Veronica Rose: 4 months

August 15, 2011

Veronica Rose: 4 months old
This month, you have learned to roll over, reach and hold on to your toys, and do back bends:) I think you might be a gymnast one day.
This girl never stops smiling! She loves to be talked to, and she will talk right back! She adores her big brother, who never seems to be out of kisses for her….

What would I ever do without you two??!


August 15, 2011

Dear Readers,
Want to come over for a chat?
I will provide the cocoa and donuts:)
Wouldn’t that be swell?
Love, Anna

Happy August Weekend

August 13, 2011

I think this would be the perfect way to spend a summer evening:) We are headed to the lake today to enjoy some family time after a long week! Both Gabe and I started our teaching jobs so the start of the school year has begun. However, I am holding on to summer as long as I can.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend~

August 12, 2011

August 11, 2011

I am heartbroken to see the summer come to an end but we shouldn’t let it go without a good run of fun!
WHAT: An end of summer party!!
WHO: You and all the fun gals across the blogosphere:)
WHERE: In the park with lots of bold colored chairs of course..
EAT: Sangria Popsicles, Fresh Fruit, and Iced Tea:)
WHAT TO WEAR: Bring your bold colors and Stripes, and your favorite conversation topic of choice!
Its fun to party plan isn’t it? Hope you all will join me;) 
Thanks for having me as a guest in your awesome space Alisha! 
<3 Anna

Head Scarf Tutorial via Keiko Lynn

August 11, 2011

This girl seems to be one step ahead of the fame when it comes to hair and make-up. If you haven’t yet seen this fun scarf tutorial for your hair, head on ova!
P.S. Another fun newly released site for hair & make-up tips is The Beauty Department.
What are your favorite sites for hair and make-up tips??


Little Finds: Flora and Henri + Estella

August 10, 2011

These are two brands of clothing for kids that has ADORABLE written on each and every piece;) I can hardly stand the cuteness. If the price tag was a little more affordable I would probably have snatched up tons of baby gifts from here by now:) Enjoy the little eye candy….

They are having a huge sale right now! Hold me back!
If you have any little clothing lines you are head over heels for, do share!!
Happy Wednesday!
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