Bloggers Favorite Moments of 2011….

December 30, 2011

I thought it would be fun to share with you some of your favorite bloggers’ (and mine) most memorable moments of 2011! I love each and every one of their responses:) 
“My favorite moment of 2011 was definitely getting married to Matthew! It was amazing to be surrounded by our closest family and friends as we said our ‘I Do’s. It was a day full of moments that I hope I remember for the rest of my life!” ~ Mara of M loves M
“The moment that put the cherry-on-top of my 2011 was meeting Mary McDonald of Million Dollar Decorators with Cristin {Simplified Bee}, who I interned with this summer! I even shared an elevator ride with her (: She’s as fabulous as she is on the show…starstruck!” ~Michaela of Michaella Noelle Designs
“I didn’t even have to think twice about my answer – My favorite moment of 2011 was finally seeing a positive pregnancy test and getting to tell my husband the happy news. It wasn’t easy for us to get to that point and we are forever grateful for the blessing of a baby.” 
~ Melanie of You are My Fave

Thinking. Writing. Hoping.

December 29, 2011

I actually love the start of a new year as an opportunity to look back at a year of triumphs and trials, both of which allow you to grow, and look forward to a new year with all its fresh white pages and opportunities. 
Thinking it all through and 
writing down blessings, goals, and 
hoping for a wonderful new year:)
Going to be sharing some of my favorite bloggers most memorable moments of 2011. Stay tuned!!

12 Days of Christmas Recap 2011

December 28, 2011

Thoroughly enjoying this time in my little bubble with my family. Cutting off from the internet/work for a few days to celebrate Christmas has been wonderful. 
There are 12 days of Christmas so we are still celebrating over here!…
Just a few of the moments that made this year’s Christmas memorable:
Christmas Cookie Decoration contest.
Carols by the piano.

Christmas Eve Mass with my entire family (missing my sister Tricia due with a baby any day!)
Gift exchange…. Happy tears, squeals, and surprises galore.
Babies in Christmas PJ’s.
Christmas Day walk with my dad.
Family Bunco Night. (and laughing so hard my side hurt.)
Husband’s Christmas Beard.
Sister talks.
Seeing Gabriel interact with his cousins.
Dance Parties in the kitchen.
Non-stop coffee sessions.
I don’t want it to be over:( Dreading the drive back to reality!
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas as well!
Can’t wait to share with you some great things happening on IHOD in 2012!

Dedicated to the King…..

December 24, 2011

I look at Christmas as the most important day in history.
Love so great that a son was sacrificed and sent to save the meek, lowly, suffering, and sinners alike. His example of humility in being born in a stable just the start of a life lead in service to others and to his Father in Heaven. As I cuddle my own babies this Christmas, I can’t help but relate to Mary…
There must have been so much love in that stable that night. 
There must have been so much wonder and awe. 
There must have been so much hope.
“But you, Bethlehem, though you be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.” ~Micah 5:2
This little baby, the King of Kings would change human kind!
From Gabe and I, Veronica and Gabriel, 
we wish you all a very Blessed Christmas with your loved ones!!

December 22, 2011

Hi there! I’m Aarean from Color Issue and my lastest fun DIY wrapping project was actually inspired by Anthropolgie’s gift wrapping garland from last year…its super and easy, fun and of course colorful!

You’ll need:

-simple wrapping paper (I used the back of one I had since I didn’t want any design on the paper)


-felt (three or four colors)

-thin ribbon (i like it to have some sparkle to it)

small hold punch if you have one…if not scissors will do

I got this idea from an Anthropologie ribbon I saw from last year…and I loved it! I cut out a bunch of circles from leftover felt I had…

Then I punched two holes in each circle…
I then strung them onto the ribbon (long side)
and scrunched them nice and close together (the more circles you have the closer you’ll have to scrunch them together…and personally I think the more the better!)
Once I knew they would meet in the middle I took both sides of the ribbon…
tied it in a knot and then for the middle (where you’d normally put a bow) I strung two felt circles on top of each other….
and tied another knot (so they’d scrunch together–lots of scrunching in this project ha) to create a little flower 🙂
I tied on a little bell (gives it a little ringy-blingy touch *ha) and slapped on a little gold round tag that I cut out from some paper I had…(I wanted to keep with the whole circular theme)
And there she sits, under the tree…waiting to be opened on Christmas day 🙂

Dont forget to enter my extra soft Christmas Giveaway!!!

A round up of Christmas goodness…

December 22, 2011

(source unknown via pinterest)

Unplugging for the next few days to maximize my time with family and prepare my heart for the coming of the newborn King:) Will be putting up one more post before Christmas, dedicated to him.
Wishing you all a beautiful week surrounded by loved ones, and filled with the joy that only the Christ child can bring! 
P.S. Over on Natalie’s blog today sharing my favorite Christmas tradition. It involves a whole night series of traditions in one night! 😉

Well Done Blogging Community Campaign

December 20, 2011

The 2011 September Campaign. Our 5-year-anniversary video from charity: water on Vimeo.

I am sure many of you have heard of Charity Water by now. A mission that is making a successful change in the lives of thousands of men, women, and children.
I am helping Lauren spread the word about this years Bloggers Well Done Campaign to bring water to many in Ethiopia. Please join us in helping to blog, facebook, or tweet about this campaign, and consider donating just 5$ to make a significant difference in the lives of others who don’t even have the basic necessity of clean water. You can join me and donate here.
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