Meeting little flower. (VIDEO)

September 6, 2016


I had a gut feeling from the moment I took the pregnancy test that this was going to be a little girl. Both Gabriel and Veronica had mentioned to me casually a few weeks before that there was a baby in my belly, and I laughed it off nervously. No way. Or so I thought. 

I grew up with 7 sisters and 3 brothers, so the diamonds that sisters are is no foreign concept to me. They have been my most loyal friends, supportive confidants, and examples I have looked up to throughout my childhood and adulthood. So when Veronica prayed for a baby sister, I would send up the same hope with her. I just wasn’t expecting it so soon. But Veronica knew! And with the earnest confidence that only children have, she informed me it was a sister when I told them the news that a baby was indeed on the way. Gabriel and Max agreed that “we had enough boys”, so they were rooting for a girl too. 

big bro


party of 7
Veronica and Azelie

I would have been so happy with either considering I just love babies in general, and know whoever came home with me would be just what was intended for our family. I have to say though, when we found out it was a girl, I cried tears of gratitude. There is nothing sweeter to witness than answered prayers. We held the surprise to ourselves for months until little Azelia Jane arrived. We captured a few moments on film of the day they met their new sister, and Chelsey Heidorn snapped these photos for us. Some moments you can’t let escape you, and this was one of them.

Thank you all so deeply for your warm welcome to Azelie Jane. I am blissfully exhausted and so richly full. Yes, life is chaotic and messy right now, but I have never felt more sure of where my two feet stand in life. This is home.

P.S. We found out after naming her, that the hebrew translation for Azelie is actually “flower” after all! I guess we should have saved ourselves the perplexing hunt, and just listened to Veronica from the start!

big brother

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  • Omigosh! So beautiful!! I just think you’re the most beautiful mother ever, Anne. Which sounds like I’m a crazy person. But truly, what a beautiful moment to welcome your sweet baby to your family. All the congratulations and love to you all!

  • The sweetest welcome!! Veronica is just beaming. Congrats to you all.

  • such a sweet moment! congratulations. she is absolutely beautiful!

  • Bette Moreno

    beautiful, just absolutely beautiful

  • That pic of Rocco and you! Keeper! So lovely. Loved the music you picked. I hope you’re getting some zzzz’s where you can.

  • I’m not crying!!! You’re crying!!! <3 <3 <3

  • What a beautiful moment to capture on camera! Just gorgeous. Congratulations 🙂

  • This is so beautiful! Congratulations!!

  • So beautiful! Congratulations!

  • Oh this is so awesome Anna! My favorite, very familiar thing is Veronica’s braids that look like they have been in since the day you left for the hospital. I AM impressed how nicely Gabe has them all dressed though.

  • Amazing. Beautiful. So delicious. You make me want to fill my house to the brim with babies.

  • This gave me chills and brough tears to my eyes! Too too sweet.

  • Heidi Ferguson

    JUST THE ABSOLUTE SWEETEST!!! So thrilled and happy for your sweet family! I just love how Gabriel’s face is so proud. I can imagine him remembering holding each sibling for the first time years from now! Adorable Veronica, so very, very tickled to have a SISTER!!! She’s already scheming outfits, tea parties, glitter and tutus (the hug she gives you in the video melted my heart!)!!! Big boy Max looks a little like ” a new toy”!!!! And sweet baby Rocco. I love how his older brother & sister are teaching him to be “gentle” with the baby and he’s “patting” Azelie. His giggle at his new sister is a perfect picture of how happy everyone is with the new baby. Congratulations to all!!!

    • Heidi you are so sweet! Thank you! It’s been hilarious and endearing all at once to see how they each process this new person in our family. They love her to pieces already and it never ceases to amaze me how well children respond to babies. Melts me to pieces.

  • Beautiful! Congratulations!

  • Linda Williams Cattanach

    You know this lovely little lady belongs to the whole of the Pinecrest Academy Middle School. Congratulations! Thank you for bringing so much joy into the world with your wonderful family.

  • Justine Mckenzie

    Oh that’s last picture got me good!! How cute is your little guy smiling at your bebe!!!!!

  • Katie keys

    Pure gift!!!

  • Michelle H

    Congratulations!!!! She is lovely.

  • Anna, no matter the situation, whether you are all dolled up for a photoshoot, or candid on Snapchat, or just giving birth… you always look SO radiant, put-together, and gorgeous! How do you do it?!

    P.S. Congrats, this is the sweetest thing ever!

  • So many blessings.

  • Hi Anna ,

    Congratulations on your beautiful baby
    Girl!! We have four beautiful babies
    Here in NH and I love reading your
    Blog. Can you tell me where
    Veronica’s pink dress is from.. It’s so

    • Danielle, that is wonderful! The first four in my family growing up were girls and we are all still best friends. Her dress is from Old Navy! Isn’t it sweet? x

  • What a sweet story, everything from Veronica naming her sister flower to the kids knowing it was going to be a girl. Your family is precious. Congrats and blessings to you all!!!!

  • Stephanie Daniels

    That video is precious!!!! Your arms are full but have the capacity for all those sweet babies!!! What a beautiful family you have!!! Congratulations on your newest addition!!!

  • […] 2. Introducing Azelie Jane 3. If you bring a mom a muffin: ways to help a new mother 4. Meeting Little Flower 5. Dining room makeover reveal 6. Three dutch braid hairstyles 7. Packing organization tips for […]

  • In a world where there is so much pain, joy is a wonderful thing. But I really believe that the issue of ‘answered’ prayer require such a degree of delicacy, specifically in such a public setting as this. So many hearts out there that are broken.

  • Congratulations on your newest bundle! As I was reading Chiara’s precious birth story, I saw the link to Zel’s birth announcement “Meeting little flower.” I’m not sure if you already knew this but Marie-Azélie Guérin (usually called Zélie) is the mother of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, also called Little Flower. I had always thought that was the origin of her name and thought I’d read of that connection in her birth story. Since you didn’t mention it, I’m hoping I am sharing a sweet godwink with you. St. Thérèse is my patron saint and has always shown herself when I was in most need of support. I’ll pray she watch over your sweet family and spreads the joy she brings me on to Zel as well. Love and cheers!

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