Meet the Blogger: Melanie Blodgett of You Are My Fave

February 21, 2011

Your favorite aspect of blogging?
The friends I’ve made online. That kind of sounds like I went to a chat room and met some sketchy dude and now we’re getting married! But tell me, when you meet someone for the first time, what’s the topic of conversation? Your similarities and interests. Relating to someone’s blog and getting to know them online is just the initial step of becoming a friend. 

I went to a conference a couple weeks ago and met several bloggers that I’ve read for a couple years now. I even roomed with one that I had never met in person – and you know what? When we met we instantly embraced and felt like old friends. My mouth hurt from talking and laughing so much. I came home wanting all of them to become my next door neighbors. 

(Pinwheel Party – more here)

What were the deciding factors to start your event design business? 
I’ve wanted to be an event planner for several years now but had this idea that I would need some type of formal education or someone giving me permission to do it. Then I started showcasing some parties and projects on my blog and I got positive feedback from my readers. It gave me the little boost that said, “Yes! You can do it. Figure it out. No more excuses.” I was teaching at the time and it was summer so I had a lot of time to devote to it. I still have a long way to go but I’m happy that the initial steps of business creation are complete.

What are your top resources for inspiration?
Martha Stewart Weddings 
Stylist portfolios 
Well crafted store displays 
Interesting visual movies like Wes Anderson films 

Can you share with us some of your goals for your blog/business this year?
Blog: Feature more original content.  
Business: I want to secure at least one wedding and actually getting paid might be a good thing. I’ve done my share of free work! 

(28 days of cardigans – more here.)

Just for fun – what are your top 5 day to day must haves?
a shower 
a funny text from a friend

This is just a taste of all the fun over on You are My Fave:) Isn’t she fabulous? Thanks Melanie for visiting IHOD and sharing some inspiration. You can find more You Are My Fave here:

One Room to Inspire: Mudroom

February 17, 2011

(found via)
I have many dream rooms for when we actually own a house I can decorate:) This is one of them. Organization, bins, and lined with Hunter Wellies of course!
I am on my last few spreads for the Spring issue of Radiant Magazine. YAY! So much inspiration in this issue. Its gonna be good. K back to work….little G’s nap time is almost up:)

High Gloss Magazine

February 16, 2011

You know I love a new magazine find! High Gloss Magazine launched their premier issue recently and it is loaded with color, home, and design inspiration. These are a few of my favorite spreads. Check it out! I am sure you will <3.

Happy Birthday Husband:)

February 15, 2011

(This photo makes me laugh every time- dressed up as Crocodile Dundee for an event)

Its husband’s birthday today:) Wanna know just how much I love him? You can take a peek at last years birthday dedication post:) He doesn’t usually like to celebrate his birthday so since we have been married I have made it my point to make the day extra special and fun for him. 
(So little G and I have some little surprises to rain down on him;) photo via)
(…and we are heading to CO this weekend to visit fam and celebrate. Photo via)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUSBAND! You are still my most favorite person in the world:)

Style Watch: The 70’s are back in Bluebell Denim

February 11, 2011

That’s right friends, the 70’s are back in full swing;) High rise bell denim is quite the hot trend right now, and to be honest, I’m LOVING it. Of course, I can’t imagine myself squeezing into a pair of these this summer after having a baby. Lets call that a goal:D
Um and GUESS WHAT?! Chris pointed out to me yesterday that my little blog has been nominated over on the Lovelies Awards for best Design Blog!! Oh my gosh!!!  If you have a minute will you go check it out? I am just humbled to be among so many amazing blogs! Please vote for your fave and while you are there, you can nominate some of your favorite shops and blogs:) So many good ones!
What are your plans for V-Day?! Celebrating singlehood? Going out with your love? Or maybe ignoring it all together? he he. I have some surprises for husband up my sleeve:) He usually out does me with sweet and romantic little things so I am trying to beat him this year!

DIY of note: Be Mine Tea Bags

February 10, 2011

Just another favorite of mine that Ez created over on Creature Comforts. Brilliant right?
Will be back soon to bring you more fun DIYs to do from home for V-day. The majority of Americans are in bad weather right now and don’t want to leave the home! 😉

Seeing Pairs: The People’s Wine + Spec Chart

February 9, 2011

(source 1, 2)
Its fun when a few pieces of artwork work together without even being by the same artist.
Pinterest has been such a great way to see these parallels.
I am in the middle of designing the Spring issue of Radiant so its crunch time for me this week.
Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday!
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