Winter days around here + GIVEAWAY

January 11, 2016



The days get pretty chilly here in January and February so I have to have a bunch of ideas up my sleeve when my little ones get antsy. I actually love when all my babes are home with nowhere to go. If we have a snowy or rainy winter day indoors, I’ll put on the record player, bring out all the blankets and let them build forts in different rooms. It becomes a place they read books or play bandits in, and if Veronica is lucky, play house. I also pull out all the art supplies from our art cabinet for play dough, painting, coloring, etc. This keeps my older ones entertained for hours.



dinner time
annies soups
supper time


When I was growing up, whenever it snowed, my mom would make us grilled cheese and tomato soup after we played outside. As you know, food is my love language so this memory stuck with me. I want to pass it on to my kids as well. As I have been fine combing our pantry staples, I have been trying to rid of all processed foods. So many children’s snacks and soups these days have a long list of ingredients I don’t really want them consuming. Annie’s products have been a favorite of my little ones for a few years now, so I was really happy to introduce their new soups as well. They have simple ingredients and no preservatives, artificial flavors, or synthetic colors. Even the chicken soups have organic broth and chicken. So hard to find! We used Cheddar Bunnies as croutons (sour cream flavor – come to mama!). Needless to stay they are a pantry staple now to pull out as a comfort food.

Hoping these long winter days don’t turn into begrudging ones, but good memories for them. It actually gives all of us good opportunities to practice patience and friendship. (We all need it!)


giveaway bundle


GIVEAWAY: Annie’s is so kindly giving away this bundle of goods to last you and your family a few cozy days indoors! Soup canister, wooden spoon, soups, snack packs, and crackers!  Enter via Rafflecopter below (Tell us your favorite cold weather tradition!), and I’ll draw a winner next Monday! Good luck:)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


*Thank you Annie’s for sponsoring this post.

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  • We love Annie’s – great giveaway!!

  • Mary Davidson

    I love making homemade hot chocolate. Raw milk, cacao, beef gelatin and raw honey. It’s a favorite around here!

    • what! Have never heard of a healthy cocoa recipe, thank you!

      • Mary Davidson

        Oh yea it’s so good!!!

        6 cup milk
        3 Tblsp beef gelatin (Great Lakes is my fav)
        3-4 Tblsp cacao
        Honey to taste.

        Warm it on the stove (don’t let it boil) and enjoy!!! If you use the beef gelatin that is soluble in cold water it won’t turn to chocolate jello however chocolate jello is quite delicious 🙂 Just warm on the stove and it liquifies. I let my kids have it for breakfast since it’s so packed with protein and nutrients!

  • Annie’s is the best! Makes me feel not so guilty about making boxed food once in a while 🙂

  • I love making hot cocoa for when my kids come in from playing in the snow.

    Love Annie’s! I had given up on prepackaged mac and cheese until I discovered this! 🙂

  • Erin Ellis

    During the winter months my kids, hubby, and I love to hang out and make baked goods for family and friends. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.

  • we like to get cozy with a fire in the fireplace, lots of throw blankets, and good books. and there are also silly shenanigans, thanks to my six year old! 🙂

  • Soups have always been a cold-weather favorite!

  • Brenda Koehler

    Sledding and snow angels followed by hot chocolate if there is snow and dance parties and karaoke if not. The girls love to dance. For me it’s chai tea with a tablespoon of coconut oil and a tablespoon of Kerrygold. Blend it in my Nutribullet. It’s great with coffee too. You can sweeten with honey but don’t need to.

  • Favorite tradition would be sledding, followed by movies and hot cocoa.

    My kids ( and I) love Annie’s food!

  • Everything looks so cozy and warm! I love a good chilly day to enjoy indoors with family 🙂 XO

  • Van Nguyen

    My husband writes “I <3 U" in the first good snow of the season. This year we went outside and played in the snow. It was magical!

  • We love to make homemade graham crackers, marshmallows and hot chocolate in the winter!

  • Gennie Shively

    Hot cocoa is our favorite cold weather tradition

  • Hot chocolate is my favorite cold weather tradition!

  • Slippers, hot cocoa, books & movies ♡

  • Good ole chicken noodle soup is a favorite or lentil soup 🙂

  • It has been so cold here in Atlanta area the last few days! Especially today! Tomato soup and grilled cheese sounds fabulous right now!


  • Soups. All the soups. Another thing I adore in the wintertime is bone broth- I am a fan year-round, but something about the cold months just seems to take it from typical fare for me to comfort food. The cold, grey months are also the ones for spiced things: mulled wine, apple cider, chai tea…

  • Portia Antonio

    The rain can keep us indoors, even in California, so we are sure to have a ‘real food’ tea party with my girls’ tiny tea set and practice our British accents. Lol

  • hot chocolate by a warm fire!!

  • Isn’t it crazy how the simplest meals are now processed? My dad was cooking pasta with a cheese and cream sauce and I stopped him saying: why don’t you just grate your own cheese and add your own cream rather than using this package? We are making life too easy. In my grandparents’ time this would never have happened. But I love that you use food as a love language. I can totally relate to that. It brings me immense pleasure to watch someone really enjoy their food, mopping up the last bits of sauce with a bit of bread and choosing a nice wine alongside your dinner. And I love the simple meals: grilled cheese, a stew, something with few flavours but a lot of taste. Yum! You are doing the right thing here, I hope it’s something your children will forever remember!

  • we love going on a walk on the first snowy day of the year! this doesn’t happen very often anymore since we moved to nashville though, but when it does (or when we travel) it’s still fun.

  • becca ramsey

    homemade hot chocolate! hope i win 🙂

  • I love having a kettle of homemade bean soup, no one certain recipe, depends on what’s a deal! And so good to have with homemade bread, been doing it for years! never gets boring! so comforting and good!

  • I love making apple cider

  • I love making a big pot of chicken noodle soup, drinking apple cider and sitting down to watch a BBC show when it’s cold out!

  • Elliot Burrow

    Like a lot of you said we love to play outdoors and come in to warm up with some hot chocolate! Complete with whipped cream, mallows and sprinkles! 🙂

  • We love to play outside- using beach toys to build snow castles, catch snowflakes on our tongues, and draw wintry scenes on our chalkboard or paint winter pictures with water colors. We can make the coldest or snowiest weather fun!

  • Corina King

    Annie’s is such a good brand!! I love the mac and cheese. Your family is BEAUTIFUL

  • We make smores over a candle!

  • So cute! We would have hot chocolate and popcorn after playing outside. 🙂

  • I love tomato soup and grilled cheese on a cold, rainy day.

  • Hot chocolate and a movie ❄️

  • we always fought for the warm stones on the hearth- only two of the seven of us could fit! i still feel the urge to rush to the fire when i walk into my parents’ home during the bitter winter months!

  • Tracey Hall

    Love Annie’s – they have such good food. Our cold weather food is soups – all kinds of soups with good bread!!

  • I’m constantly craving anything Annie’s! Can’t help it 🙂

  • I like lots of soup in the winter

  • Love Annies!!

    Hm, definitely making warm tea, putting on some good Worship music, curling up on the couch and reading a design magazine.

    With the kiddo? Well if there’s snow, we’ll make homemade ice cream. Mmmm.

  • Kelly gross

    Love making fires in the fireplace!

  • Drinking hot chocolate by the fire on a snowy day.

  • Alyssa Emmett

    We love to have chicken noodle soup and crackers! The kids love it!

  • Once cold weather hits I start drinking hot chocolate like it’s going out of style!

  • Jennifer C.

    I love making hot cocoa and popcorn with my kids and then pulling out all the cozy blankets and pillows to watch a movie.

  • Our winter traditions include snuggling on the couch with blankets and drinking homemade hot cocoa!

  • Favorite snowy weather tradition: sledding with my two boys , followed by hot chocolate with marshmallows.

  • We love Annie’s! Our favorite winter tradition is Hot Chocolate and marshmallows though so far this year I’ve been making a lot of homemade soups.

  • Building snowman!

  • Making hot chocolate

  • hot cocoa! skating! fires!

  • Popcorn and a movie. Preferably seated on the floor. 🙂

  • snuggling under the covers and watching a netflix marathon

  • shannon fowler

    my favorite cold weather tradition is making spice mexican food and lighting a fire while snuggling up in a blanket and watching a movie.

  • The small joys of cozying up on the couch, reading a book and drinking a London Fog, Mmmm!

  • Pat Schwab

    When my kids were younger, I would bundle them up and go outside and play in the snow. Of course we would have hot chocolate with mini marshmallows when we came in from the cold. I would read a lot of stories or play games with them. Such good times! Pat S

  • Playing in the snow

  • Nicole McKee

    As a child, I did not grow up in places that got very cold. But, one of my favorite memories from when I was little was when my family lived in southern Virginia and we had a freak snowstorm. My dad piled us much snow up as possible and created the coolest snow fort for us. With a slide and all!

  • I love when it gets so snowy (kind of like today actually) and I play hooky from work and sit on my couch in my coziest clothes and catch up on some reading while sipping hot chocolate. Pure bliss!

  • Sledding! Thanks.

  • Oh goodness, Annie couldn’t be more popular in our house. I ask my little one what he wants for a snack and he always replies “bunnies!” Our favorite cold weather tradition is definitely something like yours – making a big pot of my grandma’s recipe for chicken vegetable soup, grilled cheese with avocado, and watching movies! Now that Pride & Prejudice is on Netflix, I think I know what we will be doing this weekend 🙂

  • Brittany Boyd

    getting bundled up and ice skating

  • I love snuggling up and watching movies or baking cookies!

  • drinking hot cocoa and drawing

  • I love to snuggle by the fire and read books

  • Brenda Haines

    Favorite cold weather tradition is probably going up to the snow, we live at 300 feet above sea level so we rarely get snow and when it does, it doesn’t stick lol.

  • Christy Peeples DuBois

    Two things come to mind when I think about cold weather and they are chili and hot Chocalote/coffee. One other thing is building a camp fire.

  • A scoop of freshly fallen snow, topped with local maple syrup! Yum!

  • carol clark

    love making hot coco

  • My 3 children and I have also enjoyed Annie’s products for many years . My kids love the cute little shapes & flavor and I love the fact that I am not feeding them yellow dye #3 and red dye #11 ect…
    My children also like building indoor tents in the house during Winter . I recently had the notion to use the frame and canopy for the structure and kids add blankets over it . It’s one of those outdoor 10×10 canopies that are normally Summer shade . I didn’t extend the metal legs all the way up so it still felt cozy . The canopies can be found at any DIY home store . They are sturdy and won’t tip over like chairs or lamps …haha. My 11 year old daughter hosted a girls sleep over with 4 other girls and they all fit with their sleeping bags under it . We also strung a strand of Christmas lights in the metal rafter frame. it was a hit !!! The canopy is now happily used all year long 🙂
    You are a fun and inspiring mommy Anna !

  • Well, crockpot chili is an all-year thing, but I love it for winter too 🙂

  • We love to make smores in the fireplace.

  • Hot chocolate for sure after coming in from the snow, and sometimes popcorn and a movie. 🙂

  • We like to go sledding!

  • I love staying inside under a fuzzy blanket and reading 🙂

  • thanks for the giveaway! i love to curl up by the fireplace with a bunch of blankets and drinking something warm.

  • Hot chocolate, fireplace, and watching Love Actually! 🙂

  • I love making hot cocoa, watching winter movies, and spending the holidays with my family.

  • Laura Royal

    I love making large batches of soup for the family during winter months.

  • Our favorite cold weather tradition is color indoors, read books, and make hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows. 🙂 The only way to pass the cold winter months.

  • Chili!!

  • tomato soup and oyster crackers while watching a holiday movie

  • Laura Welsh

    Make blanket forts and drink hot cocoa 🙂


    Many thanks for sharing this first-class post. Very inspiring!

  • Drinking hot chocolate and taking long, hot baths

  • Alyssa Triviski

    My favorite cold weather tradition will always be curling up in front of the fireplace with a blanket and hot chocolate.

  • I like having movie nights on the couch.

  • Chicken Noodle Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches 🙂


  • I love your blog and love introducing new foods to my little ones!

  • Bri McDonald

    Sledding down the the hill near our house for as long as we can, and then heading inside for hot cocoa!

  • Having breakfast food (no matter what the time of day!) always blew my mind as a child. Waffles on a snowy day for lunch = amazing.

  • Caroline B

    We love making hot cocoa, snuggle under a quilt and watch movies!!!

  • I love drinking some hot chocolate to warm me up in cold weather!

  • After spending a lot of time outdoors playing we all come in and warm up with hot chocolate!

  • Chicken Noodle Soup with Club Crackers rimming the plate with the soup bowl on the plate too 😉 Love those snow day memories!!

  • Meghan Malicoat

    I love to cozy up on the couch in front of the fire cuddling under a blanket with a good book.

  • My kids love nutella hot chocolate when they come in from playing in the snow!

  • Favorite cold weather tradition is sitting by a warm fire, and drinking hot chocolate!

  • Yum!! I love soups and bread in the winter.

  • Drinking hot chocolate, and making smores.

  • Cynthia Richardson

    The weather in Tucson never really gets that cold, but it’s a good excuse for hot tea and old movies.

  • sledding!

  • Erica Hall

    We love these!

  • When it’s cold outside I like to make a pot of soup, put my jammies on and read a book

  • My favorite tradition is getting a Christmas tree with my entire family!

  • We love having bonfires when its really chilly outside!

  • We love to make crafts inside and make delicious soups!

  • Baking cookies of course hah!! That and blanket fortresses!!

  • Jillian Too

    We love to get cozy under blankets while sipping hot cocoa by the fire.

  • Jaclyne L.

    We love making chili!

  • Sitting in front of the fire watching Netflix

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