Make // Wear .01: DIY Gemstone Bracelets

January 17, 2013

Now before we get into all the Valentine’s Day fun, I wanted to share an easy rainy day bling project to fight away the winter boredom:) Since this is the week to introduce new series, I am going to start labeling my DIY accessories the Make // Wear projects…
Chain (long enough to wrap around your wrist 1-2 x.) – MJTrim or Etsy are great online sources for  cable chain.
Gemstone beads – 1 inch wide. You can find these at any craft store. I found mine at an antique market and etsy supply section!
Lobster Clasp
Jump Rings – 10 mm should be fine.
Wire – use the same color of your chain and make sure it is thick wire.
1. Measure your chain and divide into two equal lengths. If you are doing a double wrap around divide where it would hit behind your wrist. You can divide chain with a pliers or metal snips.
2. Measure out your wire and loop one end tightly around the end of the chain with your pliers. Place your bead through the wire and tightly cut and wind the other end around the second chain strand.
3. Add your lobster clasp and jump ring using your pliers to bring both chain ends together.
Pretty simple if you have the right supplies. I have a whole set of colors I am dreaming of making. Birthday gift for the year:) If you would like a similar necklace, you can check out the DIY cable necklace set  and apply accordingly.
For a full list of DIY projects, visit the thumbnail gallery. 


One Truth: Why I can’t have chocolate or alcohol…

January 16, 2013

I love to be real with you all, and tend to write on and on once I finally sit down to do so. I think sharing just one thought at a time might be a cool way to real chat, but also learn from you all as well. What is great about the blogging community and women in general is our ability to support and encourage each other through the good and the bad. So for today, here is one truth!…

I have a stomach condition with a funny name.
As I mentioned before I would write more about this.
I have talked to more people about it, the more I realize there are so many people with undiagnosed stomach problems! Here is a little more about my mine….

Gastritisan irritated stomach lining caused by anemia or stress (I had both in college). How did I find out I had it? My reaction to even a small glass of wine put me in the ER. I would vomit non-stop for 24 hours and border de-hydration. I felt like I was dying! I was sick the day before my sister Maria’s wedding, the day before my own wedding (over a beer!), and the day before my sister Tricia’s wedding. I thought it was an allergic reaction to alcohol, but when it became the same reaction to all forms of alcohol, I knew something was seriously wrong. The ER told me it was an ulcer.

Fast forward 5 years later, I finally decide to spend the money and get it taken care of. I had a gastroscopy and they told me what I thought would be a curable ulcer was an incurable stomach condition that would require a life long diet of all my favorite things in life...(not exaggerating) No caffein – no chocolate, coffee, or caffeineted tea. No alcohol (I have never been a big drinker, but don’t hold me back from a margarita or a glass of vino!). No garlic, onion, or acid based food. No eating heavy meals late at night, and no fried foods (How can I live without fries??).

To be honest I have cheated on multiple occassions. I am weaning myself off of life’s greatest pleasures. Maybe a little dramatic.. Truth is, there are so many other greater physical sufferings and this is just a small thing I can bear and allow it to strengthen me in virtue, right? 🙂 You can imagine how funny the reactions get when I tell people I cannot drink. They usually assume I am perpetually pregnant or breastfeeding (which is partly true)…

TMI maybe? I share this in hopes that if you or a loved one is having severe reactions to foods, look into it before it does too much damage. My stomach and esophagus were really damaged and I have had to work on re-building them. If I had let it go too long it could have lead to cancer. Scary thought!

So now its your turn! One truth to get to know you better…can be light or steep your choice:)

P.S. Gabe is now suffering from somach problems related to food and drink. Funny how you can develop the same quirks let alone physical ailments in marriage!

Fresh Start: Go Go Gronola with New Contributor!

January 15, 2013

As you all know, I think so highly of my sisters. Each have impacted me in a different way, and each of them have been given their own set of beautiful talents. When I thought about wanting to include some new topics on IHOD, I knew the next best thing to Martha Stewart was my sister Maria. She has this ability to bring life to a meal and every family gathering. My philosophy in the kitchen is usually “Just give me a recipe and I will make it.” I don’t have any creative juices left by the time I need to make dinner. I am sure for many of you it is the same! Maria will be offering some new ideas that will hopefully encourage you to not only try something new, but share it with loved ones. So thankful she will now be a part of the IHOD team!  (side note-how amazing is her hair?) Now I will let her take over from here…

Anna, my childhood sister-soulmate, prodded me into sharing my passion for cooking and good recipes on her blog.  Well, it didn’t take much before I was thoroughly on board!

Since I can remember, I’ve always had a  passion for cooking. Good food is important to me. A good meal can be a catalyst in bringing people together and creating happy memories. So much of life’s greatest moments are centered around a good meal: birthdays, holidays, weddings, and family dinners!

So I share My Food Philosophy: Because the effort to make good food is a gift to those around me, it’s happy memories, togetherness, the living part of life.

January always fills me with great anticipation because it’s a fresh new start to a new year. So with all those resolutions to exercise more, comes my resolve to feel healthy and eat well.
It’s a perfect month to share my favorite healthy breakfast recipe: Go-Go Gronola! Loaded with flaxseed and coconut oil and tweeked to be the BEST homemade batch of gronala you will ever make 🙂

Dry Ingredients:
9 C. of Old Fashioned Oats
1 1/2 C. Ground Flaxseed (Engery Booster!)
1 C. Sliced Almonds
1/2 C. Unsalted Sunflower Seeds
2 C. Sweetened Coconut (or unsweetened if you prefer)
2 pkgs of Dried Cranberries (you could also use raisins, but I’m not a big fan)

Wet Ingredients – Warm in a Pot
3/4 C. Honey
3/4 C. Canola Oil (I substitute with Coconut Oil if I have on hand)
1 tsp. vanilla
2 tsp. Cinnamon
1/2 tsp. Salt
Preheat Oven to 325 degrees. Combine all dry ingredients, EXCEPT cranberries, in large bowl. Pour warmed wet ingredients over granola. Stir until well combined. Divide granola onto two large baking  and bake in the oven for 20 minutes, stirring after 10 minutes.
Let cool, stir in dried cranberries.

Makes a good large batch that lasts for weeks. I love it in the morning with vanilla yogurt.
Store in large sealed container and enjoy!

Here’s to your health and happiness in 2013!  

Family Threads – New Style Series!

January 14, 2013

I call this phase of growing out my bangs the sheep dog pirate phase. Suitable, right?
{Anna: Top: c/o Sheinside, Velvet pants: Gap, Tote: c/o George, Gina, & Lucy, Pumps: HM, Necklace: F21, Charm Bracelet: The Silver Acorn, Gold Bangle: InPink 
Gabriel: Shirt: Gap (similar), Jeans: TCP, Shoes: Converse via ebay (similar)
Veronica: Top, Leggings, and Boots: Old Navy }
Hi friends:) How was your weekend? I want to start incorporating more family style posts since the kids are always with me, and it just seems more natural. I know I will treasure the photos with them as they grow as well. Gabe promises to make an appearance too – right now he’s our camera man:) Hope you all don’t mind this new direction in outfit posts! I so enjoyed all the True Beauty Files looks, but as life is changing, so will the blog. I will still be doing some solo style posts and maternity style posts when as my bump continues to grow:)
Don’t be fooled by the lack of coats here. Although we were blessed with a sunny and warm day in Atlanta, I do believe we still have one more month of winter ahead before it comes to stay. One dose of Vitamin D brought the entire neighborhood out of hibernation and doing strange things like mowing lawns, and climbing on top of their roofs. I even felt motivated enough to go for that run I have been mentally pumping myself up to for four weeks…
Funny what a little sunshine can do for you.


Planning in Pattern: Tackling a Room Design

January 11, 2013

It takes me forever to plan a room design simply because I am drawn too many different colors and patterns, and can’t ever decide which to settle with. When it comes to pattern picking, I compare it with dating and figuring out which person you are compatible with, and when it comes to wallpaper, its deciding to get serious with that pattern you love. I know, I take this overboard. This is why, there is still nothing but a rug in our living room. I have plans to change that asap, and will keep you posted;)

After playing around with these patterns by Wallpaper Update and narrowing down different style I am drawn too, I felt like I was staring at a paper evaluation of my personality! These can all be found in the contemporary section. 

You should give it a go. Take some time to figure out your favorite design patterns. It will really help give you a better perspective at what style you are drawn to, and what you might be able to commit to;) I tend to go neutral with pattern and more bold with solids so that I can switch them out as needed. Looking forward to living room updates with you as I go along!

Happy January weekend!

*This is a sponsored post that is 100% my own opinion.

Boots with the Furrr…

January 10, 2013

{Coat: (similar), Fur: H&M (similar), Cable knit Hat: F21, Boots: Carlos Santana}
{Because sometimes you have to make fun of yourself…}

I am looking forward to sharing a little different take on style posts (might include the kids if we can pull it together all at the same time;)), as well as show you my growing bump! Until then, sharing a few pics from how I stayed warm while visiting St. Louis. We got a winter wonderland for New Years and it was splendid. A wool coat, fur snood, and thick hat did the trick.

What are your wainter weather faves? 

P.S. This fur snood is a look alike from one out of our dress up box from when we were kids. My mom held onto some pretty cool items for years that became our dress up box. Makes me think about what I want to hold on to. Its a cool way to time capsule the era!

1 Minute Frozen Yogurt: Strawberry-Blueberry

January 9, 2013

We have been playing around with our Yonanas gift I mentioned in yesterday’s post, and this is one of my favorite combinations so far. Very simple, and takes all of 60 seconds to make, so I can’t use that excuse of not having time to make a healthy breakfast anymore…darn it.
This would be simple to blend in a blender as well! 
My children think its ice cream so we fool them with this surprise treat on occasion.
Green smoothies in the blender are also ideal for serving up multiple vegetable servings for breakfast with a sweet disguise. 
*Tip: Let your frozen fruit sit out until it perspires-makes for easier blending! Also, freeze your fresh fruit when its over ripe. Its perfect for frozen yogurt:)
Will share more of these soon, and can’t wait to introduce you to my new food columnist!

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