Small Business Guide: Product Photography Tips

January 20, 2011

Hi friends! Ready for the new series here on IHOD? I am working with some experienced entrepreneurs I admire to bring you some fantastic Tips 2 Take With You! I know starting out my business venture, I would have LOVED to have a guru tell me all the ins and outs and ups and downs. I had some help from the blogosphere, and some I had to figure out all on my own.  So, my thought is, if I can help some you starting entrepreneurs in a small way, this will be worth it for me! I have been asked many questions about starting a business, and hope to address some of those questions. If you think of anything you would like to learn more about, leave a comment or shoot me an email! 
To start, here is a topic I believe every etsy artist, retailer, and shop owner has researched at least a few times. HOW TO GET OUSTANDING PHOTOS for your products! I recently asked Megan of Lilac Saloon how she got her gorgeous wallflowers so picture perfect and she so kindly typed out the info step by step for me! She is a sweetheart! I knew I had to have her as the first guest to share her wisdom with us!

White Backgrounds Made Simple – Instructions for Photoshop
Layer, New Adjustment Layer, Brightness/Contrast
(check box: use previous layer to create clipping mask)
  -Crank the brightness up all the way to make your background completely white
  – If NEEDED: With the Adjustment Layer selected, paint with black over the product using the soft edged brush (preserve a bit of the shadow below the product).
  – Paint brush with white over areas that may have too much shadow, to erase it. Click on the “Background” layer and add another adjustment Layer for Brightness/ Contrast
  -Bring up the contrast a bit if necessary to give the product a bit more saturation (works great for making the black look more rich and the white look more white).
White Backgrounds Made Simple – Instructions for Lightroom 3

-In the Develop Module, change the background to white by right clicking in the blank space that surrounds the photo and select White.  With the background white, it will help us see that the white space we’re correcting in the photo is in fact pure white.
– Choose the Adjustment Brush (paintbrush) and choose Brightness as the Effect.  Slide the brightness up all the way to the right and slide Saturation all the way to the left (this will give us grey shadows).  
– Increase the size of your brush so that it’s very large because you’re going to quickly paint over the entire image with the brush – so, the bigger the better.  Paint over the whole image which will whiten that background but also make your image completely greyscale.  
– Now, choose the “Erase” brush while you are still in the toolbar for the Brightness Adjustment Brush.  Slide the Feather up all the way to the right and reduce the size of your brush so that it’s small enough to color over your product in pretty good detail and around your edges.  With Feather, it gives the brush a very soft edge and so you will not need to be perfect or worry about sharp contrast from the background to the product.  
– Zoom in on your product and begin ‘erasing’ over your product.  It will look like you are coloring in with color, over your product.  Erase over your entire product!  
– Lastly, you can bring the brightness down just a touch if you need to reveal the shadows a bit more but just watch the white of the background so it doesn’t start to get grey.
This is only ONE way of creating this effect, but it works for me!  Experiment with it and fine tune it so that it works for your products and your photos.  I hope it helps give your photos a boost!  ~ Megan

If you would like to download these steps in a Word Document you can do so here:

Brittany Fuson Illustrations

January 19, 2011

I came across Brittany Fuson’s work through Michelle after being the lucky girl to win a notecard set. After visiting her site, I knew I had to feature her work. I admire her consistent style of illustration, and beautiful designs. She has an illustration for every occasion! These were some of my favorites:)
Visit Brittany Fuson Here:

*CLOSED-Giveaway: Sienna Bag from Mimi Boutique

January 18, 2011

Dreamy right?! Well so is every bag from their site!…sigh. You lucky readers – someone will get to win one of my favorite bags in your color of choice from Mimi Boutique – The Sienna Bag.

To Enter (must be a follower or subscriber of IHOD):
1) Visit Mimi Boutique and leave a comment with your current favorite item(s)!

Extra Entries (leave a separate comment for each):
2) Follow Mimi Boutique on Facebook or Twitter  and let us know which!
3) Blog, Tweet, or Facebook about the giveaway and let us know!
Giveaway open until Monday night the 24th! (This giveaway is for U.S. Residents only)
Make sure you have a website or email linked to your user id! Good luck!!

Sponsor Faves: Lovely Littles

January 17, 2011

All over cuteness, right?!! Eleise is the mama/ business owner behind Lovely Littles. What I love about her work: Bright, Modern, and Handmade! These are a few of my favorites. Take a moment to check out her sites! I really do get to work with the best sponsors:)

Lovely Littles:
(If you are interested in advertising for the month of February please email me for blog stats and rates!)

Color File: Coral Rose

January 14, 2011

I am always inspired by the Pantone Color Report. I absolutely love the spring palate, Coral Rose being one of them. I am incorporating some of the colors into my Spring line. Isn’t this a fun shade?
I am really so honored to be featured over on Megan’s blog, Lilac Saloon, as the featured blogger this month. She really is the sweetest. I am sharing my top 5 things I am loving, guilty pleasures, and more here! 
Have any fun plans for your weekend? After three weeks of travel, it took me all week to unpack and catch up on everything at home so I am welcoming a relaxing weekend! Dinner and Bowling with friends is on the schedule:) Happy Friday Friends!

Take 3 : Vintage Cameras

January 12, 2011

(source: 1, 2, 3)
I would love to get a hold of a few vintage cameras someday. They are fascinating to me.
I felt each of these photos were frameable:) 
I could hardly sleep last night awaiting the arrival of my sister Tricia’s first baby! I have a new nephew, and with each new life, the world seems to smile and joy overflow. I am so happy for them. I have loved being pregnant alongside TWO of my sisters! Cousins!!

My Current Pregnancy Must Have: BLANQI Bodystyler

January 11, 2011

You may remember how I told you about these two fabulous mamas who were determined to offer women a better pregnancy experience through maternity wear:) I had the priviledge of trying one out before they launched when I was pregnant with my son. I was 9 mo. along in the photo below, and wished they were already on the market! They didn’t need to tell me how great the product was – I felt the difference wearing it! Now, the 2nd time around, I was anxious to get a hold of one! Lucky for me and for all you mamas to be, they are now in stores and locations across the country!
And I am serious when I say, I just about live in it!
(Top: H&M, Cardi: Target, BLANQI Bodystyler in Black, Jeans: LOFT, Boots: ALDO, Accessories: IHOD)
It has been inspiring to see Valerie and Sabina work so hard to make their dream a reality and improve the pregnancy experience for women everywhere.  They are a bunch of fun to keep up with! If you know any mamas to be…pass along the info on this new mama must have! 
You can follow the BLANQI girls here:
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