February 26, 2013

Thankful to Jessi for having me as a guest in her inspirational corner of the blog world:) My name is Anna, and I blog over at IHOD. I don’t know about you, but I am battling severe cabin fever, am anxious for spring blooms, and I am fighting off those winter blues. I am determined not to let it get the better of me, so I am sharing 5 things that have helped me wave off those gloomy days. We are almost there!

1.) Pick up that back burner hobby. That think you have been putting off learning or passion you haven’t made time for recently.  Believe me, I barely have time to shower every day let alone pay attention to hobbies, but I decided to do it. I took an online calligraphy course – something I always wanted to try and conquer. A mere ten minutes a day has given me a healthy dose of therapeutic happiness. I can’t wait to pursue new realms with this new skill.

2.) Don’t save the bright colors for summer. Pull them out now. They really are mood shifters. I ignore the neutrals and grab the brights to put on a game changer. Mind over matter, right?

3.) Be a kid with your kids. Dive into an at home DIY adventure with them like creating a reading nook, making a shopping center out of cardboard boxes, or set up your own art center for them to get messy with no regrets. Chances are, they are getting cabin fever just like you are. (Anyone else’s kids literally running circles around you these days??)

4.) Enjoy your favorite daily ritual. Whether its a large cup of joe, a hot shower at the end of the day, or your ten minute gospel reflection in the mornings. If its something you look forward to, embrace it, and don’t skip over it – even if everything else seems more important at the moment. We were ma

5) Make a giant de-tox fruit salad. If you want to battle the tired and drowsy winter afternoons, indulge in a giant de-tox salad:) This is something my children get on board with too. This line-up is a natural way to get an energy boost that is delicious to boot.

What are some ways you battle those last winter weeks before spring??

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