15 Friends Project

December 1, 2011

So I have been waiting on a very special package to arrive and when I got home from our Thanksgiving trip, I found the 15 Friends Project at my door. I am so excited to be a part of this amazing group of bloggers who are collaborating on an ongoing piece of artwork that will ultimately be two separate completed canvases. This project was the brilliant idea of Steve and Michelle of Twig Creative.
When I received this the first thought was the fabric addition looked like a brick wall waiting for a garden to bloom from it:) So I decided to add a paper cut flower garden I had, and change the colors. 
Tracing the outline of the space.
Adding a touch of 2011;) Glitter of course.
I dabbed the glitter glue on top as well as the paint colors to hold the paper cut down.
Keeping to the warm colors I added yellows, oranges, and reds over the greens and blues using paint and sharpies. Definately a few mixed mediums!
Of course, my addition took a totally different direction than originally intended! I had to rock it out during naptimes so didn’t have much room for error. I originally hoped to mute the colors more, so it wasn’t so Lisa Frank, but since I accidentally destroyed the first paper cut, I had to just go with it on the second attempt and work with it already on canvas! However, I realized that its no secret I am a girl who loves bold and bright colors so its definately a reflection of me;) I packaged it up and shipped it off today to Naomi over at Love, Taza! Cannot wait to see the finished piece! Follow along both line ups!

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