Weekend Recap

November 16, 2009

I didn’t want my weekend to end! It went by so fast. Just a small recap: went to a football game, met some new friends, made some incredible stamp calendars at a class with my sister, celebrated a birthday, tried to get things ready for the upcoming craft fair, and did some Christmas shopping….HANDMADE of course;) For instance,
I bought this adorable burlap wine bag from Frenchie and Flea
I also got these lovely bags and tags from Hooray Design Shop to use for packaging some of my items for this weekend’s craft fair:)

Will be sure to share some more Christmas Shopping finds soon! Looking for a great advent calendar…any suggestions???

Friday Finds from the Favorites List

November 13, 2009

On the bi-weeks between “Style For Your Weekend” I wanted to share a few fun finds in my favorites list on etsy:) I have taken the “Handmade Holiday Pledge” from Frenchie and Flea , to buy only handmade things for the Holidays to support small businesses! I think I can easily do this considering all the fabulous things I have found lately. Here are just a few:)


Store Debut : The Perfect Pair

November 11, 2009

I have been meaning to post about this exciting news! I am now selling both my Ladies and Little Girls Accessories in my first boutique store here in town! It is an adorable Soda Fountain/Gift Store that I just love to be in! My items sold within the first week so I am so grateful for that. Its a lovely shop and I am looking forward to expanding to a few others in the local area. Here are a few pictures of “The Perfect Pair”

Accessory Fix Tuesday

November 10, 2009

Since “All About Accessories” was the most voted for topic for the blog, I have decided to dedicate Tuesdays to this theme:) In addition to the “Style For Your Weekend posts.”
I have been noticing lately a great deal of jeweled tops. Some are over-jewelled, others clash and cling, but here is a few I thought were fantastic….

You can remove this necklace from the shirt and wear on its own…except its a pretty penny. So why not find the right jewelry to layer over your crew neck styles, or buy one already dazzling:)

Love this ensemble

You can wear this with just about anything!

So….which one catches your eye??

Weekend Recap!

November 9, 2009

This past weekend my sister Tricia came to visit from St. Louis. There is nothing like family. I am blessed to have TEN sisters and brothers, all who are each unique and all who make a big impact on my life in their own way. Tricia is getting married in April, so we had fun catching up on life, and talking wedding plans:) The weather was gorgeous so I hosted a BBQ Saturday to take advantage. She also modeled some new pieces for me that I will put up in my etsy shop soon! My husband snapped a few pictures of us trying to get serious to take a good pic:) This was after church, and we all happened to have yellow in our ensembles..

Introducing: Style For the Weekend! Brought to you by the A’s of Fashion

November 6, 2009

Recently, I was asked to design a layout for an online magazine for my dear friend Rose. Its geared for young Catholic Women and shares powerful, positive content. To be included in this, I was asked to put together a Style Page. I of course asked my amazing friend from college, Ann from Daily-Ann-tidote , to help me put together a feminine and chic ensemble. We had so much fun collaborating on this that we have decided to add it as a permanent addition to our blogs! We most likely will feature a new spread bi-weekly. So here is our debut page brought to you by the “A’s of Fashion” 😉 Will be looking for great designers to feature so if you have any suggestions, send them our way~

Here are the links for these fun finds:

Dress: ShabbyApple.com , 79$
Earrings: Anthropologie.com , 38$
Sash: inhonorof.etsy.com , 12$
Clutch: Silvermint.etsy.com , 17$
Shoe: Nine West, Piperlime.com , 89$

Holiday Craft Fair Madness!

November 5, 2009

Forgot to write about the craft fair! This past weekend was the local Holiday Fair which I participated in. I wasn’t sure what to expect since this was only my second one and the first was much smaller. It ended up being a huge success! I went beyond my goal in sales, and had so much fun interacting with different people and helping them shop for their friends and family. I had a blast, and I can’t wait  for the next one. Here are a few pictures of the items on my booth:) This was after the morning rush of ladies who ransacked the headbands:) Stay tuned for the Thursday Shout out!



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