Real Chat: Hear and Now

July 23, 2012

This past week was crazy to say the least. So much happened….all unrelated, but each impacted me strongly. So instead of my normal outfit post, I decided it was time for some Real Chat. This is just me, keeping my promise of keeping it real 🙂

My children got back to back viruses this past week and a half. If you are a mother, you know that when that happens, you get weary physically and emotionally …very quickly. I don’t know how I would have made it through without Gabe being home so we were able to tag team it. (Hats of to you single mothers!) My little one still is recovering from one as we speak. As I watched her struggle to breathe last night, the tears flowed. It was a realization that my heart is completely intertwined with my children’s.  When they suffer… I suffer. Despite how difficult the long nights have been, I came out of it with gratitude believe it or not. Gratitude that they are in my life. That I can even know a love so deep that I would die for them. I would take their sickness in a heartbeat so they wouldn’t have to suffer. It reminded me that its just a taste of God’s love for me. I now understand more clearly how He must hurt when we hurt….

which brings me to the next impacting moment of the week – the Aurora shooting. I heard about it on the radio driving back from Alabama. I know these kinds of tragedies have happened before but for some reason this one keeps weighing on my mind. Something so common…going to see a movie, and suddenly your life is over. What if I had been in that theatre on a normal date with my husband? How would have I reacted? Thinking these questions through, I really have come to be more convicted that our NOW is more important than our past or future. Our actions today and now is all we have. We have only today, so love more, love greater, even in the small things. It brought that quote to mind: “What we do in this life, echoes in eternity.” Sometimes, its tragedies like these that allow me re-focus my life. Answering all the unread emails may not be as important as being present to my husband after a long day at work…. Or getting that amazing dress I have been dreaming about is no longer as important, if I can use that money to donate to the crisis pregnancy center. So many ways to make the most of the here and now. My heart breaks for the victims and their families. How has this event affected you? 

Last impacting moment – I traveled to Alabama with my good friend Rose, the founder of Radiant Magazine. We got to make a tv appearance as Publisher and Designer team, and share the purpose of Radiant, and why we are so passionate about it. Doing the show was a surreal experience. It was a moment that Rose and I were getting to share something near and dear to us. I realized I was given the gift to do something I love for God’s glory. I couldn’t ask for more. Now more than ever, young girls have a dying need to feel loved, know their purpose, and know that they are important in this life. After the show, we have had an overwhelming response to the magazine, and the subscriptions have skyrocketed! You can watch the tv show here if you like (Be forewarned -there is Catholic content;)) and actually see how I talk in real life…in my serious mode.

(live on set)

All these unrelated events have left deep and lasting impressions on me. Sometimes the extraordinary and ordinary can be equally life changing. It just challenges me to keep my head looking up, so I don’t miss the moments that could be opportunites to make something more out of my life.

Applaud if you made it to the end of this post! Have you had any moments like this recently? Please share! 

P.S. Its the last day to enter the Jack and White Giveaway!!

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  • I so admire your honesty and genuine posts, Anna. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to see your children suffer, but it’s amazing how God can use every day–the good ones and the bad ones and tragic ones–to remind us of His unfailing love. And congrats on getting to share the work you do for Radiant–so fun! Xo, Katie

  • You did an amazing job, Anna! I am always so inspired by your attitude about life, faith and even your marriage! Thank you for sharing :).


  • I was just speaking with Michael last night about how much I have learned about God’s love by becoming a parent to my fuzzy kiddo, so I can only imagine the depth of understanding that comes with being a parent to a precious (real) child. So glad you had your hubby around to help, and that you have a hubby so willing to help.

    Cheers on the magazine’s success and your interview. How exciting! What a wonderful message, and it warms my heart to see someone emminating God’s love and glory in all that she does. xoxo

  • I didn’t just make it to the end of this post, but I watched you on TV. I loved it and the message of faith that you are sharing even in the blog world. I love you even more now 🙂

  • anna I just adore you. and love radiant – used to be a paper subscriber!

  • As a mom myself, I can truly relate that when little one suffers, you suffer as well. I hope your children are on their road to recovery.

    I was deeply sadden by the shooting incident as well. I hope the victims’ families will find strength during this difficult time.

    Thanks for sharing this with us!

    Have a good week!

    P/S: Come by and enter my current giveaway for a chance to win 100 customized business/ calling cards, if you like, Anna!


  • Great post Anna. Everyone, in some way or another was affected by what happened in Aurora. Praying your sweet kiddos are feeling better soon. And, congrats on the TV appearance.

  • Hi Anna, I’m so sorry to read that both your Little Ones are recovering from viruses. I so know what you mean about wanting to take ANY pain away from your child(ren). It’s just so much to bear when they aren’t feeling well and suffering in the least. I’m glad that you and Gabe have a strong team (aka marriage!) and that you could do shifts and help each other through a struggling time. I hope they feel oodles better quickly.
    When I woke up and read the news headline about Aurora and watched a new clipping – I started bawling. My husband and son came running to me and I was so apologetic that I had worried them, but it was just instinctive. I was so disturbed. Why, why did this happen? Why, why were there children at a midnight showing? How does this even happen? Why do they allow guns in America? Lots of emotions. I prayed for the victims and their families – I pray for strength and peace to get through this time.
    Like you, I find a lot of gratitude in my heart for my family, that they are safe and loved – that we have each other each day and can enjoy it to the fullest, as we are meant to! * Congratulations on your tele appearance, I’m loading the video right now to watch! Wishing you a more light-hearted week, relishing in the beauties of family life and love xo

  • Sorry to hear about your babies- glad they’re on the mend. I couldn’t agree more about the Aurora shootings, it just makes me stop and think Why? What would I have done in that situation? How can someone be so evil and senseless? It really makes you re think about life and try live in the right now.

  • I am sorry that your children got sick this weekend, and happy to hear they are feeling better. I completely understand what you mean about the Aurora, Colorado Shooting. I have been carrying a heavy heart as well. I think one reason is because I read the stories about the victims and for the first time I read one that really struck, it was the female sports reporter. I think reading what she loved (hockey) and about her personality, I saw lot of me in her. It makes me angry/upset we can change the past, cause I want to meet her. Hopefully good comes out of the situation and we can maybe learn a little more about why this happens.

    Congrats on getting to meet your new friend by the way. Sounds like you had a blast.


  • oh Anna, so sorry to hear about your babies. I feel the same way when K had Roseola. If only we can take their pain and suffering from them so they don’t have to go through it.

    Proud of everything you accomplished with your blog!

  • So inspired and challenged by this. Blessings to you this week.

  • I watch Life on the Rock in the United Kingdom and discovered your blog. You have a beautiful family, God Bless

  • Great post !! It was very touching!! Sometimes in our hardest moments the best thing to do is to look up!!

  • How fun that you got to be on TV! And you look gorgeous. 🙂

  • Your a celeb, rightfully so 🙂 SO SO proud of you!

  • This is so true Anna. My almost 2 year old also got a virus on Friday. He had diarrhea. We had to take him to the hospital so that he won’t be dehydrated. he is fine now but and we spent just two days there. Thank God for that. Seeing your children sick is so devastating. It hurts. But hang in there. All is well.

  • First, congrats on your TV spot girl! That’s AMAZING news, and you deserve it! And you know, the Colorado shooting definitely rocked me to my core, and I feel terrible for those who were affected by it. But we must take this and learn from it and continue on, because that’s what those who were lost would want us to do.

  • I really enjoyed the interview about the magazine. I truly admire the way you live your life for Christ. It is evident in all you do. Thanking you for being a great rol model for others!

  • i’m still in shock to what happened. i can’t believe this is the world we live in. it’s just so sad!

    hoping your kiddies feel better soon! and congrats on your tv appearance! you did great and looked beautiful! 🙂 i would’ve been so nervous!

  • congrats on the tv appearance! and girl, i’m so with you – the CO shooting def has been weighing on my heart. i’m still processing but i want to eventually write my thoughts out. thanks for sharing your heart, friend.

  • congrats on the tv appearance! and girl, i’m so with you – the CO shooting def has been weighing on my heart. i’m still processing but i want to eventually write my thoughts out. thanks for sharing your heart, friend.

  • Beautiful post my friend. I hope your babies continue to get better. I have a moment every time I watch the news and hear the personal details of those who lost their lives on Friday. But God is good and comforting.

    Congrats on your appearance! You looked fabulous as always!

  • It is amazing how a few things in a week can bring you back to reality and help you refocus on what really matters in life. It is so funny that you posted this because we have had some really challenging weeks here. AND we are in the midst of also dealing with back to back viruses and infections. Literally draining…but brighter days ahead and faith that it will make us stronger. 🙂 Hope your little ones are on the mend soon. Love you guys!

  • It is amazing how a few things in a week can bring you back to reality and help you refocus on what really matters in life. It is so funny that you posted this because we have had some really challenging weeks here. AND we are in the midst of also dealing with back to back viruses and infections. Literally draining…but brighter days ahead and faith that it will make us stronger. 🙂 Hope your little ones are on the mend soon. Love you guys!

  • You are such a sweet mom and your kids are so lucky to have a wise and kind lady like you!

    Chic ‘n Cheap Living

  • I love your “real chats” Anna, it’s nice to take a step back every once in a while and think about real life. I’m so sorry about your sick kiddos, and I hope they’re healing soon. I’m also dumbstruck at the CO tragedy–I just don’t understand how a person could be so filled with hate. If any good can come of it at all, at least it makes people thankful for the people around them and the good things in their lives. Anyway, great post.

  • i enjoyed the video! keep on doing the wonderful work you are doing. Hope your angles are doing much better. I even shared the link to the Radiant mag page. Take care!

  • I read through this in my Reader earlier and so enjoyed watching your interview – thanks for sharing a wonderful message, Anna! And for setting a positive example through posts like this.

  • so sweet! I have a boy and girl too! I know how you feel when they suffer it is horrible!
    The pic is adorable and I am really enjoying you and your blog..I followed on both gfc and bloglovin..hope you can find some inspiration in my blog and do the same!
    sheree x

  • Oh gosh! I am so AWFULLY behind! I just stumbled upon your blog through Matt Smith’s Instagram. Rose interviewed me for the very first Radiant issue way back in the day when she and her husband were stationed in Virginia Beach. I had no idea what God has been doing with the magazine! Praise the Lord!

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