Resolution #1 in 2011 – Be Spontaneous – L.A. Recap

January 10, 2011

My spontaneous trip of 2011 in L.A. was such a sweet time:) Ever play high-low?!
 Here are my highs and lows of the trip! Top moments:
1) Getting to experience the trip with one of my dear friends/co-workers from Radiant -Rose, and her two adorable boys! We have had so many fun adventures together and this one made the list!
2) The Soul Surfer movie screening. Incredible movie with an all star cast. It was at the Sony, which was surreal! We are excited to be able to interview some of them. Stay tuned!
3) Meeting Mara and having lunch at Louie Bottega. A pretty adorable cafe with a fantastic menu.
I could have talked to her for hours. We have a lot in common:) She will be modeling some of the new accessories from the IHOD Spring line! Looking forward to working with her and sharing!
4) Getting to experience the Fabric District downtown. Got some beautiful supplies! 
5) Driving down Rodeo Dr. Its real! ha ha! Absolutely beautiful too. Sparkly actually. I now understand why movie stars live in their own bubble and can be pretty absurd sometimes. Their world is its own!

Low Moments:
1) Sitting next to a snoring man on a 2.5 hour flight
2) Leaving my wallet on the plane and having to run back 6 months preggo through the airport to get it in time before my connecting flight took off!
3) Ruining my shirt 10 minutes before leaving for the movie screening! Always have a back up! 🙂
4) Only having 24 hours in L.A. 🙁
5) Circling around Grand Ave and never finding FIDM! Will have to wait till next time…
Ever have moments like these?!

Other than that, it was a smooth trip. I am very blessed to have had the opportunity to go! And it sure feels good to cross a resolution off the list! Happy Monday friends!

Style Files: Bigger is Better

January 7, 2011

 In this case, bigger is better. Large sunglasses, clutch, and hat, just work:) Her jeans? Where can I find them?! 🙂 Iam looking forward to hitting up FIDM Scholarship Store (where Project Runway is filmed) this morning, followed by my run through the fabric district. I get to meet up with the lovely Mara for lunch. 
The movie screening was fantastic. Will make sure and share soon:)
Happy Friday!!

Color Block Party – Rue Blog

January 6, 2011

 So did you know that Rue Mag now has a blog? So in case, like me, you can’t get enough of their creative genius, you can get your daily fix here.  I am also loving this post by Mackenzie of Design Darling. Obviously, I am a color addict.

When this posts I will be flying west to CA. I felt these runway shots were appropriate and the colors would brighten your day:D

Sponsor Faves: Days Gone Design

January 5, 2011

I LOVE getting to do sponsor feature posts because I get to pick out and post some of my favorite items to share with you:) Nikki is one talented mama! She runs a business called Days Gone Design, which offers design work for Business, Wedding, and Celebrations! These are just a few of her gorgeous designs from her etsy line, Curtsy Invitations. Enjoy!

Days Gone Design

New Year = New Hair

January 4, 2011

(source 1,2,3)
Resolution #2 – New Hair Style

I am jump starting on my new year’s resolutions:) Maybe the being spontaneous thing is giving me courage! As with my last pregnancy, I get this itch somewhere along 4-5 months along where I need a new hair style. Last pregnancy, I stuck with the same old same old. This time around I am going to be a little more bold. I am going for a look along the lines of the ones above. Crossing my fingers I don’t end up with a mushroom or mullet. Wish me luck!

New Year + New Chapter

January 3, 2011

This is how I feel at the start of a new year! 😀
A fresh new page on a new chapter in my life. Each year is so completely from the next, and like 2010, it is full of both blessings and trials, both which can enrich your life.
Will be posting some resolutions for the new year one at a time so you all can hold me accountable for completing them;)
My first resolution is already being completed this week. I am being spontaneous, and starting off the New Year with a bang!  I booked a last minute trip to L.A. on Thursday to meet up with my friend/ editor of Radiant Magazine to attend a Private Movie Screening ….we have some exciting plans for the magazine underway! Also in the plans- hit up the L.A. Fabric district to get supplies for the IHOD Spring 2011 Line! Looking forward to this!
Stay tuned for the results!
Thanks for your friendship in 2010! Looking forward to keeping in touch in 2011!

Merry Christmas from my Family to Yours! + Photo Outtakes:)

December 26, 2010

Hello loves! I hope you are enjoying the Holidays with your family! There are TWELVE days of Christmas so we are still celebrating!! Christmas cards are going out late this year, but wanted to share these with you….I am sure those of you with kids can agree that you will get maybe ONE good photo out of 100 taken! I love looking at the outtakes though. So funny. My sister and I took each other’s pics this year, and she did such a good job with making little G smile:)  
These boys make me so happy….

Also, I guest posted over on Jennifer’s blog….one of my fave Style blogs:D You can see what my top three items I can’t live without, what I would do with a million dollars, and personal style picks:) Come say hi! 

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