We have to start the day with shots for the babes:( I am heartsick about it. Sometimes, I have my husband take them because I can barely stand it.
Also on the plans is to celebrate Valentine’s Day and my husband’s birthday since we were traveling on tuesday and wednesday:) So looking forward to spending some time with him.
P.S. Please welcome my newest sponsors Casey Leigh (if you aren’t already reading her blog, you really should!) and BMB (Brianne designs some incredible accessories at an affordable price – you may recognize some of the pieces I wear on the blog)!!
First, I wanted to thank you so much to each of you for your sweet words and condolences you have sent about my grandfather. I continue to be amazed by you!
Last weekend, we got a beautiful dose of warmer weather and sunshine. I think God knew I needed it before the long week ahead. I never think twice about wearing brights in the middle of winter.
Style Word: Balance out color on color with a neutral color underneath, and make it pop by working in a pattern such as stripes or polka dots:)
Up for discussion:
Did you watch the grammy’s?
Who was your vote for best dressed?
I find the contrast of Nicki Minaj and Adele almost comical. Both been given an immense amount of media attention in Hollywood, but one drew herself much disgust and disrespect (don’t get me started on her performance!) and the other earned the awe and increased love and admiration of fans. Incredible how what you wear can speak volumes about who you are.
Adding the link tool this week so you can link up your outfit posts! (The true Beauty Files posts receive over 4,000 views) Since its been a few, feel free to use a post from the past week! Just grab a button or text link back to this original post!
P.S. Vanessa featured me in a Wonder woman Interview. *blush. You can see the post here.
P.S.S. Today is the last day for the THEIT Camera Bag giveaway and I will be posting a new I {Heart} my readers giveaway tomorrow!
The True Beauty Files:
A lookbook for the modern modeste.
“The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It’s the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows & the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years.”
You never have enough time with those you love. Even if they are 97 years old. 197 wouldn’t have been enough. But God is the creator of life, and he alone can call us home.
As I type this, I get a sharp pain in my chest, because it hurts to think that this world is without my Pepaw anymore. It hurts to think how my father lost his hero this weekend, as well as the hero to all his brothers and sisters. It hurts to know my children won’t get to experience the magical summers he was part of making for all of his grandchildren. But I, along with everyone of his children and grandchildren, will carry his memory with delicacy, and pass it on with pride…
{Pedro and Lucia. Wedding Day.}
{A proud father to his first born son. My grandparents leaving the hosptial.}
{We celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary at the church they were married in San Antonio}
{At their 65th wedding anniversary with 13 of their 15 children (two died very young).}
My little family and I heard my grandpa’s heart was starting to go, so we headed up to see him. He passed away before we could get to him. I was so close…
As I rushed to the hospital I drove through the small town where my life started, and where he built his. I drove past his favorite restaurant, Jerry’s where he would go for birthdays and special Sundays..
I drove past his street where my grandparent’s house stands… where many hours of meals were shared, long chats over grandma’s iced tea on the front porch, endless summer bbq’s with the best brisket you will ever taste, where fireworks would shoot off the back fence, where we gather around him and be serenaded in spanish by his sweet voice and hand made guitar, where we would bust pinatas over birthday celebrations, where he would slice the biggest slivers of watermelon I ever held and passed to all takers with a big grin on his face…I can almost taste it now. I never wanted those summers to end.
I drove past the church of The Aunnunciation where he faithfully attended Mass, in the very front pew, for all the years they lived there. He never missed a Sunday. Where he humbly served his parish and all the parishioners through fish fries and the Holy Name service. To him, God was very real, and the most important thing in his life. Through this church, many of his children and grandchildren were wed and baptized lead by his example. He lived his faith through his actions.
As I pulled up to the hospital, I had that sense of urgency to be with my parents and siblings who had already arrived, and I ran tears streaming down my face through the emergency doors. Was this really happening? Do we really have to say goodbye? It was hard to see so many loved ones with broken hearts, but we stood together surrounding the man we loved so much, and said our goodbyes. I held his hand just as I intended, and told him how thankful I was to him for being open to life and having my dad, the tenth child. I thanked him for the love he gave to each of his 64 grandchildren, and the legacy he left for us to live. I thanked him for being a loving husband to my grandmother for 72 years, and leaving us with the example of what a selfless spouse should be.
When you are with someone who just passed from this earth and into the arms of the Creator, you can’t help but want to go with him. My thirst for heaven has never been stronger.
Rest in eternal bliss sweet Pepaw! We can’t wait to hear your music again one day!
“And with your final heartbeat kiss the world goodbye, then go in peace and laugh on glory’s side. Fly to Jesus, Fly to Jesus, Fly to Jesus and live!”~ from Chris Rice’s song “Come to Jesus”
Completely honored to have a DIY feature for Design*Sponge. One of the very first blogs I started to follow, and a long time favorite:) You can check out the full DIY for this hand stamped Wine & Cheese for two set here.
Here are three fun and fabulous Valentinte Projects and touches to get your creative minds going:)
Also, on the topic of love;)….have been completely amazed by some of the Spread the Love posts I have been reading. Totally uplifted by reminded how many good people there are out there. I needed that this week! Go see for yourself!
I was at my local grocery story Publix, and they always have these friendly sweet southern ladies cooking up something good for you to sample. I was in there to get peanut butter and bread, and came out with a basketful of ingredients to make this dish.
Its dangerous in there I tell you.
The moment I tasted this I knew I had to make it to share with my husband, and then with all of you, so here is my adapted version:) I will say, this is a recipe for risk takers;)
1 red pepper
2/3 cup cilantro (coarsely chopped)
1 Ib. pork tenderloin
1/2 cup diced red onions
1/4 cup canola oil
2 Tbls. paprika
1 1/2 tsp. ground cumin
1 Tbls. minced garlic
1 Tbls. Tomato paste
1 Tbls. water
2 naan flat breads (regular or garlic flavor)
1/2 tsp. salt (I always use sea salt for good flavor)
1/2 tsp. pepper
And wait for it….
6-8 oz. Key Lime Yogurt
(I know, sounds completely absurd but I promise it ties everything together magicly.
Now don’t make the same mistake I did and get whipped yogurt. argh.)
1. Place red peppers, cilantro, onions, oil, paprika, cumin, garlic, tomato paste, and water into food processor or blender, and blend until smooth.
2. Preheat large saute pan on medium-high with a few tbls. of oil. Cut your pork into small pieces.
3. Place the pork in pan, season with salt and pepper, and saute until cooked through.
4. Reduce heat to low and add sauce; cook 1-2 minutes until warmed.
5. While that meat and sauce is warming pre-heat another skillet to warm your naan bread.
6. Cut your flat bread into fours on plates. Tope with meat and sauce mixture.
7. Drizzle yogurt on top of the meat and garnish with cilantro (optional of course).
Its fun to bring in a mediterranean inspired meal and give your tastebuds something new to try. Hope you enjoy!