Tuesday News: Blog Design + Sseko Designs

May 18, 2010

Postponing the giveaway till next week, because the shop hosting it sold out of her items and she has to re-stock! Just a hint that it is going to be a good one:) Want to share a few things with you…..Did some blog touch ups and design layout for artist Dallas Shaw over at DillyDallas. Check it out:) Really fun blog to follow while you are at it!

Also, so excited to share a little about Sseko Designs. One of IHOD’s lovely readers, Meghan, sent this to me, and I was UH-MAZED.  These women are so beautiful, strong, and determined. Not only that, their sandal designs are incredible. I am planning on purchasing a pair…

Please take a moment to Read the full story! 
Shop the sandals here. (They even customize for weddings!)
Get inspired….

Friday Style: However Handbags

May 14, 2010

I am going crazy over these unique handbags. I am not one to go for the bag just for the brand name…(i.e. coach, Louis Vuitton, etc.) I am drawn to functionality, color, and unique style. Check out HOWEVER shop and tell me what you think!

Fun Links for your weekend:
Laundromat Love Engagement Shoot
Anyone else excited for Robin Hood?
Don’t forget that you get a 20% discount at BrideBlu! Details here.

Have a blessed weekend! Lots of graduation parties and events for me:)

Bride Blu + Discount for readers!

May 11, 2010

When I discovered BrideBlu, I knew I had to share this shop with all of you. Her pieces are stunning. I would wear all of her designs! Well, guess what?! Cat is offering a special discount to IHOD readers! Lucky you…..You get to take 20% off your purchases from now until May 20th! Just enter the discount code “In Honor Of Design” in the checkout. Happy Shopping!

You can find more Bride Blu Here:

Friday Style: Geometry

May 7, 2010

I am loving the geometry going on in the Fashion world:)

Happy Mother’s Day Weekend to you all! All ten of my brothers and sisters + husbands + kids get to be together this Mother’s Day weekend for the first time in two years! My brother made it home from Ireland (despite the volcanic ash) where he is studying, and we are all enjoying this precious time. I love my family more than anything. Hope your weekend is blessed!

Mother’s Day DIY Inspiration

May 6, 2010

Elizabeth Ann Designs has some beautiful ideas to make your Mother’s Day gift more personal. I think handmade gifts speaks volumes. They are my favorite gifts to receive and give. 

Melissa from Design Delights, also did a fabulous round up! 
Check out her blog make over while you are there!

(resources found via Design Delights)

Tell me what you are doing for Mother’s Day! I love hearing from you:)

Animal Parade Birthday Favorites

May 4, 2010

Gabriel’s birthday party was on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. I was so thankful to have it outside! I have to share with you a few of my favorite things we had. My dear blog friend Amy from Buggie and Jellybean made him his birthday crown! If you have never visited her shop, True Love Found, you will have to take a moment to do so. It is amazing. I couldn’t get over the quality of her work and how edible my son looked in it;)

These are just a few of the adorable Birthday Crowns you will find at True Love Found
Gabriel actually kept his crown on for longer than I thought….maybe because he was eating a cupcake. Oh, and while you are visiting her blog, you can ooh and ahh over the pictures of her daughter’s Rainbow Party!

I also was lucky enough to find the most magnificent cupcake kit from Urbanic Paper. The detail in each little cupcake topper made me want to not even use them but frame them or something….;) Have you had a birthday for your little one recently? I would love to see it! 


Meet the Blogger: Fiona of Fee-Amore

May 3, 2010

Q: In 5 words, describe Fiona
A: Blessed, Loving, Fun-ny, Colourful, Pictorial

Q: What got you to start blogging?
A: I was working and studying both at the same time, for quite a while. Until last year in March, I decided that i had enough! I just had to give up one of the two and ideally i chose to give up on my work. It was quite an easy decision to make. Apart from the stress i was in, i knew i wasn’t exactly enjoying my work anymore too. Well, it was a good due reason to give myself a little break from the working world!

So with that, you could well say that I have a bit more time on my hands since. I started exploring and learning about the things that i love and enjoy but just haven’t quite got the time to do so previously. Also, i started appreciating on the things that i never thought i would like or have an interest in. Through these, I stumbled and learned upon many inspiring inspirations and finds out there and i was keeping them all in the folders. Until they were multiplying at such a scary rate, i decided that a blog might well be what i need!

Q: You have an eye for Fashion, and you find beautiful designers that you feature on your blog. What elements of design do you look for in fashion?
A: Oh, thank you. Fashion to me, is like another form of art, design and creation of sorts. It can get very subjective. When i see something that i like, i fell for it almost instantaneously that most of the times i do not need a second look to decide, again. There are many wonderful and talented designers and or artists out there, i really enjoy the process in trying to understand and learn about the thoughts, concepts and creations behind each masterpieces by these talents. And to me, apart from the style and trend – fashion also have to means wearable too! What you see my on the blog, are personally something i would love to have in my closet. Well, hopefully.

Q: Where do you go for inspiration? ( This can be people, places, websites, etc.)
A: Inspirations for me, can come about from anywhere. It can comes about from the daily conversations and encounters i have with the people that i know or do not know. It can also be from the places that are either familiar or new to me. I just love the moment when inspiration hits me, even if i have been to that same place, many times. 

Q: What is something you cannot live without on a day to day basis?
A: Oh, it has got to be my camera! I almost cannot go anywhere without it! I like to stroll about anywhere randomly, when i get the time to do so. I would spring out my camera when i see an element or a subject that i really like or feel for, and capture that moment. I think, i like taking pictures a little too much!

Isn’t Fiona fabulous? You can find more here:

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