Fall wedding look.

October 30, 2017


It can be a little tricky figuring out what to wear to a wedding during the fall and winter seasons, especially if it’s an outdoor one! A friend of mine got married over the weekend on an unusually cold and windy day for Atlanta. I ended up choosing a dress I could layer over for indoor/outdoor temps.

Dress(on sale) // Boots c/o (also love these) // Jacket (similar) // Watch // Lip color – Currant

Some weddings are more formal than others, so it helps to know this ahead of time! I am always paranoid I am going to show up in a similar dress as the bridesmaids;)

I love the contrast of a jacket with softer material, and makes a maxi dress a little less formal. Another way to keep things warm is tall boots and tights underneath the maxi skirt or dress. I wore a coat over the jacket since it was outdoors, but on the dance floor no jacket needed! If a maxi dress is too dressy, a long skirt and sweater is another option for layering up in colder temps while keeping it nice enough for the occasion. I love free shipping options like Asos and Nordstrom.

Hair: I never have much time to spare getting ready for a wedding, so a loose waves and a low side pony or bun is usually my go-to style.

Makeup: I rarely find more than ten minutes to do special occasion makeup, so  I usually stick to the following quick routine for more natural tones and a bold lip color: Touchup concealer pendew skin moisturizing coverage, matte bronzer, duo blush (tawny/whisper), eyeshadow duo (inner eyes and lids), volumizing mascara, eye pencil in black, Glossier boy brow + brow pencillip sheer (Currant), glow shimmer oil on t-zone areas.

It was such a beautiful wedding, and there is nothing better than seeing your dear friends or family find their match! It always gives me goosebumps to witness. Were any of you married in October? What a great time to get hitched!

P.S. Where are some of your preferred places to shop for special occasion wear?


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