A Fourth Heartbeat.

February 10, 2015

View More: http://morganblake.pass.us/anna
A fourth heartbeat. A new life! Due at the beginning of August, 2015.

It is still hard to wrap my mind around as I type those words, and yet I have never felt more peace and deep happiness than at this time in my life. I think this time around, I realize just what a miracle it is to conceive, carry, and deliver. I realize how sacred that heartbeat sound is at those ultrasounds. I feel like I can finally grasp the depth of this gift to be a mother, and I am so anxious to meet this little one inside of me. It is a funny thing, because this baby wasn’t “planned” according to Gabe and I, but I know without a doubt this baby is a life God has sent just for us. 

View More: http://morganblake.pass.us/anna
View More: http://morganblake.pass.us/anna

I had three friends tell me they were pregnant right in a row and something inside me stirred. An instinct mixed with a desire to hold another little one. I had no idea I myself was pregnant, but would find out a few days later. I was a little shocked, it was a little overwhelming, but I was flooded with peace. I knew this life, just like every life, already had a purpose. This baby would be the next miracle to join our family, and all I could think about was how I couldn’t wait to tell the kids. I am lucky enough to be married to a hunk , who loves children as much as I do, and he welcomed the news with so much love and support. 

View More: http://morganblake.pass.us/annaView More: http://morganblake.pass.us/anna

When Gabe and I started our family, we decided not to set a number to how many we would have, or decide how many were too much or too little. We would simply take one baby at a time, and keep an open mind and heart to the incredible gift of bringing life into the world. My childhood involved a pack of sisters and brothers who filled my life with the best memories, and continue to be a support system I could not imagine life without. I am thankful to my parents for giving me that, and I only hoped my little ones would experience it on some level. 

Not every person is meant to have multiple children, and I don’t believe there is a perfect family size.  The only perfect I seek is the family God hoped for us. Thanks for all of your kind words and support! I look forward to sharing a little peek into this adventure with you!

With love,
Gabe, Anna, Gabriel, Veronica, Max, and Baby #4 (Gender to be revealed on delivery day!)

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” – Jeremiah 1:5

A special thanks to Morgan Blake for taking these photos!

View More: http://morganblake.pass.us/anna

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