I’ve got a little arm swag DIY for you today:) Let me warn you this is not as easy as last week’s ombre wrap bracelets. This is what I call an intermediate level DIY, but it is still fairly easy..
Leather or pleather strips measured and cut to fit around your wrist size
(you can buy strips of it at a craft store, but I cut mine from leather samples I had)
10 mm Crimps (got mine here)
Jump Rings (also found here)
Lobster Clasps
A great place to buy supplies is on etsy!
Using the point of a sharp knife (make sure you have your leather pieces on a cutting board), cut small slits the width of your metal pieces along your leather strip.
Insert rhinestone and pyramid studs and close prongs in the back. Use a pliers if needed to close tightly.
Using your pliers, clasp your crimp pieces over the ends of the leather pieces tightly.
Add your jump rings and lobster clasps on the ends.
Wear your arm swag and mix and match with other bracelets of choice.
(Third bracelet is from Poshlocket -giveaway going on here.)
Hope you Enjoy!