Life lately in 5 pics.

May 23, 2017

(Scrub a dub dub, 4 babes in a tub.)


Time has been a blur of life events, milestones, and mile markers lately. All I can do is hold on tight and hope I get my days straight! I haven’t even had time to process most of it, so I am so relieved to see summer in sight to welcome a slower pace. The kids had their last day of school today so per usual, I feel heavy hearted the year is coming to an end, and also thankful to have more time with them in the coming months….

(She lights up every time she sees him.)

(Backyard puddle pools.)


(The night before his birthday, when he asked me to read him Sword in the Stone.)

(Watermelon on repeat.)


These are a few of my very favorite moments in the last few weeks. Even though many of my days as a mother can be long and sometimes even grueling, these glimpses of the good are what I choose to keep sight of. These children continually make me want to fight harder to be better for them, and I am so grateful for the chance to see the world through their eyes right now. It is a world that is full of imagination, ideas, and an energetic and enthusiastic pursuit of everything they do (as in…they RUN everywhere). I could use some of that energy!

Have a great start to your week ahead~

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