DIY: Home Decor Letters

June 3, 2010

Its been a crazy week! My sister hosted a  “Headbands and Happy Hour” event for IHOD which was so much fun! Can’t wait to share the details. For now, I wanted to pass along this DIY. Read the full post at Joy Ever After. She has so many creative ideas!

If you have a DIY you would like to be featured, send me an email!

News: Blog Designs + Giveaway Winner

June 1, 2010

I had the priviledge of working with Alli of One Pearl Button for her blog makeover:) My favorite part of the design process is working with the blogger to achieve a look that matches their style and content of the blog. Alli is such a lovely person and her blog is full of craftiness and inspiration…Take a look!

A friend of mine asked me to help her start a blog for a non-profit organization called Birthday Cakes 4 Free. There are chapters nationwide. I was so happy to be able to help this cause in a small way. I am excited to see how many lives this program will touch! Still tweaking some details here, but be the first to view the blog launch:)….

Lastly….to announce the GIVEAWAY WINNER!! Via

Thank you for all who entered! It was the biggest turn out yet! If you didn’t win, I promise you will eventually!;) I have an exciting giveaway coming up for you this month! Stay tuned!

Meet the Blogger: Helena of A Diary of Lovely

May 31, 2010

In 5 words describe Helena
passionate, patient, compassionate, stubborn, chatty

You are a world traveler! Tell us where you are currently located, and where you have lived before!

I currently live in London but my home is Barcelona. I was born and raised in Barcelona (minus 4 years living in Athens). I love my home city and miss it dearly to be honest but life kept me in London and I try to live it the best I can. I came here to study a MA and I was only supposed to stay for a year, circumstances kept me for a bit longer and then I met my boyfriend, the rest is history 🙂
We live in central London and I can’t complain to be honest, life isn’t treating us badly. I am blessed with a wonderful family, some really good friends and a wonderful partner. I recently started a new job that for now keeps me happy and we have a pretty house I love taking care of. I am lucky as I have traveled a lot and been to most of Europe and some other places around the world which is blissful and a great experience. One of my favorite trips was to Northern California and Vegas 🙂

What inspired  “A Diary of Lovely”? and what is your favorite part of blogging?

Last spring I came across Apartment Therapy and I became highly obsessed. From there the Internet was my oyster and my desktop started overflowing. I wanted a place to store my inspiration, ideas, things I loved and cherished which is how the blog began. I never thought I would take it to where it is today and to be honest it’s still a half dream, I never thought anyone would want to read me! It has opened incredible new doors and has allowed me to meet some incredible ladies. Every comment, every email, every reader, follower is a little smile in my life, A Diary of Lovely would be nothing without all these so I can’t say thanks loudly enough. 

I love discovering new blogs, new people, new inspiring people daily, there is so much talent. It is a privilege to be part of this community and truly and honestly feel blessed, it has completely changed my life and has made me believe more in myself and want to improve every day. Hopefully I can continue doing it for a very long time and maybe one day I can meet some of you personally. 

Name your top places you go to for inspiration? (blogs, places, people)

Blogs, blogs, blogs for sure, I can’t even narrow it down to some and I would rather not name specifics as I have a long list of blogs I follow and admire and really don’t want to miss anyone. Magazines, I subscribe to several and there is always something that will inspire me or give me an idea or two. I get inspiration everywhere, in the street for example, London is such a diverse city and inspiration is everywhere. My family, especially my mom also inspire me, and my friends. And blogs, did I mention blogs? 😀

What is your dream job? OR Where would you like to be in five years?

My dream job, aaah that’s THE big question. Ideally I would love to work from home, and work for myself. Not sure if it will ever happen but I’m hoping one day I will be able to manage myself, I would love to be able to afford more time for A Diary of Lovely too. In five years time I would like to be married and have a baby. Spend quality time with my partner and fully enjoy life. Hopefully live in Barcelona closer to my family too. For now these are thoughts and dreams and I would love to come back here in 5 years and tell you that I’ve accomplished these or some at least. 

Keep up with Helena here:

*Helena is one of the sweetest girls, and she is so much fun to follow! Her blog is filled with inspiration, giveaways, fashion, etc. Be sure to check it out! Thank you so much Helena for allowing us to get to know you better!

Embrace the Camera Challenge

May 29, 2010

This week Amy from Buggie and Jellybean introduced me to The Anderson Crew through the “Embrace the Camera” challenge. (I know…a little late). Its a challenge for us moms to put down the camera and get in front of it with your kids:) I was lucky to have my sister Angela snap these shots for me. She did such a great job…I know have some priceless photos with my little one.

Thank you Emily and Amy for getting me to do this!
See you all Monday with an all new Meet the Blogger post!

Style – Long Weekend Glam

May 28, 2010

My lovely friend Ann (daily-ann-tidote) and I finally got our act together to bring you another style spread. Just in time for the Memorial Day Weekend shopping trips:) Here are a few favorites we found…

Delia Romper – Trina Turk – 188$
Field Nap Necklace – Anthropologie – 188$
Raffia Hat – Athleta – 40$
Metallic Miller Thongs – Tory Burch – 188$

I know…although we would all love to spend our paychecks on Anthropologie or Trina Turk, sometimes Target does the job:) We did the searching so you don’t have to. Here is a similar look that is budget friendly:)…

Romper/Cardigan Outfit – Target – 15$
Floppy Straw Hat – Gap – 30$
Beaded Dangle Bib Necklace – Target – 40$
Grecian Flat Sandals – Target – 18$

Hope you enjoy your long weekend! Its a great weekend to remember those fighting for our country and those who died doing so. I for one, am so grateful for these men and women who fight for our freedom. See you Monday with a new fabulous blogger to introduce you to!

Inspiration: Crystal of Plush Palate

May 24, 2010

In five words describe Crystal: passionate, poised, philosophical, strong, and grateful.  

When did you decide to start blogging and what directed the theme?: 
I started blogging in November 2008 (tough it didn’t become a daily habit until May 2009) after reading an article written by a popular food blogger and fellow Tufts University graduate, The Wednesday Chef, in my alumni magazine. After visiting her blog, I thought, I want to try this! I instantly fell in love with that feeling of being ‘published’ and putting my inspirations and thoughts out into the universe. The funny thing is, I started as a fashion blogger because that’s what I was interested at the time, but through time my interest evolved into interior design. So in many ways, blogging helped me unearth my true passion at a time when I was searching for my career calling. It’s catapulted me into a career I absolutely love…and for that I’m endlessly grateful. 

Where do you go for design inspiration?: 
For inspiration I turn to my favorite design blogs. There are so many amazingly talented bloggers out there and I am constantly impressed by their intelligence, hard work, and creativity. They push me to challenge my own writing skills and to continue to hone my eye for design. For me it’s important not to become complacent and to always be evolving. The design blog community helps inspire me to do that, while offering me support, camaraderie, and friendship. I can’t even begin to tell you how many deep and meaningful friendships I’ve made through blogging!

What do you find catches your eye when it comes to interior space? 
A sense of harmony and serenity. Sometimes you can’t explain it, but a room just feels right. Of course it has everything to do with the perfect composition of symmetry, scale, contrast, balance and more….but that’s the behind the scenes stuff of what makes me feel wonderful in a space. I’m also drawn to neutral color palettes, a mix of rustic and modern, and attention grabbing decor at the moment. 

Just for fun, what would you say are your designer must haves? 
In fashion? Jimmy Choo heels (so comfy) and a Bottega Veneta purse (still dreaming of owning one someday…). In interiors? A Saarinen marble top tulip table and Sferra bedding. 

Find more of Crystal and Plush Palate Here:

* Thank you so much Crystal for sharing some inspiration with us. Be sure and check out this lovely lady’s blog! You will find so many things to love about it:)

Style: From the Favorites File

May 21, 2010

Happy Weekend! Stay tuned for an all new Meet the Blogger interview, giveaway, and artist feature next week!
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