Recently in photos: September Edition

September 29, 2015

No pumpkins yet here. Just some highlights (and outtakes!) from my iphone and camera reel of the very fast blurry month of September. It’s a slow rainy day here and I am thankful for that. I welcome those types of days with open arms! As we are adjusting our sails with four little ones, our lives at home and outside the home take on a new kind of adventure. Always counting heads to make sure we have everyone with us, and that they all have shoes on their feet at the same time. So our first family outings were close to home in my sister’s backyard for a campfire, at our local fairgrounds for a rodeo, apple orchard, and lakeside for some muscadine grape picking and rock skipping. I wish I could wrap this month up and put it in my pocket….

Little camper (My plaid shirt from AE, jeans from Madewell ^^)

Campfireloggercamfire kidssmoreshotdogs by the campfirehot dogsbabies and bonfiresflannel and babes
maxmuscadinesgrape pickingSkipping rocksrodeoRocco's first Rodeoapple orchardanna and gabefamily of 6Rocco-2 monthsFlorals and mugslittle striped bear cub (Striped set from Purllamb, Blanket from Swell Forever)

bedtime storieslittle one
home sweet home
brothers (Striped sleeper from Native Wilds ^^)

Rocco - 2 months

(Hat from Duchess and Lion Co^^)


Gabe and I team up on just about everything these days, and it is an equal effort to support each other in all we do. I realize more than ever how important this is in our marriage and our  home. Sure helps to experience parenthood with someone who can find the humor in all catastrophes too;) 

I have also really come to appreciate home sweet home. I try to put a little effort each week into making it a happy place for us to be since we are in close quarters and will have more time than ever indoors when the winter comes. Rocco is sweeter than sweet, and the cream to our coffee. Each and every one of my children are smitten with him. You never realize how much you need a child in your life until they are with you. I love seeing how God has woven him into our hearts. Seeing my children together gives me small flashes into the future of what it will be like for them when they are older. A 4-squad, rat pack, home fry type of camaraderie that I know will be a strong foundation for their lives. I am so grateful to witness it unfold. 


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