Tuesday News: March 2010 Spring Accessories

February 23, 2010

So I put together IHOD’s first photoshoot this past weekend! It was so much fun, and my models and photographer were wonderful (all friends of mine). I have had these in the works for a while….all designed for Spring and Summer featuring some of my favorite colors, and with elements that make them versatile for formal or casual ensembles. Here are some of the new things in my shop …would love to hear your feedback!


Friday Style For the Weekend: Spring Stripes

February 19, 2010

Ann and I were both feeling the stripes this week so we hit up Anthropologie for some inspiration.
Here are a few things we are crazy about….if only in our price range….sigh.

Clockwise from Top Left:
Slate Stripes Shift – Anthropologie
Stripe Tease Top – Francescas
Ensis Clam Necklace – Anthropologie
Double Torsade Necklace  – Anthropologie
Grevy’s Wedges – Anthropologie
Denim Minnie Pan t – JCrew
Field Game Cardigan – Anthropologie

Have a Beautiful Weekend!

Tuesday News: New Blog Crushes

February 16, 2010

I am constantly drawing inspiration from the blog world. Such as, any of the links on the right! Here are a few newbies I have been amazed by! Beautiful blogs that you will be inspired by. Also wanted to announce that I am going to start Meet the blogger interviews for Inspiration Mondays! If you are interested in being featured, send me an email! (anna.liesemeyer(at)gmail.com) In the meantime, I will be contacting a few of you:)


I can’t say anything but to read her story. I sobbed the whole way through. 
The most beautiful thing I have read in a while.


Design. Tutorials. Freebies….Everything I love! Take a look! 


Just visit the blog. You will fall in love. She also recently launched her website. 

Happy Tuesday! See you tomorrow for a new artist post!
P.S. Thank you so much to LeytonSmiles (adorable baby items) for featuring my necklace in this beautiful ribbon treasury! 

Meet the Husband

February 15, 2010

Today is my husband’s birthday….. I know he will be so embarrassed when he sees this, but I can’t help but dedicate today’s post to him. Besides, he IS the man who I am crazy about. We had a lot of fun this weekend celebrating with Valentine’s Day in the mix as well.

(Left – doing Mission Work, Right- during his Rugby days)

The reasons I was drawn to him early on, are still the reasons I love him so much….He is a man of service, he is a leader. We met in college. I loved going to watch him play and coach Rugby. Its amazing how much you can draw from a person’s character by how they act on and off the field. From our first days of dating, he would always find ways to serve me..humbling! And of course, he made me laugh more than anyone I knew…and still does!

Left-Our first 10K, Right- going to a Braves game)

We had so many of the same interests, but if he found out about something that meant a lot to me, he would go the extra mile to make it his interest too. Such as, going to Braves games when he is a diehard Brewers fan, going running with me (which is not his favorite way to excercise;)), making an effort to get to know each of my ten brothers and sisters, encouraging me to pursue art and design, etc. etc.

Our Wedding Day via TimWill Photography 

I know God created him for me. Each day I discover more reasons why…

(Our son Gabriel Joseph, at 2 mo. and 6 mo. with his daddy-who makes him laugh all the time)

Nothing melts a woman’s heart more than to see her husband and child interact. My husband is an amazing father. He works so hard for both of us, and is so involved in our lives. Little G can’t wait for him to walk in the door….daddy = entertainment to him:) We can’t seem to wrap our mind around this little person! He is the face of God to us, and I can’t get enough of my boys!

So, Happy Birthday to my favorite man in the whole world:) 

Friday Style: Timeless Vixen Vintage

February 12, 2010

I came across this shop, and found myself wishing I could go back to the days of Grace and Audrey and go out on Valentine’s Day in one of these…what I like to call “swoon dresses.” 🙂  I am in love with this era so naturally I was drawn to Timeless Vintage Vixen. 
Aren’t they lovely?

I am really looking forward to this weekend… having a little Valentine’s Day Party, celebrating my hubby’s birthday, and celebrating a little more V-day on Sunday…to appease the retailers;) 

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
P.S. THANK YOU to Printube for featuring my headband in this beautiful Pink Treasury! 

Thursday DIY’s: Valentine Round Up!

February 11, 2010

I have rounded up some really fun DIY’s from some of my favorite blogs for you to enjoy:) 
Here’s all you need for last minute Valentine Solutions! 

Clockwise from Top Left:
Also,  adorable Printable Children’s Valentines via Wandering Nancy 
I am using quite a few of these ideas in the upcoming 🙂 Do you have any fun DIY’s I missed? Let me know! I would be happy to link them here!

Tuesday News: Fun Giveaways!

February 9, 2010

What?! I won two giveaways within a week of eachother?! So exciting! I have never won so I HAVE to thank these two lovely sponsors, and show you what lovely goodies I won:

I will have to put up pictures of my little boys’ Valentines we made with these. SO cute.

Feel like winning a giveaway! Here are some fun ones you should check out!

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