All good things are wild and free.

March 11, 2015

fly me to the moon.airplane rides

Despite being raised in a family surrounded by sisters, I was pretty convinced my children were going to be boys. So much so that Veronica was kind of a shock to me! I type this as she is snuggled up next to my arm reading books, and I can’t imagine life without my spunky punky brewster. Anyways, onto the topic of little boys…..

Active, adventurous, messy, mischeivous, quick to aggression but quick to hug and forgive. All these things are what I love about raising boys despite the 132 disasters I clean up each and every day. They have given me a pair of rose colored glasses to put on if I choose, so that I can see the world through their wild little spirits.

Peter Cottontail PjsIMG_5792
{Peter cottontail pjs from Baby Gap, and found the lion at Seed Factory}

Snakes, snails, and puppy dog tails…..trains, cars, and counting stars. It’s been an exhausting and exhilerating ride with my Gabriel and Maximilian, and I don’t wish any of these days away. I am clenching them tight in hopes they will not grow another inch (I am pretty sure Gabriel is on his way to passing me in size…).

Max has revealed a new meaning of the word boy. Gabe and I are pretty sure he will be our Rugby player. He is not interested in toys. He like to climb, wrestle, and play with pop’s tools. He likes to follow Gabriel and Veronica around and tease them if he can. If he isn’t pushing a chair around to get something off limits, he is getting stuck crawling under couches. He would live outside if I let him. A true bear cub. Gabriel loved the outdoors too, but would play for hours on his own when he was a toddler, and to this day still loves to get lost in the world of building things. Max on the other hand is our wild animal. I think his curly mane is appropriately suited. I am out of ways to distract him on rainy days. I’d love your ideas if you have them??

Now off to rescue Max off of the kitchen table…

“All good things are wild and free.” – Henry David Thoreau

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