What is a Life Projection Plan?

January 1, 2019


I couldn’t think of a better post to begin 2019 with than to share a golden nugget of wisdom a long time family friend gave me recently. It was concrete advice that I wish I would have heard years ago. She recommended I sit down with Gabe and write a “life projection plan.”It is a mission statement of sorts that helps us keep the focus on the main goals for personal, marriage, and family. (Which in turn affects everything else!) As over-thinkers, it has already helped us both tremendously when we are facing both big and small decisions and choices. It has helped us narrow where our focus should be day to day, as well as long term vision. I thought I would share a list of starting questions you can adjust according to your own situations that might give you a positive start to the new year.


(We couldn’t quite get this celebrate sign to co-operate.)


Life Projection Plan

What is your family (or personal) mission statement?
What are your personal truths you want to live and work towards?
– What is supporting this in my life and what is hindering it?
– What are some concrete monthly and weekly goals to live these truths?
What do you want your children to know and believe in the core of their being?
(ie: They are loved unconditionally,  home is a place of security and rest, etc.)
– How do we set the tone for this in our day to day lives?
– What are concrete ways we can work towards this?
– What are the strengths of each of our children, and how can we encourage them?
What are the main goals/hopes for your marriage?
(This can be based on your current year or what you hope for life goals. Less of “What I need” and more “what can we work towards together” type of mindset.)
– What are concrete habits we can practice to support this?
– What decisions are we facing this year, and do they compromise or support these goals for our family?
– If we cannot adjust or change circumstances we are in, how can we find the right support systems to still work towards these goals?

Add or adjust as you need! You will probably be surprised by some of the things you deemed comprisable or uncompromisable shift as you put them under the great umbrella perspective of your life. From these core beliefs and goals it allows you to be prepared when you face decisions about your career, your commitments, and day to day life as well as identify things that need to be adjusted! I hope this is helpful for you as it has been for us.

Every day is a New Year if you think about it. Every day is a fresh new beginning, and the past or the future doesn’t have to hold any power over you!

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