The other side of fear.

October 29, 2014

The other side of fear | Artwork by Jessica Keaela

I have been having trouble sleeping lately.

Anxiety, worry, doubt. It’s a triple beast. They can creep up and rule your life if you aren’t careful to battle them head on. And when any of these start to rear their ugly heads, I know something must be off kilter within me.

Fear can prevent your from loving without hesitation, it can prevent you from conquering old habits, it can prevent you from listening to your gut, and ultimately can rob you of some of the best things life has to offer. Joy, truth, authenticity…the fruits of a life of courage. I seek this with fervor, but don’t always win. 

Yesterday I read a first hand account from my friend caring for Ebola patients in Liberia. She knows day in and day out that her own life is at risk, but she CHOSE to serve. She chose to help the dying exit this life with someone by their side reminding them that they matter. She is a warrior in my eyes. She looks fear in the face and walks through it’s shadow to the other side of freedom. Freedom to LIVE as you were created to, and to LOVE without conditions.

I wanted to share this quote with you all that I stumbled on that has made it’s mark on me. I asked Jessica of Coco & Mingo to hand letter it for me as part of a series we are doing for The Brand Market. Isn’s she talented?! You can see the rest of the series here.

Have a fearless and mighty Wednesday friends. Why not?

x, Anna

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  • This post got me, I have been struggling with these same feelings and having the real revelation on how much I need Jesus. Its a daily battle to lay out our worries, and I have seen numerous post about this same topic lately so thank you so much for addressing it and sharing your thoughts!

    • Kendra, isn’t it the truth? I told Gabe that it is time for me to add more prayer and meditation time back in my morning. No matter how crazy life can get, it all loses value quickly if not centered on the right things!

  • Exactly how I feel right now, mostly business decisions I have to make that I am scared of but the statement got to me and it was perfect timing. Thank you for that and I hope you friend will be ok, she is sooooo brave.

  • Very pretty and very encouraging. Thanks!

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  • I can certainly relate. Fear and anxiety can be so crippling sometimes. Always love how open and honest you are Anna.

  • I’ve been dealing with fear, doubt and anxiety too lately. Not good. Thankfully, love is a powerful antidote. Your friend sounds very brave. Thank you for writing about fear and reminding your readers to be fearless.

    • Thank you Erin! I think so many of us battle it, and it is good to encourage each other when we can and remind ourselves we are not alone. That in itself can be the push we need to move forward:)

  • I love this quote, and the message in this post. I’ve been experiencing the kind of fear lately that causes you to go on autopilot, doing some things –neglecting others. Doing, not living. It gets better day by day, and I know that my courage, will and soul are far more strong that the fear that’s plaguing me now. I hope you know the same and find your courage <3

    • Oh I hear you Amber! Fear can rob us of really living our life to the fullest. Step by step, day by day. I realize if I form good habits it will prevent these things from taking over. Hugs to you!

  • I love this so much, and appreciate you sharing it. Your friend is brave, and an inspiration. 🙂

  • Thanks for this! Every time I start to get overtaken with those kind of feelings, I try to remind myself that they can only effect me as much as I let them. I can sit and wallow in my stress and anxiety, or I can choose to take action and work through my feelings. And the second option has the better outcome 🙂

  • Anxiety has been the monkey on my back lately too. Thank you for sharing these thoughts, as fear often decieves us into thinking we are alone in our doubts. Kelly’s Liberia updates have been a great source of inspiration … Especially her reflections yesterday on loving from the very depths of the soul. May we all be filled with courage, as love conquers the fear little by little!

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