You are in the process of adopting a little girl from Ethiopia. What helped your family decide to adopt?
Well, Mr. Anderson and I have always known that we would adopt. I have had a heart for it, for as long as I could remember. We didn’t think it would happen so soon for us, but the more we felt led to go in this direction, the more it made sense to us. If we bring her into our family now, while our munchkins are still little, I’m hoping it will help us all to adjust. I never want her to forget where she’s from, but at the same time, I will always want her to think back and remember growing up with us.
What advice would you give to families considering adoption?
Fear is a reality of adoption. There are so many unknowns. We believe that God has us on this path for a reason, so we choose to trust Him. I am having to give up with my fears…because really, what good does it do to worry about them anyways? If I start to become overwhelmed with fears, or unknowns, I just look at her sweet little picture and realize it’s all worth it. Just like pregnancy/labor/delivery…it’
*Thank you Emily for sharing your inspiration with us. I am looking forward to following this incredible journey!
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