Monday Inspiration: Welcome Back Phil!

February 8, 2010

We had so much fun with Phil and Tricia!  It was so wonderful to see my soon to be-brother-in-law and hear about his jaw-dropping experiences in Afghanistan. (My husband can’t get enough of his stories:) They are moving their stuff out to CO and get hitched in APRIL!! WOO HOO! We had a lot of time to eat, drink, and be merry before we said ttfn:)

THANK YOU Phillip …
for serving our country bravely,
for putting your life on hold to help re-build a broken one,
for loving my sister the way you do,
and persevering from miles away.

We can’t wait to welcome you into our family! 

Friday Style: Fun and Unique Finds!

February 5, 2010

Fun and Unique Finds for Your Friday!

Clockwise from top left:

What are your plans for the weekend? My sister and her fiance are coming to visit! He just got back from Afghanistan and they are getting married in April so there is much to celebrate!

DIY: Playing Card Message Valentines

February 4, 2010

My hubby’s birthday is the day after Valentine’s Day, and so I am working on a series of fun handmade Valentine’s for him. I am hoping he doesn’t see this post….. I wanted to share one of these projects with you. I have seen some cute ideas before with playing cards-so this is my version. These are sooo easy to make and fun to receive! 

What you need: 
deck of cards (with red backs)
hole Punch
marker or stamps
wax paper
tape or glue
ribbon or raffia

1) I used the Ace- 4 of hearts and cut out the letters L-O-V-E out of cardstock and glued them to the back of the playing cards. Flip them over.
2) Stamp or write your own message on each card. (I did my first one upside down!-oops.)
3.) Hole punch and string together your cards using ribbon or rafia.
4) Fold up and make it accordion style.
5) Cut some wax paper to make a pocket. 
6) Slide in your card, seal, and tie ribbon or raffia around it:)
Have any fun DIY Valentine’s links to share? Let me know!

Monday Inspiration: Product Packaging Part 2

February 1, 2010

I can’t get enough! I had so many fun product packaging inspiration pictures that I had to do round two! Also wanted to show you a little taste of how I package my items:) Thanks to Hooray for supplying me! I also get my tags from her which you see in my shop pics:)

Clockwise from top left:

If you have any fun product pics to share – email me! anna.liesemeyer (at) Will surely be doing another post on packaging soon:)

Can’t wait to announce the winner of the giveway tomorrow!! Thanks to all who participated!

Friday Style: Valentine Accessory Guide

January 29, 2010

I love collaborating with my friend Ann on Style Watch layouts! We have a few Valentine themed ones to share with you. I am sooo excited for her up and coming shop debut! She is so talented:)

3) & 4) Coming soon to: 

Yay for the weekend! Last day to enter the giveaway! Excited to see who the winner is!

Thursday DIY: Print Your Own Valentines – Pt. 1

January 28, 2010

My family and I always traded Valentines growing up and we still hand make them for eachother. I wanted to share with you some of the fun printables I am making for them! This is a DIY 4×6 Valentine Envelope that you can fold, fill with surprises, and send in the mail! You can download the full size here!  – .jpg and.pdf files available. All you need is a color printer and cardstock!

Don’t feel so crafty? Enter to win loads of fun Valentine items here! 
Happy Almost Weekend!

Monday Inspiration: Product Packaging Part 1

January 25, 2010

Since I started my etsy shop in September, I have been tweaking my product packaging as I go along. I pretty much have it where I want it to be…just working on labels. Along the way I have found some packaging examples that are inspiring to me for their originality, professionalism, and consistency with their shop design. Have a look! Which do you like best? Don’t these want to make you order something from them? 😀

4 & 5) Nice Package 

Stay tuned this week for an exciting giveaway!!! Happy Monday!
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