Fall Wardrobe Staples with Madewell

October 14, 2015

via In Honor of DesignMadewell x In Honor of Designburgundy, plaid, greyPorch read via In Honor of Design
ihod + madewellMadewell x IHODButtoned up | IHOD
marsala tonesvia IHODMadewell saturday morning | IHOD

It’s no secret I have a weak spot for Madewell. I wear their denim most often, and swoon over every catalog I receive in my mailbox. Delighted would be an understatement to be able to host their store opening event next Tuesday Oct. 20th here in the north Atlanta area…

Event: Madewell Store Opening Party
When: Tuesday, October 20th 7-9pm
Where: The Avalon, Alpharetta GA
What to Expect: Local catering, music by a DJ, complimentary Bien Fait tote with purchase, and fall fashion chat!
RSVP: rsvpavalon@madewell.com

 The Avalon is already a really cool experience to shop, eat, and play so you can make a night of it! I am thrilled one of my favorite shops is moving into the mix. Here are a few favorite pieces for fall wardrobe staples:

Denim (on sale) // Blazer // Flannel (on sale) // Mira Pumps (extra 40% off sale) // Cambridge satchel

I hope to see some of you at the opening event! Sips and bites, music, and of course chatting about fall style. Look forward to hanging out!
*Photos by Morgan Blake, in collaboration with Madewell


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  • How exciting! Your outfit in these photos is perfect. So fall, so lovely, so..well every other adjective that goes along with Madewell’s lineup 🙂

    Have so much fun at the party! Wish I was going to be in Atlanta for it.


  • Love these shots! It looks like your in England!

  • Love, love, love! The whole look is dynamite, but the bag, jacket, and flannel are calling my name very loudly! I have Madewell’s Transport Tote and it is a major staple, but I’ve never checked out their clothes–need to remedy that ASAP. Great post as usual, Anna!!!

  • Madewell is my weakness too! I love their casual cool style, with a twist. Love that blazer!!


  • So glamorous! Love this look!

  • You are fucking gorgeous!!!

  • How did I not realize you were in Georgia?! We moved here in March and love it! I wish I didn’t already have plans on Tuesday night so that I could make it out to this and meet you!


  • […] you all have a good fresh start to your week! Photo One by Morgan Blake from this post, Photo two: source, Photo three: […]

  • didnt kevin say awhile back to please stay on topic. this is getting so far off topic i forgot what this video even was by the time i got to the bottom of the coemmnts page.

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  • Um…. surreal shit happens almost everywhere, whatever choices you make. If you have the eye for it, you’ll see it even if you’re in prison. Good for you that you have the eye for it, but I don’t see the causal relationship here with your life choices.In fact, the only thing I’m getting out of this anecdote is the sad metaphor of tucker’s dog pissing on yours and you being “totally happy with that.”

  • That’s a subtle way of thinking about it.

  • We have very similar approaches to the task, although I am the worst when it comes to winnowing down the shoes, a terrible weakness as they take up the most room. I still resort to the tissue paper for folded items, it takes a little longer but generally pays off over the long haul. I love the ensembles you show, very elegant indeed!tp

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