Take 3: Halloween DIY’s

October 13, 2011

A few of my favorite finds for Halloween that you can try yourself!
Glass Glitter Pumpkin via FabulousK

Trick or treat bags – pinterest via Paper Crave
Chalkboard Paint Pumpkins via Babble

Hoping to hit up the pumpkin farm this weekend to try those chalkboard paint pumpkins:)

Old-Young Hollywood Party Invitations

October 12, 2011

(invites made using this printable disguise kit, Urban Scarlet Tape, and glitter paper confetti)
When my husband and I were in college we loved going to theme parties. Gabe would manage to come up with the craziest get ups and it earned major points for him, because I thought his sense of humor was awesome. He still is able to make me laugh harder than anyone I know:)
Now that we have more space in our new home, we aren’t wasting any time with hosting a theme party! Some of our close friends and neighbors are coming dressed as Hollywood characters of past or present:)
Here’s a preview of the invites. Will make sure and share more details soon!

*Closed* Giveaway: Choice Item from Stitched + Adorned Boutique!

October 11, 2011

These are just a few of my favorite items from the newly discovered Stitched + Adorned!
What I love about this boutique, is that every clothing and accessory item is under 50$! Not kidding! Not only that, but each and every piece is feminine, chic, and fashion forward. 
S + A is offering the lucky giveaway winner ANY ITEM of choice!! AND there is a special offer right now through the holiday months for 10% off your order with code “IHOD10”!!
To Enter (must be an IHOD subscriber, gfc, or bloglovin’ follower):
1. Visit Stitched + Adorned and let us know which item you will choose if you win!
Additional Entries (separate comment for each):
2. Like S + A on Facebook!
3. Tweet or Facebook about the giveaway and let us know you did!
ie: Just entered the #giveaway @inhonorofdesign for a choice item from @StitchedAdorned Boutique! http://bit.ly/pyCKQe
Giveaway ends next Monday night! Best of luck!!

Lookbook: Comfy Cardis and Statement Necklaces

October 10, 2011

When the leaves turn, you know its time to pull out the comfy sweaters and boots:) I have no problem putting on a few cardi’s and pairing it with a snazzy statement necklace (I have a weak spot for statement necklaces). It just makes a fun combo.

Open Front Cardi: Francesca’s (similar), Yellow Cardi: LOFT,  Necklace: Francesca’s
Skinny Belt: F21, Lace Edge Skirt: c/o Maple Boutique, Boots: Carlos Santana

(Veronica’s hat – The Sunshine Stitch)
How was your weekend? (Btw, Happy Thanksgiving to the Canadian Readers!!) My hubs has the day off for Columbus day (why thank you Christopher), so I won’t be getting much done today;) I’d much rather waste time with him and the kids anyways.  Nothing is more delicious than snuggles with this cuddly little one above. Squishy cheeks!
Happy Monday!

Color Files: Black + Gold

October 7, 2011

(1. Frilled Ankle Boot – Zara 2. Sequin and Gold Clutches – Zara 3. Only Gold for Me Polish – Sephora 
4. Pailletten Top – Conley’s 5. Hive and Honey Colorblock Bracelet – Piperlime 6. Necklace – Noritamy)

I have just a minor crush on black and gold right now…;)
These are a round up of fun items I would love to wear (not all together mind you) on a night out!
Looking forward to an October weekend!
Have any festive plans? I will be working on our Halloween Party planning:D
Hope yours is wonderful!

Take 3: Handmade Scarves

October 5, 2011

Scarves are my favorite way to accessorize this fall.
I must confess I have bought 5 scarves in the last few weeks….(!!!) but don’t worry, some are for gifts! 😉
I realized that each of them were either printed, bold colors, or striped. Its what I gravitate to I guess. What colors and prints make a regular appearance in your closet??
Also, little heads up! If you have a small business, I have some fun holiday gift guide news coming up so stay tuned! 

Lookbook: Stripes, Polka Dots, and Bold Red Pants

October 3, 2011

(Aviator Jacket: Francesca’s, Striped Sweater: H&M, Polka Dot Tee: F21, Red Jeans: c/o Bad Joan; Sandals: Dress Up Boutique, Earrings and Necklace: BMB)
If you saw my last few color or style boards, you might have seen this look coming;)
How was your weekend?
We got to hit up a Greek Festival in Atlanta yesterday. The food alone made for quite a great experience:) Found some gorgeous handmade gifts as well for some fam and friends. Have you ever seen Greek dancers perform in real life (outside of My Big Fat Greek Wedding;))? Well it was a first for me and I loved it! The little ones were the cutest.
P.S. You have until October 8th now to take advantage of the 30% off a regular priced item at Francescas! Just enter code “IHOD” at checkout!
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