Color file: Seafoam & Turquoise

January 27, 2012

I am on a turquoise and seafoam frenzy these days.
Here are some fantastic finds for you that are all under 55$ 😀
Fun links from around the web:
Bauble Bar is celebrating one year! Head on over and see what all the talk is about.
A fantastic red & white round up.
For the Downton Abbey fans, this post might make your day.
Might use this tutorial and make elbow patches.
Bright and colorful DIY candleholders.
Happy weekend!!

Free Printable: Weekly Meal Planner

January 26, 2012

I have a very dear to me weekly meal planner notepad that is running dangerously low. If I don’t plan my meals a week at a time, I spend way too much at the grocery store! So I decided to create a weekly meal planner printable to share with all of you in hopes it will help you as much as it has helped me!
I created to go along with the printable to-do list🙂
You can download your own (two to a page) HERE.
I hope you enjoy!

P.S. I will share some of these weekly meal faves with you soon!

The Cleverest Party Invitation

January 25, 2012

{Edyta Photography via Pinterest}

Isn’t this the cleverest invitation you ever did see?
Its turning my wheels thats for sure!
Happy Wednesday!

Veronica Rose: 8 & 9 month photos

January 24, 2012

{Month by month onesie stickers: Macaroy Kangaroo, Headbands made by me}
Snap. And just like that she is a 9 month old, with her first tooth coming through, the biggest and sweetest grin that she reveals by the minute, and a wide sense of curiosity and exploration around the first floor of our home. Little Veronica also discovered the joy of cheerios, climbing up and standing next to her brother, and playing peek-a-boo. She continues to make daddy melt with the simple wave of her sweet chubby hand. 
These two are still crazy about each other (with the occasional over squeeze and zealous head pat on Gabriel’s part;)), and always want to be where the other is. Watching them interact makes Gabe and I look forward to their lives together.
Okay I know you all have been waiting for me to announce the lucky winner of the a+ro Taylor Sweater…..
Congratulations to Camille! We get to be twinsies!…I kid. Will be in touch with details! Also, will be announcing the VELINA giveaway winner on the IHOD FB page!

The True Beauty Files: The "M" Word

January 23, 2012

(because my husband makes me do crazy things, by trying to make me laugh and loosen up. Thanks dear;)
{Sweater: Old Navy, Sequin tank: c/o Windsor Store, Denim: Old Navy
Shoes: Jessica Simpson (similar), Scarves: Gift, Reverie Market, Earrings: c/o Poshlocket
Bracelets: c/o Poshlocket, made by me, Tote: Mimi Boutique}
STYLE WORD: Layering up your scarves can be a fun way to change things up. I used two similar tones and weaved together for an ombre look and feel:)
Does the word modest leave you with a positive or negative feel?

To be honest, I am always hesitant to use the word modest because it has seemed to be black labeled in today’s society. No one wants to be covered up, right? “If you got it flaunt it” seems to be a more appropriate motto these days. I wish this wasn’t the case. I think modesty is a lost virtue, that should be held up and esteemed alongside with your dignity. It doesn’t have to mean covered up, rather, to me its a reflection of knowing who you are, what you are worth, and dressing with both style and grace to accurately reflect that. This is what prompted me to start this series.  I realize I am one of the few and far between who happens to think the more you reveal, the less likely people can perceive your true beauty. There is something of value when a women carries her confidence and self worth in high esteem, and chooses to wear those as her greatest features, so I hope this series can encourage women to do so! 
 Would love to hear your perspective on this! If you are linking up feel free to discuss with your readers.

To link up your outfit post: 
~Enter your outfit post below, and in your post link back here by text or button! You have all week to link up:)


P.S. Its the last day to enter the a+ro sweater giveaway as well as the Velina facebook giveaway! Good luck!

The True Beauty Files:
A lookbook for the modern modeste.
“The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It’s the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows & the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years.” 
~ Audrey Hepburn

Style File: Velina Lookbook + Surprise Giveaway

January 20, 2012

Let me introduce you to this fantastic new line on the block…
I have known Tina and Erica (two lovely sisters) for a while, and was completely intrigued when I heard they were joining creative forces to start their own line of jewelry, VELINA. Together they carry just about every talent you need to run a successful business. It did not surprise me that when they came out with their first lookbook, that it was compelling and completely breathtaking.
Tina is a young graphic designer; Erica, a young journalist. Together, with contagious spirits and strong sense of style, Tina and Erica knew they needed to find an outlet where their passion for design and enduring ambition could collide. This collision is what spearheaded the creation of VELINA. 
{all images from the Fall/Winter Lookbook}
The name VELINA was chosen because it was their Italian mother’s nickname as a young girl. Tina & Erica believed this name was a perfect fit for their line, as it represents something special: both their family and where they come from. 
Through each original piece, VELINA hopes to bring stylish designs — created with stones and charms from all over the world –  celebrating the beauty behind diversity and the confidence found in self-expression.

You will want to keep up with this dynamic sister duet as they have just launched a men’s line and are about to launch their spring line as well!

IHOD and VELINA have teamed up to bring you a surprise giveaway today exclusively for IHOD facebook fans! Head on over and see how you can easily win one of these beaded beauties for yourself!

DIY: Message in a Bottle

January 19, 2012

Will be sharing with a few DIY’s in the next few weeks that will hopefully help with your Valentine’s Day this year:) This Message in a Bottle doesn’t have to be only for the romantics. The fun thing is, whoever you give this too has no idea what’s written on the note, so you can make it as easy or as challenging as you want to get to;)

Small Glass Bottle (Found mine at Hobby Lobby for 2$)
Confetti (any kind)
Paint Brush
1) Place the confetti at the bottom of the bottle (because confetti makes everything a tad more fun.)
I am pulling out an old trick I learned in school to instantly age paper…
2) Wet both sides of your paper with coffee (I used a cream cardstock), and place in the sun to dry.
This will curl up the edges. I did a second coat just around the edges for extra effect.
3) Write your note, roll it up, and place in the bottle.

 You can always add washi tape around the bottle, do sprinkles instead of confetti, stick a rose in the jar along with the note, etc. Personalize it the way you think your loved one will most enjoy:)

Here are some additonal Valentine DIY’s you can find from the past few years:

Playing Cards Valentine
Be Mine Box
Printable Envelope

P.S. Thank you for helping me vote on a new header! The new one will be revealed up on the blog tomorrow!
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