Inspirational Spaces: Bunk Beds for Four

August 23, 2010

Considering my husband and I hope to have at least four kids, these rooms were very appealing to me:)
I think my sisters and I would have had a little too much fun in these rooms growing up!
Find more fun bunk bed ideas here.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s giveaway!! I am pretty sure its something every girl is going to want!

DIY: Drawer Hangers Part 2

August 20, 2010

A little behind on posts this week. Too much going on!
I am on the hunt for some cool knobs and pulls so I can tackle this project… 
If you remember the jewelry hanger tutorial, I put that up in my craft room. I recently saw this DIY on Design Sponge and knew I needed to add a few more to the mix:)

So happy its the weekend! My husband went back to work this week (HS teacher)  and I have missed him….and so has the little one. We are looking forward to some time together. 
P.S. Don’t forget to enter the Kristina Marie Garland giveaway! Its fabulous!

Giveaway: Kristina Marie Garland

August 17, 2010

Aren’t the colors delicious?! Every spool of garland in Kristina’s shop is party worthy! She is offering one lucky winner their choice of garland! So if you have a party, shower, or occasion to celebrate coming up, you are in luck!

To Enter (must be an IHOD subscriber or follower) :
1) Visit Kristina Marie’s Shop and leave a comment which color choice you would like to win.
2) Blog, Tweet, or Facebook about the giveaway (leave a separate comment that you did so)

Kristina Marie:

Inspiration: The Anderson Crew

August 16, 2010

I first discovered the Anderson Family through Buggie and Jellybean. (Thanks Amy!) I recently saw this post, and it made my heart swell. Read on for some true inspiration from Emily and her crew!

You are in the process of adopting a little girl from Ethiopia. What helped your family decide to adopt?
Well, Mr. Anderson and I have always known that we would adopt.  I have had a heart for it, for as long as I could remember.  We didn’t think it would happen so soon for us, but the more we felt led to go in this direction, the more it made sense to us. If we bring her into our family now, while our munchkins are still little, I’m hoping it will help us all to adjust. I never want her to forget where she’s from, but at the same time, I will always want her to think back and remember growing up with us.

What advice would you give to families considering adoption?
Fear is a reality of adoption.  There are so many unknowns.  We believe that God has us on this path for a reason, so we choose to trust Him.  I am having to give up with my fears…because really, what good does it do to worry about them anyways?  If I start to become overwhelmed with fears, or unknowns, I just look at her sweet little picture and realize it’s all worth it.  Just like pregnancy/labor/delivery…it’s hard work, but completely worth it in the end.

Follow the Anderson’s Story Here:

*Thank you Emily for sharing your inspiration with us. I am looking forward to following this incredible journey!

Curbing the Inner Fashion Addict

August 13, 2010

I have this part of me that loves fashion, putting together outfits, and shopping according to my favorite color palate;) I know this will never go away….however, it has to be kept in check, monitored, and curbed:D After being married and starting my own business, I have become a lot more aware of the value of the dollar. Its hard earned in my house. So I am now a much smarter shopper….Luckily, I have this blog to get a lot of those fashion whims out without spending a $. Gotta love it :p

That being said, lets drool a little bit over these handbags and shoes….he he.
J.Crew is always right on with the color palate’s! 
Before splurge shopping, I always remind myself that material goods are passing. …and I won’t be taking them with me to heaven, right? Granted, this does not always prevent me from splurging;)

I have a fun giveaway in store for you party planners next week:D oo la la! Happy Weekend!!

DIY: Back to School Book Labels

August 12, 2010

It has been a while since I created a free printable! With school starting up for my husband (HS teacher) next week, I created this with parents and teachers in mind:) My little one loves to read books and he also loves to drag things around and misplace them:) Here is an easy printable that you can use to put inside or on the back of books for your students, your children, or for you! 

( Download Here) You can select which type of file to save as!

(He loves to read books with his daddy…melt! )

All you need is sticker paper or Avery 2 x 4 in. labels (What I used). 
Download and Print! Hope you can enjoy these! Let me know if you have any problems and I can email the document to you:)

P.S. Lovely by M is hosting an IHOD giveaway if you would like the chance to win anything from my shop! Her blog is fantastic:)

Vintage Alphabet Prints

August 11, 2010

I would love to collect Vintage Alphabet posters and prints:)
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