Meet the Blogger: Liz Stanley – Say Yes to Hoboken

July 26, 2010

Tell us how you got started blogging, and what has been the best part about it?
I started blogging as more of a family blog, documenting our adventures living in Hoboken, NJ.  Inspired my sister in law, Jordan Ferney of Oh Happy Day, I started using it as a way to archive products and diy projects I was working on and it just kind of blossomed from there. My favorite part is what a creative outlet it’s been for me and the sense of community bloggers have. I love blogging, look forward to doing it everyday and even if I were making nothing, I’d still be doing it. It’s one of my very favorite hobbies.

As a mother, small business owner, and blogger, how do you juggle it all?
I’m someone that really likes to be busy. I’m pretty efficient in my time use and love to have a schedule and plan out my day. With only one child now, it seems to work out fine. I set aside time during the day (usually during naps or in the evening) to deal with blogging/advertising issues/answering emails and then make sure to shut the laptop quickly and go do something fun with my son. It’s a nice balance right now.  

Where do you go for creative inspiration? 
I’m embarrassed to tell you how many blogs I subscribe to but it is A LOT. I don’t read them all every day, or even every week, but when I am looking for inspiration it’s a great place to start. I also love old issues of domino and martha stewart kids.  

What do you see yourself doing 5 years from now?
I have no idea! I love working from home and hope to be able to keep doing it even when our family grows. It’s very fulfilling for me and a great creative outlet.

Just for fun- what are your weekend guilty pleasures? 
I love running, camping, hiking  and sewing. I also love checking out local thrift stores and eating out at a new restaurant here in San Francisco. 

Find Liz Stanley Here:

*So happy to welcome Liz Stanley here on IHOD! She has been one of my favorite bloggers since I entered the blogosphere… Say Yes to Hoboken is overflowing with creative inspiration…I hope you will visit! Thank you Liz for taking the time to be a part of this series!

Style Color File: Charcoal and Grey Hues

July 23, 2010

Top left Clockwise: 

I have just about every type of clothing in grey. Its a color that pairs well with anything, is great for layers, and can is a perfect compliment to just about any color:) 

It has been quite a crazy week for me! Trying to catch up from being a under the weather. Looking forward to the weekend! P.S. Don’t forget to enter the Vadjutka Jewelry giveaway 🙂 Happy weekend!

Inspirational Spaces: Textiles in your Studio Space

July 19, 2010

I am going to be adding some new inspirational topics in between the meet the blogger posts! 
I draw so much inspiration from the home from some of my favorite interior design blogs, flickr, and magazines. I thought you readers would also enjoy viewing some noteworthy creative spaces! So…introducing…..Inspirational Spaces! 

Studio Spaces via Design Sponge

Everything about these studio spaces make me smile….fabric textiles such as wall boards and bunting add such a  personal and fun touch to your creative space!

*If you have a creative space that you would like featured, email me!*
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s giveaway! You will swoon over it!

Up and Coming…Product Review!

July 17, 2010

I was contacted by a lovely lady from CSN stores to see if I would review a product for them. I am really looking forward to my first review! CSN has over 200 online stores, which includes everything from vanity to wall decor, housewares to bags and luggage

So….I am going to review something I know you readers would love, and hopefully it will be helpful to you! Here’s a hint: It can be used in just about every room, and is from 🙂

Stay tuned! And you won’t want to miss this week’s giveaway! It is gorgeous! 😀 
Happy Weekend!

Style Color File: Golden Yellow + Stripes

July 16, 2010

My golden yellow craze and love for stripes continues….

I love everything about this photo via everything fab

 **Remember, If you have something new to share, please email me for a chance to be featured:)
Also, are you on pinterest? If so let me know and I will look you up! It is kind of addicting! Great, another distraction…he he.
Have a wonderful summer weekend!

Artist Feature: Giovanna of Boho Market

July 14, 2010

Isn’t Giovanna a beautiful name?? Well this girl also creates beautiful work. Her illustrations have a very distinct style. The colors and details are noteworthy! Have a look…

She also runs a fabulous blog called Boho Market. You will love what you find! 
I asked Giovanna what her favorite illustrations were. These were a few…

Retro Girl (featured on free people blog)

“I received such lovely comments and emails telling me that they love my illustration, those comments made my day! :)”

I absolutely love her fashion illustrations. Here is a peak at the Fall 2010 set:)
Thank you Giovanna for sharing your work and talent with us! 

You can find more of Giovanna here:

P.S. I am guest posting today over at Imagine. Please stop by and say hello if you can!

Design Feature: Small Magazine

July 8, 2010

I promise when I am back from traveling I will post some new fun DIY’s. Until then, please check out Small Magazine. It is irresistibly cute in every way. The layout is extremely well done, and their selections on features are excellent! 

Loving it already?!

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