Did you become what you always wanted to be?

July 10, 2015



When you are younger, you are so frequently asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Our first response at this age was just what we loved to do the most, or what we admired. For me it was to be an artist, singer, or teacher. Those were the people I looked up to, and the things I never tired of. They were things integrated in my day to day life in some form of play or imagination.

As we start to grow older and different things start to influence us, the question gets a little more complicated, and we begin to formulate in our minds what we picture ourselves doing, or rather what we think we should be doing. More often than not, our life’s course takes a different path than our initial desire as a child. Sometimes this is a choice, and sometimes it is a result of a series of circumstances. For me it was a little of  both. What about you?

I don’t think I ever answered the question of what I wanted to be as “mother” or “graphic designer” or “blogger.” However, I realized that each of these things does involve a good deal of artistry and motherhood is a good deal of teaching….those initial first loves. I think as you grow older you realize there is a balance of choice and purpose, and that it can affect how we impact the world around us or how we let the world impact us. 

USA womens soccer team

I celebrated with these hard working women in recent headlines. The USA Women’s soccer team’s national championship, and Misty Copeland’s promotion as the first African American woman to become a principal dancer for the American Ballet Theatre. It had me wishing I could sit down with them and discuss when they decided that is what they wanted to be, and how it affected the outcome of their ultimate goal. Determination and desire are surely closely synced, but I also believe we each have a purpose in this world that is not replaceable by anyone else, and that if we arrive at that purpose, we have no need to continue the search of what we want to be, but the question becomes how can I be the best version of myself. That is the only thing Gabe and I are hoping we can help our children understand. It doesn’t matter so much what you become so long as you have found the purpose of your life.

Thoughts? I’d love to hear….did you become what you always thought you would be? Are you still figuring it out? I am always fascinated by each person’s story. I want to hear yours!

Happy weekend!

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  • Keith Santee

    Hi Anna, Just got done ordering a copy of Radiant for my daughter. I was also able to watch your interview from 2012 on Life on the Rock. So happy to see that you are still keeping the faith and sharing your words of wisdom. God Bless

  • This is such a great post and one I think is so relevant. I know for myself and so many of my friends none of us are where we thought we’d be years ago but each of us is on our paths and following our passions which is exactly what we need to be doing. The journey can get a little messy but is totally worth it when you work towards your passion! XO, Diana

    • Thanks for the comment Diana! I agree…I think it took ten jobs to figure out the niche I loved the most. It would be nice to know in the beginning, but than again, I think happiness is greater appreciated when fought for! x

  • I was laughing so hard the other day when I found my diary from 3rd grade for so many reasons. I wrote out all why I didn’t want to be xyz, and it had me guessing what I had said I wanted to be – and I said I wanted to be a mother. It made me smile. I also always remember wanting to be a teacher when I was younger, and I did that – in what seems like another lifetime. Most of the time when people ask me what I do I’m a bit squirmy. I think my diary kinda reminded me I shouldn’t.

    love your writing anna! xxs

    • Oh my gosh I love it Sarah! And it is evident that motherhood has brought so much life and joy into your life. That is the true testament to what was obviously something you were meant to do on this earth! The joy part is something we could spend our life chasing if we run from that. P.S. My Lisa Frank diary is a comical one …

  • Hi Anna! I grew up playing teacher. Then when I was in second grade I decided I wanted to be a teacher and that was that. Having this goal in mind always kept me on the right path in school. I feel as thought without a goal in mind, I probably would have just given up cause it was hard! Now I’m a kindergarten teacher and love it! 🙂

    • I remember asking for a teacher set for christmas in grade school and playing HOURS with my sisters. I got to teach art classes for a few years and it was funny to see it become a reality. I loved it! I think our childhood dreams can definitely become a reality. Thanks for sharing Kristen!

  • Hi Anna, When I was younger, I wanted to be a flight attendant because I was crazy in love with traveling. As it turned out, I got married and was a stay-at-home Mom to my three kids. Now, I babysit my three beautiful granddaughters on a regular basis. Sometimes, I think about one’s calling in life and how God has a plan for all of us. As I look up at the plans flying over my house, I realize that my calling was to be the best Mom and Grandma I can be….. I love your blog by the way! My daughter-in-law introduced me to it!

  • I absolutely love everything about this post … Never did I once say when I was growing up that I wanted to be a blogger, photographer or graphic designer. It’s amazing the new passions you discover as you learn and grow!

    Chelcey | http://www.chelceytate.com

  • I’m so glad to see a post about this because it is a topic often on my mind! Often, I find myself wondering if I am meeting my full potential or challenging myself to get there, and I remember the enthusiasm I had for most of my life (basically up until I got my first ‘real’ job after college :/ ) about all the various things I wanted to be. It’s a blessing, but right now it’s a problem: I find myself wanting to do so many different things, if I try to do all of them I get stretched too thin and don’t do any of them as best as I could if I focused 100% on one of them. So I have to pick, and right now I’m not sure I picked the right one. I suppose I’m still figuring it out. Maybe I can use these learning experiences to invent my own “job” that combines all my interests….I feel like that might be how I live out the purpose of my life. Anyway, a very interesting topic! It makes me happy reading how as a mother you are doing the things you wanted to be when you “grow up”….art and teaching!

  • I’ve always known I wanted to be an artist. I’ve always loved drawing and illustrating. I got older and started to love design. And that’s what I’ve been doing for almost a decade.

    Of course, I’ve also always known I wanted to be a mom – and unfortunately that’s been a wish deferred. But someday.

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