Meet the Blogger: Jennifer of I Art U

June 28, 2010

Q: 5 words that describe Jennifer:
A: curious. imaginative! reflective. harmonious. and adaptable 🙂

Q: What got you to start blogging?

A: I was in major need of a creative outlet! Blogging is the perfect outlet. It helps me organize thoughts and ideas as well as share my passions and inspirations with others!

Q: When people ask you what you do for a living, how do you describe it?

A: I like to say that I practice the art of creatively living and loving well 🙂 

Q: When you are in need of some inspiration, where do you look?
A: I’m inspired by the juxtaposition between the city and the earth! Those two things are inspirations within themselves–and I seek their wisdom! Blogs are also essential to my daily living–there are many that I look to for creative awakenings!

Q: You have incredible design taste. What are the elements that catch your eye when it comes to design?

A: Wow, thank you! I am flattered! Let’s see…in short, I am consistently drawn to clean and simple design! I’m also drawn to a lot of texture, colors, and symmetry (YUM)! I drool over mid century modern and sustainable and urban design! Those are just off the top of my head!

(all image resorces found via i art u)

Find Jennifer Here:

*Thank you Jennifer for being a part of the series and sharing your inspiration with us! Look forward to more!

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