New website sneak peak + SALE!

August 10, 2010

I have been hard at work getting ready to launch the IHOD website! Its about ready! With the new website will also come new fun accessories and a new big cartel shop! Here is a sneak preview!

 So, to make room for all the new products, I am having a 5 day sale (through the weekend) for IHOD readers and/or facebook fans! Shop at IHOD etsy shop and take 20% off your entire order! 
To get the discount:
1) Enter IHOD Reader at checkout:)
2) Proceed with payment and 20% amount will be refunded to you
OR 3) Checkout and wait to receive the invoice from me with discount amount.
Thanks for all of your support! You make this business so much fun for me!
P.S. There will be an IHOD giveaway going on tomorrow on Lovely by M’s blog!!


Pantone Fall Color Trend Report

August 6, 2010

I was looking into fall color trends for 2010, and found Pantone’s Fashion Color Report. An excellent summarization of the upcoming color schemes hitting stores this fall. I was so happy to see three of my favorite colors in the mix. (Golden yellow, coral, and grey of course;)

I don’t want summer to end, but Fall is my favorite season….one reason being fall wardrobes:D
In IHOD news, Elodie Boutique is the newest location where you can find IHOD products! 

Hope you all have a fantastic summer weekend! 

Sneak Peak at Little G’s One Year Photos

August 3, 2010

My very talented sister Angela took some 1 year photos (a few months late;) of my guy. My heart melts when I look at them..

Don’t want him to ever grow up!!

Meet the Blogger: M. Fay of Amateur Couture

August 2, 2010

What decided the theme for your blog?
Amateur Couture has evolved to a blog that celebrates the connection between art and fashion, often in the most literal of senses. It happened very organically, with a Jason Wu dress that reminded me of a painting that I loved. I posted both images and the concept was born, sharing my favorite things and using art as inspiration.

How do you go about finding the perfect pairings between art and fashion?

Sometimes I find the dress.  Sometimes I find the art. I remember pictures the way other people remember words. It can be like a memory game that happens quickly, as often as it can be a treasure hunt.

Is this an outsource of creativity for you or is it an extension of the line of work you are in?

In my fantasy world I am a sophisticated lover of art, but in reality I am an amateur devotee. I spend my days as a shop girl in a darling soap store, but at night I turn into creative wanderer, drowning myself in art books, fashion magazines, and my beloved laptop.

If you could go any place in the world to soak up fashion and art where would it be?

I wish I could say Paris or New York, but I haven’t been to either unless in a daydream. I find inspiration in shapes, color combination and textures. Looking for the beauty in all things, I challenge myself to see the world through rose-colored glasses.

What are your favorite sources of creative inspiration (this can be websites, places, people. Etc)

Oh my! I could go on and on and on….may I rant and rave.  Chagall, Bardot, Warhol, the stars, the sea, my Grandmother’s jewelry box, Chanel (always Chanel), the promise of an empty canvas or a blank page. 

Amateur Couture

* Thank you so much M. Fay for being a part of the series! I am fascinated by your blog and can’t wait to see more!

Style Files: Effortless Chic

July 30, 2010

This girl nailed it on the head. Totally my style….comfortable and chic. 
What would you say best descrobes your style?
I am working hard to meet the print deadline this weekend for the Fall Issue of Radiant. 
Its all coming together beautifully, thanks to having a pretty fantastic partner in crime to work with:)
In between layouts, I will be hitting up the county fair! 😀
Happy Weekend!

DIY- Pig Roast Engagement Party

July 29, 2010

One of my good friends from high school, Lauren, emailed me recently to share this event. Along with Jess (the engaged) and another friend, they planned detail for detail this “Tom and Jess Fest”. Being a bunch of design majors, it is no surprise it turned out to be SPECTACULAR….not to mention it was just featured on Design Sponge last week! So, if you are planning an important event, let this inspire you to get creative! It’s all in the details!

In Lauren’s words, “Jess and I discussed concept and vision from the beginning, along with our close friend (and Jess’ MOH) Amanda. Our color palette was soft peach/pink and craft paper brown…with accents of hot/neon pink and gold. “……

“From gorgeous screen printed invitations on chip board in hot pink lettering with a vellum overlay in gold/peach to homemade bunting, routed out pieces of old lumber for floral centerpieces, laser cut wooden signs with vinyl lettering applied, wrapping tables in craft paper, a magnetic chalkboard painted door to display their lovely engagement photos taken in L.A. (where they used to live) and a place for guests to write clever comments for the couple. The list goes on and on! “….

“We made some homemade summer cocktails (entitled ‘piggy punch’ and ‘porch swing’ to celebrate summer), each glass adorned with those adorable striped straws. Of course, with that much love and care poured into everything, how could you not dance the night away in celebration??” 

Aren’t these details perfect?! The photography is just incredible. You can see more of the photos on Swell Photography Blog! If you have any questions, email me, and I will be sure to pass them on to Lauren! Thank you dear friend for sharing your talent with us!

Chalkboard Wall Decals Review + Giveaway Winner

July 27, 2010

I am excited to share this review with you! If you remember, I was asked to review any product from any of CSN’s 200 stores. I went with these chalkboard wall decals from All Modern. I thought this was a product that would be fun to try and interesting to each of you readers! Read on for my review..

Here is what I loved about this product:
1) Comes with FOUR decals! I have put one in our kitchen, in my son’s room, and in my work room:)
2) So EASY to apply. Its really as easy as peeling off the back, sticking where you want it, and pressing it out… and the corners don’t peel up like I would have expected.
3) REMOVEABLE and RE-USABLE! When you want to place it somewhere else, you simply peel it off and re-stick! I thought the texture might be grainy, but it is actually really smooth. 
4) It comes with chalk, is fun and easy to draw on, as well as easy to erase! My son has already created some pretty interesting artwork on his;)

I was nervous to do a review in case I was disappointed with the product, but luckily, I was really impressed! You can find these chalkboard wall decals here. If you want to just try the mini version they have those too!

Also, I chose a lucky winner last night for the Vadjutka Jewelry Giveaway! #17 – Yay! The lovely Sandy! Email me your adress:)

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