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We have only the present: Tidings of Good Will

December 6, 2012

I have heard so many stories recently from friends, family, and strangers alike who are going through some really difficult times. Financial strain, loss of a loved one, illness, family problems, etc. There are many who are hurting, and it can especially hit hard during Christmas. This always weighs heavy on my heart, but this year, I resolved to talk less and act more.

What started as a facebook thread expressing this resolution, turned into a surprisingly awe inspiring day for me as I read comments and received emails from readers who have chosen to do something for their neighbors and communities this year. It moved me to tears. Big and small things alike. I am going to share some of them with you here, in hopes it will inspire you as well to do small things with great love this advent season. I am pretty sure BIG things can result because of it.

(photo by my talented sister Angela, quote source ?)

“I’m paying it forward! Every time I go through the drive-thru, paying for the persons behind me & serving a few hours a week.” – Amanda

I’m going to get some shoes and possibly a little jacket (it’s getting cool here) for the little talibe that is always outside the kids school. I usually give him a few coins every day so he can warn earn his bread but he really needs clothes and shoes  In the US we always do toy drives and volunteer at shelters. The need here is so great it’s hard to know where to start. – Ashley

 We want our child(ren) to know what it’s like to spend their own “hard-earned” money to buy a gift for a child their age and give it to him/her personally. In return, they will receive something for Christmas on an equal level. – Hannah

(Claudia at the Okinawa-shi is Airen-En Orphanage in Japan)

I live in Japan and the culture that they have towards children with disabilities and/or in need is very secretive. After much CIA style kind of research and networking, I finally got to visit an orphanage. Now I go every other saturday and spend there from 8-12 with a group of volunteers. We teach the kiddos english and we just love them. It is so rewarding, it is indeed a reality check. We have such a blessed life! Giving is the best gift for us!!! – Claudia

All throughout the year, we donate to our food bank and for Christmas, we donate to the Mission – Christmas dinners. They provide the placemats that will be used and we can write a note of encouragement and love on them. – Emily

I got a gift card in the mail, went to Kohl’s, and didn’t find what I was looking for. I thought about just trying to find something else, but then an idea popped into my mind. I went up to the register and handed it to a lady with two daughters. It was AWESOME to feel the paradox of ‘the more you give, the more you have’. – Katy

How about giving someone handmade “gift cards” of ways you can think of to serve them & then making them promise to cash them in before the end of Dec or end of Jan? Like a night of babysitting, a closet clearing partner, a yoga dvd buddy. Things that wouldn’t cost much money on your part, just time, & would possibly also lead to more time with that person just in a very intentional way. – Hilary

I have a friend who really felt called to help with the victims of hurricane Sandy that are facing the holiday’s with nothing. She did some research and ended up connecting with a parish near the Jersey Shore that has 3 different facilities housing people and is in need of help. My friend (Jessica ) Gutierrez) got a 24 foot truck donated and is working on filling it with supplies which she will herself drive to church on December 14th. –JoAnna

All of these comments have literally made me weep. You are all such a blessing to our cold, tough world. THANK YOU and THANK GOD FOR YOU and for your efforts. You are the true spirit of Christmas. – Christina

(artwork by Lena Hanzel)

So what am I going to do about this?
Having two little ones may limit it me in how or where I can serve, but they are my first project. To love my family, brothers, sisters, parents, neighbors, and friends. Often we are the ones that need the most love, right? 

Hurricane Sandy “Fill the Truck” Project – (thank you to my parish and JoAnna for the heads up!) A woman in our area was inspired to directly help Hurricane Sandy victims on the east coast. She got a 24 foot truck donated she is trying to fill with supplies by Dec. 14th to be taken to a church in New Jersey. It will then be handed to victims in need. I am hoping to rally help for this from friends and neighbors. If you are in the Atlanta area, feel free to email me for more info on the supplies needed.

Handwritten Christmas Notes to Friends – not just a family photo (in fact we aren’t even doing those this year), but an old school handmade card with hand written notes to new and old friends alike. (thank you Hilary for the idea!)

Knocking on the doors of neighbors – Its so easy even in the friendly south to go months without seeing or talking to neighbors. I am determined to knock on their door, say hello and bake their way into their hearts. We all need a smile and reminder that we matter.

Giving Tree – There is a tree at our church that was filled with requests from local needy children. Shoes, cribs, socks, coats…I wanted to take them all, but my friends and I were able to get a small bunch of them and shop for what they needed. Sometimes I wish I were rich so I could do things like buy that little giving tree out of stock!

Our Landlord knocked $200 off our rent! It pretty much made our year. What we are going to do with that money? Address the list above. We have a whole list of people we have been wanting to help. God never can be outdone in generosity.

What about you? I would love to hear your ideas. My list is open for growth. These readers above reminded me how much goodness is in humanity. Hope you will join me in spreading Tidings of Good Will this year:)

* If you are doing acts of service in the next few weeks. Tweet with the hashtag #TidingsofGoodWill and you can check out and be encouraged by others doing the same! 

21 Dates of Summer: Dates 17, 18, and 19

September 19, 2012

I realized that each one of these dates revolved around food. That says something about us…
We love to stuff our faces at every opportunity we get. Truth.
(Scarf via Deloom Boutique)

After New York, Gabe got a severe case of poison Ivy (as you can see on his knee) and we couldn’t so much as hold hands for days. Brutal I tell you.
It was a crazy week for both of us so when we got the chance to get away all we wanted to do was sit outside and have some time to catch up with each other – the kind of time when the little ones aren’t tugging on your legs or trying to talk over you to be apart of the conversation;) 
Atlanta Bread Co. had this beautiful outdoor patio area – I was very impressed.
We had a movie night which was the perfect excuse to make up our own popcorn recipe.
We made caramel popcorn following Paula Dean’s recipe, except we didn’t bake it, just mixed it in a brown paper bag, and topped with fudge and marshmallow cream. Don’t even get me started…..divine.
I am a morning person by nature (this could be argued since babies entered the picture), so it was cool to change up the time of day for a date and scope out a bagel joint we had heard about. It was in a random place, but true NY style. Loud and to the point, and the bagels being the size of my face.
A dozen cream cheeses and two dozen bagel flavors, Gabe and I stared for a good ten minutes before deciding which to commit to. We will become regulars no doubt…they were fantastic.
*Next week is the last two dates of this series with the 21st date being on the last official day of  summer on the 21st. The post will be open for you to link up your summer dates to as well! 

New York, New York Part II : IFB Conference

September 12, 2012

*You can catch part I of New York here, and what I wore here.

It would be impossible to cram all of the highlights of the IFB Conference in one post, so I hope you enjoy the few that I am sharing today:) Blogging is a funny thing. Its a world that is hard to explain to your neighbor, your friends, and even your family. It has its own lingo, its own fashion trends, and effects your own lifestyle. This was a day geared for bloggers to encourage, inspire, and gather our blogger worlds under one roof. I actually don’t consider myself a fashion blogger.

These girls had some really cool stories to share and practical advice (which I find most helpful).
I have to mention some of the entrepreneurs I had the pleasure of meeting throughout the day who turned out to be completely genuine, authentic, and sweet as ever. You only hope bloggers and creatives you love are as wonderful in person as you imagine. Well good news friends…. these women totally are: Jennine JacobKatie RodgersKatie Armour, Bri EmeryKendi SheenCori RobinsonJessie ArtigueAmy Anderson, Mackenzie HoranHilary Rushford…to name a few!
Creative genius Bri Emery was as down to earth and personal as they come. She obviously has a gift to inspire others, hence why her brain child Blogshop (crash course for photoshop) is taking the blogosphere by storm! If you haven’t had the chance to check it out, you can see their current tour here. Good news for Atlanta friends…she is heading our way!  
Side note – It really struck me that Bare Escentuals founder Leslie Blodgett came out to be with all of the attendees and just hang out. She was such a breath of fresh air. That alone, made me want to be a loyal customer for life.

In between panel talks, you could browse and interact with fun-tastic booths such as Mailchimp‘s photobooth and DIY tee station, Creative manis with Julep Nails, and Foundation matching at Bare Escentuals bar. Such a fun set up!

And of course, what’s a Fashion Blogger’s Conference without highlighting some winners?…
(Fashion bloggers who know how to throw a mean top knot: 
I couldn’t help but spot some seriously awesome stripes courtesy of Hilary Rushford and blogger who didn’t have a biz card! (Let me know if you recognize:))

I left the day feeling very blessed to connect with so many rockstars.
So thankful to Gabe for pushing me to go, and who took the day off of work to stay with the babes – what would I do without that boy? Hope you all get the chance to attend one day!
Love, Anna

*CLOSED* Take 3: Lona de Anna Ikat Prints + Giveaway

April 4, 2012

I have quite a beautiful surprise for you lovelies today.
Anna is the talented designer behind these fantastic art prints from Lona de Anna shop. I wanted to share her work with you today, and she kindly offered to give an IHOD reader a graphic print (and A3) of choice! I am the lucky owner of the second print which now resides in my guest room:) The first print is her brand new Ikat Neon Print which is by far my favorite!
To Enter (must be a follower of IHOD or Lona de Anna):
1). Visit Lona de Anna shop and let us know which print you would choose if you win!
Additional Entry option:
2). Pin one of her prints to pinterest and let us know you did!
Giveaway is open to international readers, and will run till Monday night! Best of luck!

Take 3: Spotted and Dotted +

December 16, 2011

Just a few looks that made me swoon this week. (and a little hint at an upcoming outfit post)
Happy December weekend! Looking forward to having nothing on the menu but good things….time with my husband, packing for St. Louis, Christmas gathering with friends, baking with my 2 year old, and soaking up the last days of advent. 
Whats your favorite Christmas albums? Love straight instrumental… White by Craig Kaelin, December by George Winston, and Mr. Buble of course. I save the real greats for Christmas week! (Bing, Andy Williams, and Manheim Steamroller)
Also, I joined the train (as if I need another distraction in my life…..), but its a fun way to look up all of your favorite bloggers favorite items. A simpler form of pinterest for the blogger world. Its kind of a secret sneak preview of things that will become the next big thing. If you are already signed up, find me here. Since, like pinterest, its invitation only, you need a code to sign up. I have a limited amount available with code: In_Honor_of_DesignObsessed
You just have to enter the code(case sensitive and make sure there are no spaces after) and login through FB(no need to be a blogger to join).  Let me know if you sign up so I can find you;)  

Poloroid Composites by Juan Felipe Rubio

March 17, 2010

Poloroid Compostitions by Juan Felipe Rubio

This was such a cool post that I saw via Lona De Anna’s blog that I had to share! 
Each one tells a story without any words…

Happy Wednesday!

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