Ecuador a few years ago to visit a site where missionaries were giving children from broken families and difficult financial situations clean water, food, clothing, and health care. Funds were running low and he knew there was a great need.  He came back to his job in NYC with a conviction to do more, which is when he started Mission Santa Maria, and has moved mountains with this organization since! He is actually over there as we speak and sharing pics on their brand new instagram account.

Mission Santa Maria DSC_1255 copy DSC_1259

My son Gabriel started thriving when he started school this year. So much excitement and zeal for life! I mean the boy practically jumps out of bed. He is so proud when his teacher tells him he is doing a good job or he gets to help a friend. He will give me the full report about the letter of the week too. My hope is to give that same enthusiasm for life to some of these children whose lives are looking bleak and hopeless. A good environment, motivation to learn, and someone telling them they are valued enough to teach and spend time with can make all the difference in a child’s spirit. It opens the future wide open!

Gabe and I always talk about how we wish we could physically go and help Jim with his work there, and since that isn’t an option at this time in our life, the next best thing we can do is to help get the funds over there! They do a fantastic job sending photo updates through their monthly newsletter too. 

So here is the breakdown!

  • This print pack is a series of black and white 4×4 inch photos all taken by iphone, edited in VSCO, and printed through Social Print Studio (who so graciously agreed to this project!). 
  • 1 Print pack at $15 = 1 month of education for a child at Mission Santa Maria. 100% of the proceeds go directly to this cause.
  • Your print pack will come with the 5 black and white prints and wrapped in twine. I will be hand writing one of my favorite quotes and a note along with to thank you. The first 20 orders will get a surprise 6th print;)

You can purchase directly here through paypal!

IHOD Print Packs

Buy Now Button with Credit Cards

I humbly ask you help spread the word about these print packs! A share on facebook, instagram, pinterest, twitter, email….either would be a great help! My goal is to raise enough money to send 5 children to school for a year, and I would so appreciate it!

Much love, Anna

“May light always surround you; Hope kindle and rebound you. May your hurts turn to healing; Heart embrace feeling. May wounds become wisdom; Every kindness a prism. May laughter infect you; Your passion resurrect you. May goodness inspire your deepest desires. Through all that you reach for, May your arms never tire.” -D. Simone 

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