When the world suffers, how do we respond?

November 16, 2015

(artwork by this talented lady)

Paris, Kenya, Syria….our world is in so much pain. It would be easy to mourn and then forget, but I sure hope I don’t forget. I want this week’s events to leave its mark and leave me changed. I want to step forward as a person with more resolve to love hard, act with intention, and pray with hope. I know this is the least I can do for the countries and people whose realities are so broken right now.

How are you all processing these events? I am putting an act of service plan for advent for my family, but I wish there was more I could do. At least we have hope, right? It would be easy to give into fear and discouragement with raising my children in a world of turmoil, but I firmly choose hope. I know that prayer is powerful, and I hold on to the truth that peace will come again someday. Until then, we have to try to move forward with a courageous kind of love because we are never guaranteed tomorrow.

Praying for more love, less hatred, more of what we are for, less of what we are against, less talking, more doing. Kenya, Paris, Syria…our hearts are with you!

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  • This is a beautiful post. It’s hard feeling helpless, but we have to remember how powerful and helpful prayer is. We are not helpless. Our God is good and just. Lord, hear our prayer! | What is your act of service advent plan? I would love to hear more about that.

    • Thanks for taking the time to comment Mackenzie! And the beautiful reminder that God certainly hears our prayers. I will write up some of the thing we are doing and share them soon. We are trying to do pick something from the list every day of advent:)

  • I think the hardest part for me with all of these horrific events is feeling so helpless about it all. It’s hard not to be overwhelmed with the inability to do something impactful. So I pray. I pray and try to teach my children to love.


  • I am with you, Anna. I have done all that I can to learn more about Paris and other recent global events. I think it is our job to stay vigilantly aware. It’s critical that we don’t close our eyes and ears because it is easier. Besides prayer, I have been thinking of other ways to give back, stay mindful of my surroundings, and choose kindness over anything else on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing your heart!

    • Maggie, I couldn’t agree more. So easy to choose to turn our heads and not to feel the feelings right? But we have a responsibility to our brothers and sisters across the globe to reach out. That is how our world can move forward and make way for greater love. Thanks for the thoughtful comment Maggie!

  • This week has been so hard.my husband lived in France for two years after he graduated high school and we’ve mourned for France and the rest of the world a lot this week. Our hearts just hurt and we fear when this might happen in our own country.


  • and my sweet Ukraine…

  • Pat Schwab

    Anna, Thank you for the lovely thoughts on such senseless tragedies. Let’s not forget about all the people who were killed when the Russian plane was bombed in our prayers also.

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