Christmas 2018 in photos.

December 27, 2018


Christmas morning is one of those days I feel immense gratitude for my children, and the gift of being their mother. Their joy is contagious. Just like any other family, the prep to make Christmas morning happen is a marathon and a half. There are chaotic moments, lots of noise, and an abundance of coffee.


Cinnamon roll prep..



Right before Christmas Eve Mass. (Not one of my boys had matching socks on.)



My favorite night of the year. 



Torturing them with a photo before they ran out to see the tree. Gabriel said he woke up at 4am because “he was too excited to sleep.”




We may not have been able to manage a real puppy this year, but Puppy Surprise was a hit!



Azelie and Rocco were oblivious to the presents at first because they couldn’t get past the candy canes in their stockings.



Binoculars, telescopes, trucks, and legos. I haven’t seen my boys in two days as a result!


Veronica got a sewing basket and sewing machine so immediately started making clothes for Felicity.




Singing happy birthday to the newborn King!




This year, all of the simplifying….it actually worked. For the first time in so many years, I actually woke up on Christmas Day with so much peace. It may have taken weeks of daily effort to slow down and adjust expectations, but in doing so, it made space for the littlest moments to overwhelm my heart with gratitude. A reminder of the brightest light that burst through a broken world that first Christmas so long ago.

Wishing you all a very merry 12 days of Christmas!

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