Maximilian’s list.

May 28, 2014

Little Max the Moose
Max and Mom
Little Max MaxLittle one via IHOD

Sweet little Max of mine. A few things I am so desperately trying to keep fresh in my memory before you turn one and your baby days seem like a blur behind me…..

You hold onto my shirt tightly whenever I hold you.
You like to scrunch your nose and tilt your head up to make me smile.
You follow Gabriel and Veronica everywhere they go like a loyal puppy. They give you more attention than you will ever need.
You always have a cheerio or two stashed somewhere in your shirt or diaper.
Clapping your hands is your latest trick you like to practice throughout the day.
You jump up and down every time I get the guitar down…music makes you the happiest.
You mumble to yourself the sweetest little sounds while you are exploring. It is your way of processing everything you discover.
You can eat a whole banana in two minutes flat. It makes pop proud.
You explore into every nook and cranny of our home and make sure to avoid all toys. They aren’t your thing.
When I sing to you it is the only time you are still.
You prop your feet up on the bar as soon as you sit in the stroller. You know how to live life.
There isn’t much more delight for the eyes than your knee rolls and cankles. You are living up to your nickname quite nicely…
You greet mama and pop with raised hands a big toothy grin. That grin is hard to beat.

My typing hands would get sore from writing all the ways we love you. I feel God’s love so personally when I look at you. The story of your birth and your life is the testimony that His plans are so much greater than I could dream up. I can’t wait to see who you become, but for now I just want to enjoy this list of things day in and day out. There will never be enough of days filled with these reasons we love you so.


Kathryn McCrary was over at my house before Easter and snapped these photos. I am so grateful to her for these! Max is 9 months old here.

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