In partnership with Ritual.
Since March we have kind of gotten used to the extra commotion and constant schedule adjustments. The latest summer schedule also means early risers and late bedtimes, our kids running in and out of the house all day long, a revolving door in the kitchen, and somehow trying to accomplish a minute of work here and there. There have been a few things that have really helped us have a more positive start to the day I wanted to share, as I see it as a key piece to feeling supported in our whole being health..

If I am waking up to little ones demanding breakfast, I have a much harder time throughout the rest of the morning. It’s like, forget it I am already behind! Gabe and I realized that a good morning routine actually starts the night before. So after we get the kids to bed, we try to spend some time together, unplug from social media and devices at least an hour before bed, and give our minds a chance to wind down. If we are able to get to bed early, it makes it SO much easier to rise with the sun in the morning.

Anna’s power hour:
I have been getting up at 6:30 AM which gives me a solid hour before the kids wake up. I usually shower and get dressed, prep breakfast if needed, and Gabe will make us both a cup of coffee. He makes sure I get my coffee, and I make sure he gets his vitamins. It’s a good trade;) I love squeezing in 15 minutes of reflection/mediation time on our front porch if I can!

Gabe’s power 30:
I try to be an overachiever like Anna (wink wink), but usually find myself stiffly rolling out of bed about 15-20 min after her. I literally dunk my head in cold water to wake myself up, get dressed, make us both coffee, and we tag team either breakfast prep or serving. I also try to sneak in some front porch prayer/meditation. If I’m lucky I will get a quick snuggle from Cheech. If I’m really lucky, I may even get a peck on the cheek for making a killer cup of coffee.

It’s a lot of team work to run a full house, and the quiet start to the day goes a long way. I wanted to share some of the supplements I have been taking for a while. As I have shared before, I really value ingredient transparency from companies. When I was researching a good prenatal option for me, I really liked what I read about Ritual. They use transparently sourced nutrients, are non-GMO, no artificial colorants or synthetic fillers, and designed to help fill nutrient gaps in women’s diets. They just came out with a multivitamin for men as well so Gabe has started taking those.*

Since I am still breastfeeding, I needed a good prenatal multivitamin. I love the delayed-release capsule, designed to be gentle on an empty stomach. I also appreciate that the nutrient forms, dosages, and supplier information is on their website. The multivitamin for men has a peppermint essence so they have a fresh minty taste, in 2 daily capsules. You can read the list of nutrients the capsules are formulated with are here.*
What is something that is helping you have a good start to your day lately? What is helping you feel supported during the last few months? I would love to hear.
Thank you Ritual for sponsoring this post! * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.