Local Notes: Caffé Gio Gelateria

October 9, 2013

Caffe Gio Gelato
Caffe Gio Gelato-Atlanta

Right next door to Anticos Pizza is this happy place. Owned by the same people, but run in a separate environment. Its somewhat hidden until you walk behind Anticos. My heart lit up when I read the sign…..GELATERIA. We all know what that means, and need we know more? I wanted to run through the doors which surely would have resulted in me tripping over the beautiful vespas in distractment on the way….

Caffé Gio’s had a window case full of options to choose from. The only drawback being you can’t pre-sample before you decide! (What horror for the indecisive soul….like me.) I eenie meanie mine moed, and decided on some chocolate chip number which I did not regret as soon as the first spoonful entered my mouth.

I would hit up this spot just for the pink and white striped awnings and fun atmosphere…even if there gelato was not a part of the bribe factor.

All in all, between Anticos and Caffé Gio, you may not ever want to venture to try anything else to eat … ever.

*All photos by Chelsey Heidorn Photography 

Outfit: Tee: J. Crew // Denim: Henry & Belle // Beanie: F21 (similar)

Shop Scoop: Wear Change. Threads

October 8, 2013

wear change- the shine project
Threads - Wear Change Wear Change - Threads

I have known Ashley for a while now through blogging. Lets take a dip in the archives and pull out this blogger interview:) I have seen her chase her passion to make positive impact in this world and how she lives her passion day in and day out. She recently adopted two beautiful children of her own in addition to mentoring her Threads family. So happy to share her story here today in her own words and hope you will join me in supporting her worthy cause…

About Threads

This past year as The Shine Project has led me to start up a non-profit organization, The Shine Scholarship Project, my life has changed. We have blessed some really amazing high school students to help them pay for college. You can watch what we’ve accomplished and who we’ve touched here.

A few months ago I started getting antsy and realized that my journey helping these youth was just beginning. I knew I needed to create a way to provide more opportunities for them, especially after they graduate high school and are transitioning into college. That’s when the idea of Threads was born.

Threads is a cause driven business that changes the future of at risk youth. They come from various backgrounds, but all have one thing in common, they want to break the cycle. By employing them, we instill values of self reliance and hard work. They are paid fair wages for the bracelets they make, and in turn are able to pay their way through school. Many of Threads employees are first generation college students. They dream of becoming nurses, broadcasters, writers and engineers.

Your purchase will directly impact a student. Even beyond financial support, your belief in them is a symbol of hope and trust that they can achieve what for so long seemed impossible. By purchasing Threads you are wearing more than just a bracelet, you are wearing change.

Myself, my team of amazing interns, and 7 incredible student employees are proud to present to you Threads. The more bracelets we sell; the more kids we can employ; the more education we will help give to the future leaders of our country. And boy, are they going to be leaders.

Shine on.

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The Brand Market Workshop Ticket Giveaway!

October 7, 2013

The Brand Market - Ticket Giveaway

The Brand Market - Giveaway

We are just under a month away from our very first workshop….can hardly believe it.

Nervous excitement has started to settle, and I am anxiously anticipating November 2nd. We are so ready to give a good boost to creative entrepreneurs and get to know our students. We have finalized our schedule and content, and it looks like a workshop I wish I could have taken when I was getting started;) We only have a few spots left!

We are so thrilled to be able to offer someone a spot in our workshop here in Atlanta on Nov. 2nd! The Brand Market workshop giveaway begins now and ends October 15th at midnight! This is also a way for you to share with your friends who may benefit from this workshop! Best of luck, and we hope to see you there!

*If you already have bought a ticket, you can still enter to win (in which case we will refund your paid amount)!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Local Notes: Antico Pizza

October 4, 2013

ANTICOS - IHOD IHOD- Anticos Pizza woodfire grill - anticosPizza Toss - Anticos

Anticos Pizza

Anticos- IHOD

^^A hint at the next local notes feature:)

I have been to Italy three times in my life. I have been chasing the taste of their gnocchi, gelato, wine, and pizza since. Nothing can really ever quite capture the tastes of Italy, but I can tell you one thing….Anticos comes pretty close. To the point where you want to cry because it smells like the real deal. You want to high five the pizza makers over their tossing skills. And you feel like you might faint once the first bite hits your mouth….

Wood fire grill stoves, not many English speakers, fine ingredient options…I loved every bit of it. Its tucked away on a corner, but its well known. It was my first experience on a Tuesday night, but it was packed. I ordered the Margherita D.O.P. pizza in honor of one of my favorite pizza experiences ever in Italy. It didn’t disappoint.

I feel inclined to go back to taste the rest of the pizzas on the list….someone stop me. No don’t..

Add Anticos to your list of must visits in Atlanta! Happy Weekend ahead…go discover your city!

Thanks to my friend Chelsey Heidorn Photography for adventuring with me:)

Outfit: AE Flannel, ON Flannel (similar)// Henry and Belle Jeans // Leopard Flats (similar)

The Baby Whisperer.

October 3, 2013

Happy Baby Wrap | IHODIHOD-Happy Baby Wrap

Looking at these photos has me in disbelief. Max has already DOUBLED in size since we took these photos. He is eating and sleeping away the days, and has turned out to be my dream baby…plump, smiley, and cuddly. I look forward to getting up every morning because of this boy. Just one dimpled smile and my day is made.

If you may remember, Max had a very fussy first 6 weeks of life, until thanks to many of you who gave me advice I realized I needed to cut dairy out. During those first weeks, he was happy if I held him upright. As much as I wanted to hold him and stare at him all day after his arrival, I had two other little ones that needed me. Cue the lifesaver, and hence life bearing (I am not exaggerating) item that solved my problems…. The Happy Baby Wrap. When Max was snuggled against mama, he would fall asleep or just sit peacefully. It gave me free hands AND allowed me to sooth and hold my baby. Win-win.

The soft and stretchy material has allowed for lots of room for growth and I still use it frequently. For instance, yesterday he wasn’t feeling well and wanted to be held more than usual so I wrapped him up and he immediately stopped fussing.

Best part of this is the wrap distributes the weight evenly and offers the right amount of support so that you are not left with shoulder or back pain. I have tried several versions of baby carriers, and this by far has been the best yet.

What about you? What were your top survival tools for those first weeks after baby?

*Thank you Happy Baby Wrap for sponsoring today’s post. All thoughts are 100% my own.

Giveaway: Custom Ring + Pendant

October 1, 2013

OBO Jewelry | IHOD OBO Ring | IHOD

obo Jewelry

Hand crafting jewelry is an art form in itself, but how about hand painting? Was blown away by these beautiful pieces from this Switzerland artist. The ring is high quality matte gold finish (tarnish resistant) that has an adjustable setting hidden underneath. Every piece in OBO Creations is hand painted!

You can win a silver or gold version of these rings as well as the pendant pictured! Enter easily through rafflecopter below:)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Style Tours: Varsity Vintage

September 30, 2013

Vintage | IHOD
Vintage Sweater and Oversized Shades
henry and belle flare denim
Varsity Sweater and Flare Jeans | IHOD

Sweater: Sheinside c/o // Tee: Jcrew //Denim: Henry and Belle c/o // Boots: Sam Edelman (similar) // Sunnies: Windsor Store

The mornings and evenings are about twenty degrees cooler than the peak of the afternoon here in Atlanta. This means the comfy sweater and jeans are now occupying my dresser drawers and cider is on the stove every night (Gabe’s preference). Its only Monday, and I am anxiously anticipating the weekend when we will travel back to my midwest heart and see lots of family in the small German town my mom was raised in. Can hardly wait.

It has been such a pleasure to work with Chelsey Heidorn on the style photos for IHOD. She is a talent isn’t she? Loved the vintage vibe she portrayed through these photos. Happy Monday friends!

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